by Alan Stang
February 1, 2008
Many patriots these days lament that the Republican Party has “lost its way” and “gone wrong.” It has “diverged” from the fiscally responsible, small government philosophy of Republican heroes like Robert Taft whom Eisenhower’s handlers finagled out of the nomination for President in 1952. We are told that is why today’s Republican Establishment hates Dr. Ron Paul with such a passion; that they hate him because, like Taft, he is the quintessential Republican. Patriots who say that are mistaken, of course. The reason the Republican Establishment hates Dr. Paul is precisely that he is not a traditional, mainstream Republican, that his platform of freedom is an aberration. The Republican Party didn’t “go wrong,” didn’t “go left.”
It has been wrong from the beginning, from the day it was founded. From the beginning, the Republican Party has worked without deviation for bigger, more imperial government, for higher taxes, for more wars, for more totalitarianism. From the beginning, the Republican Party has been Red.
Why? In 1848, Communists rose in revolution across Europe, united by a document prepared for the purpose, entitled Manifesto of the Communist Party. Its author was a degenerate parasite named Karl Marx, whom a small gang of wealthy Communists – the League of Just Men – hired for the purpose. The Manifesto told its adherents and its victims what the Communists would do.
But the Revolution of 1848 failed. The perpetrators escaped, just ahead of the police. And they went, of course, to the united States. In 1856, the Republican Party ran its first candidate for President. By that time, these Communists from Europe had thoroughly infiltrated this country, especially the North. Many became high ranking officers in the Union Army and top government officials.
Down through the decades, Americans have wondered about Yankee brutality in that war. Lee invaded the North, but that sublime Christian hero forbade any forays against civilians. Military genius Stonewall Jackson stood like a stone wall and routed the Yankees at Manassas, but when Barbara Frietchie insisted on flying the Yankee flag in Frederick, Maryland, rather than the Stars and Bars, that sublime Christian hero commanded, according to John Greenleaf Whittier, “‘Who touches a hair of yon gray head/Dies like a dog! March on!’ he said.”
But the Yankees, invading the South, were monsters, killing, raping and destroying civilian property. In one Georgia town, some 400 women were penned in the town square in the July heat for almost a week without access to female facilities. It got worse when the Yankee slime got into the liquor. Some two thousand Southern women and children were shipped north to labor as slaves. Didn’t you learn that in school?
Sherman’s scorched earth March to the Sea was a horror the later Nazis could not equal. Why? Because the Yankees hated Negro slavery so much? There can be no doubt that the already strong Communist influence in the North, combined with that of the maniacal abolitionists, was at least one of the main reasons. Slavery was a tardy excuse, an afterthought they introduced to gain propaganda traction.
In retrospect, it appears that because nothing like this had ever happened here, Lee and Jackson did not fully comprehend what they were fighting. Had this really been a “Civil” War, rather than a secession, they would and could easily have seized Washington after Manassas and hanged our first Communist President and the other war criminals. Instead they went home, in the mistaken belief that the defeated Yankees would leave them alone. Lee did come to understand – too late. He said after the war that had he known at the beginning what he had since found out, he would have fought to the last man.
What was the South fighting? Alexander Hamilton was the nation’s first big government politician. Hamilton wanted a strong central government and a national bank. Vice President Aaron Burr killed Hamilton in a duel. The problem was that Burr didn’t kill him soon enough. Henry Clay inherited and expanded Hamilton’s ideas in something called the “American System,” which advocated big government subsidies for favored industries and high, ruinous tariffs, what we today call “socialism for the rich.” Clay inspired smooth talking railroad lawyer Abraham Lincoln, who inherited the Red escapees from the Revolution of 1848 and became our first Communist President.
All of this comes again to mind with the recent publication of Red Republicans: Marxism in the Civil War and Lincoln’s Marxists (iUniverse, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2007) by Southern historians Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr. You must read this book, because it irrefutably nails down everything I have said above and then some. Let’s browse through Red Republicans, and, as we do so, remember that the reason most Americans have never heard of all this is that the winner writes the history.
