Purple House Guy
I know your post was mostly about Hanna Hysteria (I listen to the country music station here in Waco when I'm in my car and that's all they talked about yesterday besides the big game), but I don't want to miss the opportunity to rant about your neighbor. Now we all know which female derogatory category I belong to... lol
I am INCENSED by the injustice being done to your neighbors. But it's not just the fact that all levels of govt think they can take someone's land/property away by eminent domain. I think the greater injustice is that your neighbors didn't have an inkling of a clue of their sovereign rights as men and women before God our Creator.
You are the one who first told me about the two separate law systems in this country. There is statutory law, which is the law that is practiced by the judicial system in the US and which all of our USG, Inc. types follow. They have their own set of rules, their own vocabulary, their own trickeries and practices and terms of art, etc, that don't mean a THING like we the regular people have these words to mean.
Then there is the common law, the organic law, "The Law" that is based on Biblical principles. This is the law that the Declaration of Independence referred to when it was written- the "we the people" laws which say that we are BORN with these certain unalienable rights endowed to us BY OUR CREATOR and these rights can't be taken away from us by some willy-nilly government scheme that only benefits them.
You were the one who told me that this statutory law system which benefits govts and the elite calls people "persons," and told me that in the eyes of the government, based on the vocabulary they use, I, Donna, was a corporation- a for-profit business. At the time, I laughed it off. I thought it was funny. But a dear friend showed me how terribly sober it actually is.
I know, Oh, with the deepest knowing I have to know, that I am a woman, and NOT AT ALL a person/corporation/business. If I enter into ANY kind of an agreement with the State, whether it be a driver's license or the purchase of some property, the State doesn't view me as a woman, but as a corporation. I know the State makes these contracts with me in order to benefit the State and that I am legally bound by them, but they can wiggle around and default on their side of it any time they want to, because they wrote the contract.
I know, that since it's a State contract, and since they think of me as a business and not a real live flesh and blood woman, that they think they can come in and breach that contract and take what is rightfully mine. It doesn't matter if my rights are protected by the US Constitution. If I'm a business, I don't HAVE these rights. Those Constitutional rights were to protect "we the (sovereign) people." But in the statutory court sytem... the novus ordo seclorum, the anti-Christ system, I, Donna, the woman, created by God, don't exist.
Oh, honey.
Out of all your neighbors, only ONE fella had the guts to fight for his rights. Yay, dude! But what did the judge say to him? "Get the ---- out by Friday or we'll drag you out!" Look at the intimidation tactics! If you don't "obey" your civil authorities, they will come in with guns and dogs! And if you live in my neck of the woods, tanks!
But, Oh, people don't know who they are. They don't know their real position. They don't know what they were born with. They think the GOVT gives them these rights, and then when the govt comes along and steals these rights and properties and freedoms, the people just shrug and say "that's life." It just makes me cry, Oh, because it isn't true! We the people have been lied to, and the truth has been hidden from us by an educational and media system run by the very folks who only have their own best intentions at heart and not ours.
Where was I? Why didn't I go talk to Purple House Guy and offer to be his friend? Why didn't I pray for him?
I mean, I live in Texas and there was this little mission church in San Antonio called the Alamo. Maybe you've heard of it. There were about 30 guys in there that held off the entire Mexican Army for days. Congressman David Crockett heard about these boys and ran down from Tennessee (hope I spelled it right)to help out because that was a cause worth fighting for. They fought to the death for what they believed in. I think that fighter spirit is in all of us Texans.
We've got to stick up for each other, and I'm willing to do it. I know the country's all hoo-ah about the war over there, but there's a war going on right here under our noses. We don't see the guns much yet, but if we blow it now, our grandkids will see the guns.
Sometimes we just have to decide in our hearts to do the right thing, no matter the cost. And we need to stand together. Fight together. And above all, pray together.