HELP *off topic* never ending horrible cough
Maybe you guys can help me..
I had that terrible flu..and this actually happens to me whenever I even get a cold.
I get a cough, a deep, nasty cough that wont go away.
I cough and cough and cough until I pull muscles in my stomach, til I have a migraine from spraining my neck muscles, til my brain and throat are like mush, til every part of my body feels battered. I sometimes have coughing fits so bad they thrash my body around and I cant control it.
Its horrible. It seems to be happening because of my life when I was younger. I smoked and smoked and smoked weed, every minute of every day. I could feel the damage I was doing to my bronchial tubes. I developed chronic bronchitis back then. Then my drug use progressed to crack cocaine and possibly meth(didnt always know what I was even doing back then) which I smoked off aluminum foil. I would inhale the smoke that came from the burning metal itself and taste metal for weeks on my breathe. I also chain smoked ciggarettes (this was all about 4 or 5 years ago now). Well a couple times, back then, I got sick, and kept doing all that horrible stuff while sick, and I got really, really sick where I was coughing up blood. One night after smoking all night, I woke up and couldnt breathe. My lungs had completely filled with fluid. Suffocating I went and coughed (threw up) the fluid out of my lungs. It was terrifying, and the first time I quit smoking. (of course I went back to it later and didnt actually quit fully to a year ago this past new years)I think I did something that created scar tissue or something in my bronchial tubes. Because ever since then, its been like this whenever I get even slightly sick.
Other people get coughs, they get better in a week or two. Mine last months. I had a cough so bad it left me with a constant headache and barely able to work for 3 months straight before, maybe even longer. Its like every time I get sick, I cough up all the mucous, then, when my lungs are empty and should be healed, my lungs feel the scars or whatever is wrong in there and try to expell them. So I just cough and cough forever. And this is coughing that disrupts my job. I have to bend over and cough and cough to the point of gagging and almost throwing up sometimes.
The only thing that makes it better?
Antibiotics . I need them. But I cant have them because I have no medical insurance and doctors charge over a hundred dollars just to SEE you let alone what you have to pay for the
Antibiotics themselves. SO thats a no go.
Is there anything you guys can suggest that will help me? Any natural
Antibiotics that really work? My head hurts so bad..its like its being crushed in at the temples every time I cough..I cant think. I cant do anything. My healing is going nowhere because of this infection in my lungs.
Ive tried heating pads, steam treatments (humidifiers), vapor rub, cough drops, yucky cough syrup (does NOTHING). Still my bronchial tubes spasm and spasm and nothing can stop the cough from coming.
Im taking my 50mgs of
Iodine a day and tons of vitamin C (6+ grams a day, maybe more). I was hoping the
Iodine would get rid of it but so far, no difference from when Im normally sick. I go through this at least once or twice a year.
Am I just doomed to suffer because of my mistakes in the past? Or is there truly some thing I can do for these messed up bronchial tubes? I can feel the swelling and roughness in there when I breathe. Also, there is a wheezing noise when I breathe now and its scaring me.
I appreciate any help. Ive been doing everything you guys suggested for the flu and the flu got better its just once the cough is triggered, Im done for. :(