For instance, August Willich was a member of the London Communist League with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Needless to say, Willich became a major general in the Union Army. Robert Rosa belonged to the New York Communist Club and was a major in the 45th New York Infantry. Brigadier general Louis Blenker of New York was a “convinced Marxist.” His 10,000 man division looted people in Virginia, inspiring the term “Blenkered.” Many of his men were fresh from European prisons. Our first Communist President knew this, but turned them loose on the people of the South.
In Red Republicans we learn of nine European revolutionaries convicted of treason and banished to Australia. They escaped to the united States and Canada. Three or four of them, with no military experience, became Union generals, joining at least three other Marx confidants who already held that rank. “Every man of the nine became a member of the Canadian Parliament, a governor of a territory or state in the Union, party leader, prime minister or attorney general.”
Many of these men, not all, were Germans, some four thousand of whom escaped to this country. Known as Forty-Eighters, they quickly added violent abolitionism and feminism to their Communist beliefs. In Missouri, Forty-Eighter Franz Sigel became a Union general and had uniforms made for his Third Infantry Regiment that closely resembled the uniforms worn by socialist revolutionaries in Germany in 1849.
Forty-Eighters who became high ranking Union commanders included Colonel Friedrich Salomon, Ninth Wisconsin, Colonel Fritz Anneke, Thirty Fourth Wisconsin and Colonel Konrad Krez, Twenty Seventh Wisconsin. Communist journalist Karl Heinzen wrote: “If you have to blow up half a continent and cause a bloodbath to destroy the party of barbarism, you should have no scruples of conscience. Anyone who would not joyously sacrifice his life for the satisfaction of exterminating a million barbarians is not a true republican.” Heinzen came to this country and supported Lincoln.
Joseph Weydemeyer had to flee Germany when the Communist Revolution failed. In London he belonged to the Communist League and was a close friend of Marx and Engels. He came to this country in 1851, supported Lincoln, maintained his close friendship with Marx and became a Brigadier General in the Union Army.
Dedicated socialist Richard Hinton had to leave England. In this country he became a Union colonel, a Radical Republican and an associate of maniac John Brown’s. So was Allan Pinkerton, who financed him. At one meeting with Brown, Pinkerton told his son: “Look well upon that man. He is greater than Napoleon and just as great as George Washington.” Yes, Pinkerton was the great detective who founded the agency that bears his name. Why didn’t you know that? In Kansas, mass murderer Brown enjoyed the support of wealthy Yankees (the Secret Six). August Bondi and Charles Kaiser, who worked with Brown there, were Forty Eighters.
What about Marx himself? Marx fled to England, where he is buried. He became the European correspondent for socialist Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune, whose Managing Editor, Charles Dana, was a Communist. Dana hired Marx as a foreign correspondent. Marx wrote often of his kinship with the new Republican Party. Dana’s generosity to Marx kept that scumbag alive.
Remember that Marx never worked a day to support his family, but did find time to impregnate their maid. Dana later became Assistant Secretary of War. All these people were in place when our first Communist President was elected on the Republican ticket in 1860 and provoked Lincoln’s Communist War to Destroy the Union.
The GOP Convention of 1860 took place in Chicago, a flaming center of German Communism. Many such Reds were delegates, including Johann Bernhard Stallo and Frederick Hassaurek from Ohio and Heinrich Bornstein from Missouri, a friend of Marx. Socialist Carl Schurz was a delegate from Wisconsin. To guarantee German support in Illinois, Lincoln secretly bought the Illinois Staats Anzieger. After the election he awarded the editor a consular post.
Socialist Friedrich Kapp was editor of the New Yorker-Abendzeitung. He wrote propaganda for the new Republican Party and helped mightily to deliver the German-American vote to Lincoln. With other Forty-Eighters, he was an elector for Lincoln in 1860. Remember, these are just a few examples. You really need to read the book. Call, toll-free 1 (800) 288-4677 to order.
Remember that slavery, for these Communists, was just an afterthought, a tool. Before the War for Independence, it was the Southern colonies that petitioned the King to stop importing slaves into the South. Did you know that Jefferson tried to include in the Declaration of Independence a complaint against the King because his government had forbidden the colonies to end the slave trade? Jefferson’s language was deleted to avoid giving offense to New England, which was making buckets of money trading slaves.
