I did the ES once and I'll never do it again. I see absolutely no need for it. Before OR after the flush. Supposedly the ES relaxes the ductwork and makes things pass smoothly. I don't buy it. Perhaps it may relax the common bile duct but I see no value with it for anything to do with the colon.
The magnesium citrate sounds like it would be a lot better but I've never done it so can't give any experiential advise on it. Either way they're both about the same and I don't see any need for either one of them. I know other flushes revolve around the ES or magnesium citrate and perhaps they should without the Ultraphos. But once the liver is flushed I see no need to keep the common bile duct relaxed. Let it resume it's normal tone and everythings fine.
Talk about the easy way to do it. Coke, olive oil and lemon. Nothing pre, nothing post, well, lots of fluids post but otherwise carry on.