Re: Suggestion on Diet Discussions ... comment from mod
Thanks for your reply Moderator,
I agree absolutely there should be respect and room for all kinds of dietary preferences on this forum, and I am certainly not advocating for any particular one.
Just wanting to increase my understanding any way that I usefully can. So, I see better your concern with putting out one way as 'the' way, and thus offending or off-putting those who have a different preference.
I guess I am the one, in this case who is asking for help,as I really do struggle with what to best eat, well, that's affordable to me too, as I attempt to reconcile all of the contradictory info out there and heal myself with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and other modalities. I for one really don't want to see a debate on diet, just useful feedback from those who have something to offer that is neither dogmatic, nor too simplistic either. For example, I don't want to keep feding the 'baddies', while trying to kill them of at the same time---not sure how well that ultimately will work---and are grains possibly 'baddy' feeders for some folks? I think I hav read ona Weston-Price site a long time ago that all of the hoopla of alkaline diet et al is not necessary, but many other places that the acid alkaline balance is Very important. So, I think there is still a process of understanding going on here, at least with me.
Thanks a Lot,