Indeed, did you also know that if slavery was what the South fought to defend, all it had to do was stay in the Union? Lincoln made clear that he would defend slavery and would not free slaves owned by a man in a state within the Union: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
Remember that the Emancipation Proclamation came well into the war. It was a propaganda stunt that freed only the slaves in areas controlled by the Confederacy; in other words, none. Meanwhile, prominent abolitionist Robert E. Lee, the first man Lincoln offered command of the Union Army, had freed his family’s slaves long before the war. So, what were the Communists who came here after?
Republican Senator John Sherman, brother of the monster who Marched to the Sea, advised his fellow senators to “nationalize as much as possible [making] men love their country before their states. All private interests, all local interests, all banking interests, the interests of individuals, everything, should be subordinate now to the interests of the Government.”
Germany was a decentralized collection of independent states. The goal of the Forty Eighters there was a “united, indivisible republic” in which those states would be dissolved. Land and private industry would be confiscated. The government would be transformed into a Socialist dictatorship. These are the ideas the Forty Eighters came to implement here. By the way, that is what Hitler did in the 1930s. That is what the fleeing Communists found so attractive in Lincoln.
So, again, the Republican Party did not “go wrong.” It was rotten from the start. It has never been anything else but red. The characterization of Republican states as “red states” is quite appropriate. What do these revelations mean to us? Again, Dr. Paul is an aberration. He is not a “traditional Republican.” A “traditional Republican” stands for high taxes, imperial government and perpetual war.
Dr. Paul is much more a traditional Democrat. I refer of course to the Democrat Party before the Communist takeover, which began with the election of Woodrow Federal Reserve-Income Tax-World War I Wilson and was consummated with the election of liar, swindler, thief, traitor and mass murderer Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I am talking about the Democrat Party of Thomas Jefferson.
So of course the Republican Party will do everything it can to sandbag Dr. Paul. Expect that. It rightly considers him an interloper who doesn’t belong there. Yes, because of decades of perversion of popular opinion about the Republican Party, he must run as a Republican. But no patriot loyalty, and certainly no trust, should be forthcoming, because the Party is a sidewinder that will betray him in a Ghouliani minute.
Dr. No is on one side. The Republicrat Party is on the other.
© 2008 - Alan Stang - All Rights Reserved
If you look at what is, instead of what the neocon revisionists want you to believe you will plainly see that the Republicans with Bush at the head, are our new form of government - corporate fascism. The failed industrialist military coup of the early 1930s (see below) has succeeded through their ownership of the entire lobbying establishment and their pro-war (mythologically tagged as anti-terrorism) fanaticism.
Marx has been incorrectly stereotyped as a Lenin/Soviet figure. Nothing could be further from the truth. He even stood up during the First International when there as a heated discussion of his ideas as the basis of revolution and said "If this is Marxism, then I am not a Marxist."
I am a communist. A dyed in the wool communist. The type of original communism as practiced by the Essene/Nazarenes in the Book of Acts. It is from these non-violent, peace loving, followers of Jesus the Essene, that modern concepts of communism originated. As with all original wisdom teachings, communism of this form has been corrupted by greed, just as Karl Marx's communism was/has been totally corrupted by greed. It is the same with the teachings of all the great teachers, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, and many more.
What you have written is nothing more than a modern version of the philosophy of the alcoholic, in the closet gay, liar, Joseph McCarthy who was so spiritually ill that his life neither amounted to much nor did it last very long.
Give me communism any day over the corporate fascism that we have today.
This below is what the corporations wanted 70 years ago through a military overthrow of the U. S. Government, and what they have instead completed through their political hacks, the lobbyists (and yes, the Israel lobby) - the vast majority of which never ever expresses the interests of the American people - even though Bush is "exporting democracy." We've never had democracy and the way that the corporate government is going it will take a revolution of the people to reinstate what we originally had.
Keep believing all those conspiracy theories that you have and you will end up just like Joseph McCarthy.
In the early 1930s, some of America's wealthiest industrialists and bankers plotted to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) and replace it with a fascist dictatorship. Thanks to one of the greatest whistleblowers of all time, we know the names of the prominent Wall Street financiers and politicians (both Democrat and Republican) who organized and backed this plot. The whistleblower who exposed the fascist plot was a U.S. military hero named Major-General Smedley Darlington Butler.
