My best friend...
is an OB/GYN. Up to visit me this weekend. We actually got into a very tense period. I wasn't going to say anything, but all these things I am doing are a big part of my life now. I've know her since we were 12, so that is about 38 years now.
First it was the liver flush, that started the heated discussion. Then it was onto the colonics. Then the oil pulling. I can't remember where it went, because we'd had 3 Mojitos, and I was hunting allopathic bear at that point. I think the point I lost it was because I'm bathing in H202, and she really freaked out.
Now, this woman grew up in Berkeley. Traveled the desert in Africa with a basket full of condoms. She is, what I'd term, a pseudo hippy. So, this allopathic mentality goes very very deep into the education of our doctors. I know this, because this woman is a vegetarian, ecologically aware, politically aware, in fact, a health nut in most ways.....
I still love her, and she still loves me, but this was one of the worst of outing myself with all of this stuff. She does agree that I look better, and sound better than 6 months ago.
So, I've learned. If people want to know, then I will talk. If they don't, I zip my lip.