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Re: a colon hydrotherapist told me that she does a round of 11 colonics over twelve days once a year
valerie_cct Views: 2,242
Published: 17 y
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Re: a colon hydrotherapist told me that she does a round of 11 colonics over twelve days once a year

I've never performed a series of this many colonics in such a short period of time. To me it is clearly excessive, and something I would not recommend.

I have had clients who needed sessions twice a week for 2 to 4 weeks, followed by once a week for several weeks, then once every 2 weeks for a while and finally maintenance once a month. But for a series of 11 colonics, the shortest period of time I can imagine doing that would be over about a 2 to 3 month period. I often do recommend enemas in between colonics as needed to maintain regularity though.




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