Re: attention: Use your brain.
First off your name is a number... numbers normally mean they are trying to sell something. Especially when no one has even heard of you, or seen you before.
Secondly your first post is nothing but a quotation suggesting that we send in our saliva for some analysis... which is obviously going to cost us money. Followed by selling us the remedies from the very same website that gives us thier analysis. How convenient! :)
Third you post some quote that is obviously from the people who make these products.
Fourth no where do you ever talk about your health problems... or other people who you know who have personally benefited from this program until your second post. Which by the way... is no where near in comparison to a candida infection.
Fifth... I highly doubt that you sent away a saliva sample to some lab for analysis so you could get a tooth infection cured. I also highly doubt that some herb cured a tooth infection permanently... it probably removed the infection temporarily until they quit using the herbs. I could do the same with ozone...
Sixth... candida is a result of an imbalance in the body, not the cause... yes it must be dealt with, but only if the body is able to regain balance. Claiming that some herbs will eliminate all the candida in my body sounds like a big crock. I have heard it a million times...
Seventh... just cause its not an MLM or Affiliate site doesnt mean you cant make cash from it. For all I know you grow the herbs, or sell the product, or market the product in CZ.
You may be innocent, and be genuinely trying to help us and telling the truth... i have no way to tell, and if you are I appologize... but so far you look scandalous to me. And if you are... well then you have some serious issues, and you should seek help on the mental illness forum here on CZ.