For 33 years, Butler -- a two-time recipient of the prestigious U.S. Medal of Honor -- had fought with the Marines. He helped invade numerous countries, subdued native revolts, oversaw fraudulent elections and forced regime changes on nations to bring them in line with U.S. economic interests. (Sound familiar?) All this, Butler later said, was done in order to protect America's foreign investments. In 1935, describing himself as a "racketeer for capitalism," Butler said, "I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was operate his racket in three city districts. We Marines operated on three continents" (Common Sense magazine, Nov. 1935).
In 1933, the year Hitler took control of Germany, some of Wall Street's top financiers sent representatives to recruit the recently-retired General Butler into a fascist coup d'etat to overthrow FDR. Butler played along in order to find out who was behind the scheme and then, in 1934, he testified under oath before the MacCormack-Dickstein House Committee that was examining Nazi propaganda in the United States. Butler named names and exposed the key fascist plotters. He also identified a high-powered, business organization, the American Liberty League, as the "super-organization" behind the plan for an American coup.
Thanks to General Butler, this Wall Street plan to subvert U.S. democracy was thwarted. However, none of the multi-millionaire behind the plot were ever questioned by legal authorities, let alone charged or put on trial for treason. In fact, they continued to work behind the scenes, through the American Liberty League, to sabotage FDR's "New Deal" administration.
rest of story at:
You rely on Wikipedia for your definition of Communism? ROFL!
C'mon Roky, you have gotten to the threshold of the truth a time or two here, but refuse to look further when you get much passed your pre-conceived notions. Take off the blinders man! Till you do, you are still one of THEIR tools!
You see the wrongness, the corruption, the corporate welfare and the control by the few of the many, but in the end your solution is socialism, which hands more power to the ruling elite and takes away freedoms and ambitions from those it enslaves with it's handouts.
The answer is LESS central power, not more. Anything else plays into the hands of those who would rule us all, no matter what label you want to give them.
I do understand, you have lots and lots of company who are unable to believe that virtually the entire life they have lived has been an illusion created by puppet masters.
I am a communist. A dyed in the wool communist
i like communal living, too :P
And who exactly do you think were behind the wall street financiers who planned the revolt? The very same Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan/Chase NWO group that I have posted about over and over.
The type of communism you speak of is NOT the communism of modern times which was an invention of the International Jews - the same group as listed above. What did Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Rothshild and Rockefeller ALL have in common? What were 233 members of the first proletariat of 300 installed to rule Russia after the Boshevik revolution ousted the Czar?
Communalism where alll share and share alike in the work and the benefits is a wonderful idea. But that is not the same as Communism, which uses the communal ideal as window dressing for their plans of world domination by a power elite, the same as we saw in Moscow with informants in every block, factory and group, precious few freedoms, and luxuries only for the privileged few. Merely a model for what the NWO has planned for all of us.
I don't believe in many conspiracy theories, but I do believe in conspiracies - most history is a result of conspiracies, and it suits those who would re-write and hide history to portray those who know the truth about their evil plans as conspiracy nuts.
On the other hand, if you keep believing the nice fairy tales about communism and you may just see what it, and it's masters and inventors, are all about in your lifetime - and those of us still left alive will indeed share and share alike a wretched existence of laboring for the rich elite, sharing our few crumbs, miserable existence and lack of human liberties.
And now another version of the Butler story:
he story that Wall Street bankers planned to overthrow FDR in 1933 still makes the rounds in 2007.
Last week, the BBC named "Dubya's" grandfather, Prescott Bush as one of the conspirators.
Clearly, the Illuminati bankers staged the "planned coup" to give FDR credibility as Wall Street's nemesis. As I will show, they routinely used such tricks to build up their Presidential puppet.
The NWO apparently still considers Roosevelt and the New Deal as propaganda assets. They want us to think the bankers don't run the government and fascism doesn't takes the form of socialism.
The conspirators (members of the "American Liberty League") approached retired Major General Smedley Butler to use 500,000 veterans to remove FDR and become a Mussolini-like figure himself.
