Re: Special 108, by MH
One hundred [and] eight is an abundant number and a semiperfect number. It is a tetranacci number.
It is the hyperfactorial of 3 since it is of the form .
108 is a number that is divisible by the value of its φ function, which is 36. 108 is also divisible by the total number of its divisors (12), hence it is a refactorable number.
In normal space, the interior angles of an equilateral pentagon measure 108 degrees each.
There are 108 free polyominoes of order 7.
In base 10, it is a Harshad number and a self number.
Sacred within Hinduism, Buddhism and connected yoga and dharma based practices.
A mala usually has beads for 108 repetitions of a mantra.
Hindu deities have 108 names. Recital of these names, often accompanied by counting of 108-beaded Mala, is considered sacred and often done during religious ceremonies. The recital is called namajapa.
It is described in the Srimad Bhagavatam that Krishna dances with 108 'Gopis' (cow-herd girls) in His Vrindavan pastimes, and later marries 16,108 wives in His city of Dwarka. Hare Krishna devotees thus hold 108 as a number of great significance.
Siva Nataraja dances his cosmic dance in 108 poses.
The total of all digits of 108 (1+0+8) is 9, which in Hinduism is said to represent the 9 tattvas[citation needed]. If you divide 108 by 2 or multiply by 2 the total of all digits again equals 9.
2^2 * 3^3 = 108 ( (2 * 2) * (3 * 3 * 3) )
The number of sins in Tibetan Buddhism.
In the temple Angkor Wat area there are numerous references to the number 108, which plays a significant role in the symbolism of the structure.
Ananda Coomaraswamy holds that the numerology of the decimal numeric system was key to its inception. 108 is therefore founded in Dharmic metaphysical numerology. One for bindu; zero for shunyata and eight for ananta.
In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.
Zen priests wear juzu (a ring of prayer beads) around their wrists, which consists of 108 beads.[1]
Many Buddhist temples have 108 steps.[1]
Hindu Kshatriya Dhangars have 108 clans. The lineage of these clans is from solar and lunar dynasties. It should be noted that the diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
The Lankavatara Sutra repeatedly refers to the 108 steps
Marma Adi has 108 pressure points.
The Chinese school of martial arts agrees with the South Indian school of martial arts on the principle of 108 pressure points.
108 number also figures prominently in the symbolism associated with Karate, particularly the Goju Ryu discipline. The ultimate Goju-ryu kata, Suparinpei, literally translates to 108. Suparinpei is the Chinese pronunciation of the number 108, while gojushi of gojushiho is the Japanese pronunciation of the number 54. The other Goju-ryu kata, Sanseru (meaning "36") and Seipai ("18") are factors of the number 108.
The 108 of the Yang long form and Wing Chun, taught by Yip Man having 108 movements are noted in this regard.[2]
Several different Taijiquan long forms consist of 108 moves.
Paek Pal Ki Hyung, the 7th form taught in the art of Kuk Sool Won, translates literally to "108 technique" form. It is also frequently referred to as the "eliminate 108 torments" form. Each motion corresponds with one of the 108 Buddhist torments or defilements.
108 Aquarii is a star in the constellation Aquarius
108 Hecuba is a large and bright main belt asteroid. Hecuba orbits within the Hygiea family of asteroids
Messier 108 is an edge-on spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781 or 1782