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?? Magnesium citrate vs ES day after coke flush
  Views: 2,388
Published: 17 y

?? Magnesium citrate vs ES day after coke flush

I can see that the magnesium citrate would be more synergystic with the other ingredients of the coke flush than the magnesium sulfate. HOWEVER---- I find it very nasty to get down. It's a whole lot less nasty than liver failure, but you see, there are always those who want the "easy" way out. lol!
I was wondering IF there would be a difference in the results one got with the coke flush if they drank the ES the next morning rather than the magnesium citrate?
I have done it and had what I thought was good luck. Was just wondering how taking the ES instead would affect this kind of flush and in what way?
Thanks for the consideration.


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