Hi to all who read,
Ive just started a juice fast today which I plan to carry out for 30 days. Im very stoked about it but I also have fears of letting myself down. Im not too savy on the exact way to do this thing, but I have a jist of things from what i have read and researched.
I stuck to fruit juice today as I was just not ready to take the leap into vegi juice land. I will be making a vegi broth tomorrow for more potassium. The main reason I have decided to do this fast is because I have recently found that I have rheumatiod arthritis. Due to my sceptical opinions of the "medical world" and after researching the actual facts about my condition, i realized that i had to find something alterantive to the life sucking drugs my Dr. wanted to start me on.
I would really really really appriciate any help or info regarding how the best way to structure my juice fast would be. I mean, I dont really know when to do vegi when to do fruit and how much of which is ok. today i stuck with fruits, water and tea along with many pages of inspiration from curezone!
I hope the rest of my days will be somewhat a smooth ride. However, reflecting on my entier past life of drugs, booz, and terrible terrible food addictions i find that wishful thinking.
I just want to list a few conditions I have suffered from in case any one can help me further or guide me to the right kind of fasting method.
emotional issues of not being able to let go (anal retentive)
times of sever
Depression and isolation / antisocial behavior
suffered from emotional and physical abuse as a child
many many years of emotional eating or "binging"
substance abuse
years of constipation again..anal retentive
anorexia with the help of Ritalin
antideressant medication
weight gain leading to more depression
indicisiveness that takes over my life!!!!
never getting around to the things i imagine my self doing, although i dont do jack s@#$% all day!
just sheer frustration in myself
not connected to god or spirituality
lost. IM LOST!!!
i hope my cleanse helps me. I daydream about all the changes my body can go through and i read about other peoples experiences and wish that i can have the same.
anyways...thanx for reading. I hope anyone that can help me would..cuz i really need it.
oh...btw...my name is nikki and i just turned 27.
bye for now.