Smedley Butler was the LAST man you would ask if you were serious about such a coup. However, if you wanted someone to expose your coup (as he did; thought it "smacked of treason,") Butler was the "go-to" person.
The most decorated Marine in history; Gen. Smedley Butler1 recently had been forced to resign by Herbert Hoover for calling Mussolini a "mad dog" and warning that his fascist cohorts "were about to break loose in Europe." Butler refused to retract his remarks and thus became a national hero overnight.
Nor was Butler fond of Wall Street, touring the nation with a speech stating that the bankers used the US army as "gangsters for capitalism" -- thugs and debt collectors:
"Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints," Butler said. "The best he could do was .. operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." ("War is a Racket" 1933)
"There was definitely something crazy about the whole affair," remarked Curt Gentry. "Butler who had gained prominence for speaking out against fascism, being asked to become an American Duce." ("J. Edgar Hoover" p.203)
Nevertheless, Gentry and most other historians accepted the tale, indicating that they function as highly paid flacks.
The story received its widest currency in Jules Archer's book "The Plot to Seize the White House" (1973). Judging from Archer's other works, he is either the Illuminati's best propagandist or biggest dupe (or both.)
His other subjects include such "defenders of the people" as: Trotsky, Mao Tse Tung; Chou En Lai; and Ho Chi Minh. He has also penned books about such elite-sponsored movements as feminism, civil rights and environmentalism.
For the answer, we are indebted to a book by a courageous honest, public-spirited New York doctor, Emmanuel Josephson: "The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt" (1948)2.
FDR was the scion of two Illuminati families, the Delanos and the Roosevelts. He was related to a dozen US Presidents: four on the Roosevelt side and eight on the Delano side. He was a third cousin of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
These families have some Jewish antecedents but they also have Dutch, German, Swedish and principally English blood. FDR's mother's father, Warren Delano made a sizable fortune in the opium trade. His father James Roosevelt was Vice President of a railway and director of several companies.
FDR was a spoiled brat who could always change the rules to suit his whims. He was tutored privately, and failed law school but allowed to enter the bar anyway. He never held a real job. In the 1920's, he helped float some stock market scams. As Governor and later President, he was extremely suggestible, evasive and shifty. Louis Howe created his public persona and did his thinking for him. He was FDR's "alter and wiser ego." (102)
FDR had a small army of speech writers and sometimes there were screw-ups. For his Democratic nomination acceptance in 1932, he was handed two speeches with diametrically opposed views and read them both. (157)
After his attack of encephalomyelitis, the Rockefellers gave him a health spa at Warm Springs, Georgia. They subsequently funneled millions of dollars to FDR in the guise of contributions to his "foundation" to help the sick. (Dr. Josephson found that the institution did not accept charity cases and didn't issue financial statements.) (118-ff)
In Josephson's words, "Roosevelt was magnificently bribed to run for office. By the end of 1930, some $700,000 was poured into the coffers of the Foundation ...[FDR] was the pathetic puppet of conspirators scheming the destruction of democracy and the establishment of an American monarchy." (95, 124)
In return under FDR, the US Treasury spent hundreds of millions bribing Saudi King Ibn Saud and building oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia to benefit Standard Oil. (262-263)
Josephson said the basic doctrines of the Rockefeller Empire are "feudalistic monarchic government" ... "monopoly of every necessity of life and of national existence, and absolute dictatorship..." (86-87)
The rich must "divide and rule": " The people must be dealt with not as Americans but as minorities set at each other's throats, labor vs. Capital, Black vs. White, Catholic vs. protestant, Christian vs. Jew for e.g." (87) He could have added male vs. female and gay vs. straight.
Rich degenerate inbreeds running for President naturally pretend to defend the public good. Naturally their banker-sponsors are willing to feign displeasure and opposition.
FDR learned the game from his cousin Theodore Roosevelt who pretended to be a "trust buster," while remaining a creation of the trusts.
The contributors to FDR's 1932 campaign include a Who's Who of the US business elite, the same people who supposedly tried to overthrow him a year later: Hearst, Rockefeller, Morgan, Baruch, Du Pont, Astor.
