well my girlfriend had a smear test done on her, because she went to the doctor at the time of the break out. her test came in positive for genital herpes type 2. about 2 years ago mid swim season (which lowers my immune system horrendously and im constantly getting sick) i got about 4 white sores in my mouth (under my tongue and on my gums) i went to the doctor to have it checked and i was told that it was simply an infection that i somehow got. and not herpes or anything, i have never gotten a cold sore at or around my lips. secondly, i have never performed oral sex on my current partner, so i don't think that if i had herpes 1 that i gave it to her down yander. My dad on the other hand gets a cold sore about once a year, is it possible that i inherited the disease?? and lastly im getting tested today, but i wont know the results for about a week at least....