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Re: Examining options for curing protozoa
>> trigger antibody\complement
Ultimately that is the goal but everyone must keep in mind that this is NOT linear.
The immune system decides what is most important not you so you will get an immune attack against small cancers first. This in turn will cause massive necrosis unless you are supplemented with anti-cancer stuff like SeMC etc.
The next step is an attack against L-Form bacteria; once again your body is showered with biotoxins and stands no chance unless you understand what is needed to detox this.
Finally your antibodies start up and can/will kill
Tapeworm cysts which have been re-directing your immune response for as long as a couple of decades. This once again ends in inflammation responses and massive detox.
Finally there are other factors interfering with complete immune response, those are fluoride and accumulated heavy metals. If you don't have a way to deal with them you will not get the response you need. This goes doubly for those with a shrunken thymus due to sucralose use.
This can all be lessened by the use of a good Frequency Generator…