In 1933, a group of "publicity men" advised that fascism was becoming unpopular in America and FDR could score points by opposing the Nazis. "They suggested that Hearst and his publications launch a sham attack on Roosevelt and at the same time pretend to support Nazism and Fascism, thus throwing the Anti-Nazis and Anti-Fascists in the Roosevelt camp." (167)
"As the perverters of public opinion expected, the gullible public raged at Hearst and flocked to the standards of Roosevelt, blind to the fact that he was giving them another of the same brand of dictatorship." (167)
The antagonism was an utter sham. Hearst employed FDR's son Elliot, and his daughter and her husband! Similarly the public enmity of the munitions manufacturing Duponts was also a sham. Ethel Dupont married FDR Jr. !
"The Liberty League was then set up for the ostensible purpose of attacking Roosevelt and fighting his re-election. This served to throw the entire pacifist vote into Roosevelt's camp and helped reassure his re-election." (169)
Clearly the "Fascist Coup" was another clever ploy invented by the "publicity men."
Curtis Dall was a banker and FDR's son-in-law. He portrays the President not as a leader but as a "quarterback" with little actual power. The "coaching staff" consisted of a coterie of handlers ("advisers" like Louis Howe, Bernard Baruch and Harry Hopkins) who represented the international banking cartel. For Dall, FDR ultimately was a traitor manipulated by "World Money" and motivated by conceit and personal ambition.
The 1933 Fascist Coup is indicative of the trouble the elite takes to manipulate the public. After FDR, no President (until George W. Bush) did more to take America down the road to tyranny.
Today we have to take attacks on Bush with a grain of salt. They are designed to drive the public into the open arms of Illuminati puppets Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama. In fact, much of the conflict in the world today may be generated and controlled by the Illuminati central bankers.
The Republicans have had a grip on congress for the better part of 30 years. They are the one's who have implemented corporate fascism. This sure as hell isn't communism.
The Basics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Most companies paid no taxes during the
boom |
corporate tax receipts at 20-year low, the GAO takes a look through the
books and finds 94% of all U.S. companies paid less than 5% -- and 61%
paid nothing at all. By MSN Money staff and news services Think about this as you sign that check to Uncle Sam next week: More than 60% of all U.S. companies paid no federal tax at all during the boom years of 1996 to 2000, the General Accounting Office reports. In 2000 alone, 94% of all U.S. corporations paid less than 5% of their total income in corporate taxes, the GAO said in a report released Friday. Among the largest corporations -- the 1% of all corporations that owns 93% of all corporate assets -- 82% paid less than 5% of their income in taxes. And it wasn't just American companies avoiding a bill. About 70% of foreign-owned companies doing business in the United States paid no federal tax in the late 1990s, the GAO said. The GAO report covered 2.1 million returns by U.S. companies and 69,000 foreign-owned companies. The federal corporate tax rate is 35%, but tax credits and
loopholes can dramatically shrink the tax bill. Companies
may not report U.S. income tax because of current-year operating losses,
losses carried forward from preceding tax years, tax credits and improper
pricing of intercompany transactions.
'Gaping loopholes' The study was requested by Democratic senators Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and Carl Levin of Michigan as a follow-up to one done in 1999 and confirmed the earlier findings. Dorgan said the results showed Congress needed to make major changes in U.S. tax laws to close "gaping loopholes," that allowed foreign-owned companies "to move billions of dollars in profit overseas, on income generated in the United States." "They don't pay their fair share, and the net result is that average taxpayers -- working families -- wind up paying more to make up that difference," Dorgan said. President Bush's budget forecasts corporations will pay $168.7 billion in income taxes in 2004 compared with $765.4 billion paid by individuals. |
And the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution, the graduated income tax as proposed by Karl Marx, was also ratified.
Contrary to popular BELIEF, the 16th amendment did not create a third category of tax. One subjects himself to the payment of revenue taxes, for the most part, because he BELIEVES he is a "taxpayer" as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code, hence, he BELIEVES he is required to pay:
"The Internal Revenue Code is clear in showing which persons are liable for a tax. For example, 26 U.S.C. 5703(a)(1) states:
"The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products shall be liable for the taxes imposed by section 5701. 26 U.S.C. 5703(a)(1). " 26 U.S.C. 5703(a)(1) (Emphasis added.)
