die off from oxypowder?
Hi! I am on day 4 taking
Oxypowder . It definitely does loosen things up inside! I think that I have leaky gut/candida issues and am starting to feel quite bad on the
Oxypowder . It is similar to the die off I experienced on Humaworm. Does this product kill of yeast as well? Anyone experience die off on
Oxypowder ? I did not take it last night as yesterday I had bowel cramping, mild nausea, and tons of gas. My stomach feels very bloated and distended to the point of feeling a bit short of breath. Is this normal? I also have periods of sweating then freezing and mild headache which has happened before with die off.
Also, if one has leaky gut issues will a
Colon Cleanse further expose the holes in the intestines? Will oxypowder cleanse in layers working deeper into the mucus and junk, leaving behind exposed leaky areas? I am just wondering...
I am thinking it would be good to be very cautious about what I am eating. I already only eat whole foods and know of many
food intolerances that I have. But I think it may be good to eat things that are gentle on my intestines. I have a big pot of chicken stock cooking right now. :)
Has anyone had any experience with oxypowder and leaky gut?