Re: The first of 30 days
Thanx for your reply. Well i just finished day 4 and i have to say it was better than day 2 and 3. Im still not really sure about how much of what to drink and i keep making sweet juice mixes by nature. no veggie juice yet!!!! I have to have a banana in it or else!
but i dont think im drinking enough. I have had 3 cups of juice and lots of that vegi broth that runs as clear as water. Unfortunaly i have only lost 3
pounds in the 4 days :( after all the starving...i really want to lose 25
pounds by the end of my fast and get really fit and super healthy. I am doing it for reasons other than vanity too!
if you have any dosage recommendations please let me know. I have tones of energy in the a.m but later in the p.m im drained!
my BM's are taking affect with the use of a laxative and they are quite you know...waterey..(sorry) but im not seeing anything other than juice fiber. Hmmm...makes me wonder.
If u know anything i should! please!
thanx again