And, another example:
Sec. 5005. Person liable for tax.
(a) General. The distiller or importer of distilled spirits shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by section 5001(a)(1). 26 U.S.C. 5005. (Emphasis added.)
I ask you to try to find a similar place in the Internal Revenue Code that imposes a tax on an activity that I am involved in.
I can also suggest to you that the courts have ruled that liability for taxation must clearly appear. "[L]iability for taxation must clearly appear." Higley v. C.I.R.,69 F.2d 160, at 162-163 (8th Cir. 1934).
Furthermore, I deny being a "taxpayer" as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code. I also deny that I have any "taxable income" or "taxable year" as these terms are defined in the Internal Revenue Code.
If you continue to act on a mere assumption that I am subject to or liable for any revenue tax, you will carry the burden of proof as to the lawfulness of your actions.
You should note that the courts have clearly stated the revenue laws relate only to those who are subject to or liable for a tax.
"The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessment and collection. They relate to taxpayers and not to nontaxpayers. The latter are without their scope. No procedure is prescribed for nontaxpayers, and no attempt is made to annul any of their rights and remedies in due course of law. With them Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither the subject nor the object of the revenue laws.
Note 3. The term " taxpayer " in this opinion is used in the strict or narrow sense contemplated by the Internal Revenue Code and means any person who pays, overpays, or is subject to pay his own personal income tax. (See section 7701(a)(14) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.) A "nontaxpayer" is a person who does not possess the foregoing requisites of a taxpayer." Economy Plumbing and Heating Co. v. United States, 470 F.2d 585, 589-590 (U.S. Court of Claims, 1972). (Emphasis added.)
In other words, all the statutes and regulations under the internal revenue laws apply only to those who are subject to or liable for a revenue tax.
I submit that you do not have the authority to determine who is and who is not subject to or liable for a tax. Before you proceed to act on a mere assumption that I am someone who is subject to or liable for a particular tax, I suggest you try to determine whether the subject of the tax is in the category of people, property, or activities, and then try to find a place in the Internal Revenue Code that imposes a tax on that particular subject.
I submit that there is no tax within the Internal Revenue Code imposed on people or property. A federal court stated: "Indeed, the requirement for apportionment is pretty strictly limited to taxes on real and personal property and capitation taxes." Penn Mutual Indemnity Co. v. C.I.R., 277 f.2d 16 (3rd Cir. 1960).
I submit that there is no tax imposed by the internal revenue laws that has been apportioned among the States as the United States Constitution requires of direct taxes. Obviously, since there are no federal taxes apportioned among the States (including social security taxes) there is no tax imposed on either people or property.
[T]here is no tax imposed by the internal revenue laws that has been apportioned among the States as the United States Constitution requires of direct taxes. Obviously, since there are no federal taxes apportioned among the States (including social security taxes) there is no tax imposed on either people or property.
The United States Supreme Court stated: "In the matter of taxation, the Constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes, and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed, namely: the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes, and the rule of uniformity as to duties, imposts and excises." Pollack v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429, at 557 (1895); and Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co., 240 U.S. 1, at 13 (1916). (Emphasis added.)
"[T]he conclusion reached in the Pollack Case did not in any degree involve holding that income taxes generically and necessarily came with in the class of direct taxes on property, but on the contrary recognized the fact that taxation on income was in its nature an excise entitled to be enforced as such..." Brushaber, supra, at pages 16-17. (Emphasis added.)
In the event your attorney claims the Sixteenth Amendment authorized a direct tax without apportionment, let me advise you that the United States Supreme Court said:
"[B]y the previous ruling [referring to the Brushaber case above] it was settled that the provisions of the Sixteenth Amendment conferred no new power of taxation but simply prohibited the previous complete and plenary power of income taxation possessed by Congress from the beginning from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged..." Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103, at 112. (Emphasis added.)"
Excerpt from: The Biggest Tax Loophole of All by Otto Skinner, "Letter to the Employer".
Just a family squabble between brothers. Cain and Abel did not get along either, though both had the same parents . . .
As it turns out, in your example they are both pretty much right.
BTW, who are the biggest capitalists in the world today (outside the Rothschild reptiles anyway)? Russia and China, that's who!