Re: olive oil
I already know that i have hypothyroidism and take Armour for that. There is so many tests i would like to have done, but it all costs money.
I have hair mineral tests done, 'that's how i discovered my thyroid problem,' thyroid and adrenal tests, female hormones etc etc from time to time.
Also i plan to go on water fast next week. Some people have cured their hypo by waterfasting and going on a more rawfood diet.
It will be interesting to see if i encounter any problems. I am coming off the Armour for the duration of the fast.
Yes i think that once the thyroid is functioning again whether on Armour or on its own, it solves alot of problems.
I have high tissue calcium, which is now coming down on Armour.
My goal is to get the thyroid working on its own, without the need for Armour or anything else.