Re: Hey Trapper (re hydrogen peroxide)
Hi Molly,
this is great, definitely going to try it! I'll have to dig out my
CS gear--I stored it away in my storage locker. It only makes about
a cup worth at one time, however. Oh, well...that will have to do!
Thanks for the info. BTW, I haven't used deodorant since the late
1970s, when I started juice fasting. Ever since then I have not
needed to use it! My chief skin complaints are athlete's foot,
a patch on my arm where I had eczema and every so often it
threatens to break out again, and tons of brown spots from lying
in the sun, plus some spider veins on my thighs, but I doubt those
will be remedied by bathing in H2O2, etc. (sure would be nice,
now, wouldn't it? :-) Today I'm on day 13 of a juice fast
(beets, carrots, cuke and bitter greens). My facial skin
looks great, I'm even losing fine lines under my eyes--lovin' it!
My energy level just doesn't quit--here it is 12:30 a.m. and
I'm not a bit tired! Perhaps the oil pulling has something to
do with that--today is my 2nd day.