Re: die off from oxypowder?
I wish I knew more about this, to help you, Angel.
All I know is that I took a magnesium oxide mix powder, in water with lemon juice, two or three days in a row, infrequently over three or more years.
Yes, once, I think I passed a bolus (a clump of worms), but I didn't look.
I eventually decided I didn't like the mix, and didn't take it again.
I have also been very cautiously testing magnesium sulfate (
Epsom Salts ), yet can't seem to get enthusiastic about it...not even a 'plain' liver flush.
Very, very slowly my body seems to be doing the jobs needed, all by itself, or with the aid of small dietary changes.
There seems also to be some kinds of emotional 'constrictions' to my problems. I suggest just 'letting them go' when you think of it. After that it seems to take a few days until they evaporate.
But, that's just me.
Your way will appear to you.
My very best,