Special 108, by MH
For over 1 year we have been wanting to order a "special" product, made by a local artist. We finally made contact a month ago and she made us 5 samples to look at today. I liked the samples and resdigned the product a little. This lady only wanted a small down payment and we said no, we will just pay it all up front today. Brenda noticed the check has a date of 2/ 1/08 /08. Naturally the first day of every month this year will read 1/08, aka GREAT YEAR!
We hd explained 108 before to tis lady all of which she kinda thought we are a little loose...when Brenda showed her the check and we are her largest client in the history of her little business, she said this 108 stuff is starting to FREAK ME OUT! I showed her some decorations she had stacked up outside her store, such as bricks, stones, etc...and i told her don't be surprised that if you counted those bricks or those rocks that you have used to decorate with that they might count to 108.
The prodject we are having made will total 108 pieces and have 108 on the product, have a Pyramid, Have an orange, have the words CUREZONE; BAREFOOT, etc., etc., etc. and be quite the little gift item. made in the year 2008, this product will have allot of 8s on it and anyone who believes the number 8 is lucky for making $$$$$$$ will want one or anyone that just thinks this forum is cool, etc..it will be quite the item to gaze upon! The first 20 may be ready as early as 1 month from now.
I will make a web page dedicated to this product and I told the lady that get ready for lots of business because the number 108 is all over her and others around the world will want her products because she has the 108 connection. You will have to wait to see a picture in about 1 month. Each product will be numbered 1-108.