And you are left! lol
You rely on Wikipedia for your definition of Communism? ROFL!
C'mon Roky, you have gotten to the threshold of the truth a time or two here, but refuse to look further when you get much passed your pre-conceived notions. Take off the blinders man! Till you do, you are still one of THEIR tools!
You see the wrongness, the corruption, the corporate welfare and the control by the few of the many, but in the end your solution is socialism, which hands more power to the ruling elite and takes away freedoms and ambitions from those it enslaves with it's handouts.
The answer is LESS central power, not more. Anything else plays into the hands of those who would rule us all, no matter what label you want to give them.
I do understand, you have lots and lots of company who are unable to believe that virtually the entire life they have lived has been an illusion created by puppet masters.