I had same situation,too much chemicals at home? edited by me later
I thought water was the problem, but after I compare bee flower soap as shampoo and supermarket shampoo, I saw the difference, I have new pop outs after using those ditergent based shampoo . next time I'll use soap and conditioner, see if I have new pop outs.I'm going to throw away all of them if I do.stopped using dish ditergent, and my wrist is now free of red bumps after washing.
I use turmeric to dry out pimples and red bumps, and olive oil +water after shower or bath to shield myself, just bought neem extract(health store does not have neem oil), wine vinegar and baking soda paste also works, have to used them alternatively. vinegar make the skin wet, soda makes it dry.
chinese and english has medicine out 2007 spring, claiming many skin problems caused by mites, and they lay eggs some where in the body, and eat and play some where else. I strongly believe that at least 5 days whole body pesticide creaming, including under the nails, and hair(using lice shampoo), will have success. I did it, and I recommend bathing in baking soda/iodine salt bath at night, and recream afterwards every night.I like elimite, it dries up nicely, and rub a little bit olive oil as lotion during the day will help the itch, I think it revives the dried cream, and also smother the newly hatched mites(or from the floor) and moisturize the skin without giving the mites more nutrition to drink. dry is good. ACV treats dry skin easily. better dry than pimples/red bumps.
dryer the bedding half hour frequently if not washing. Vacuum more. if dry vacuum, sprinkle cornstarch, or BS, or stronger--borax, use BS or BX for washer too.
If you do it right, there still will be a period that new pop ups will appear, be sure to treat them right away. I used XFML before(3% natromedizone with herbs), but now I prefer all nature stuff. right now use turmerics,might mix with neem, I mix with olive oil, seem worse than using alone or with essential oil(clog the pore?), using neem see if better. chinese use only turmerics to treat newly poped up skin pimples.India use both to treat scabies. Chinese have tons of different cream to treat scabies and acnes, wonder why none here? they're risk free, if not working or hurting , not using it then, right? try tiny bit first for allergic reaction.
American need small nature medicines badly. Kevin's "nature cures they do not want you to know about" might help, but you have to pay 10 bucks to find it on his website,www.naturecures.com and I did not try it, have no say about it. But I like his books immensely. He has lots law suits to fight, bet he needs money. I really like his books , wish more doctors read, and develop new medicines that can help us.
Why can't import nature small medicines to sell OTC? we take the risk ourselves, you know, and not everything has lead. IF FDA really care for us, check for lead then. nature things, even without lab statistics, do little harm to human and enviorment. European are making small nature medicines now, why not us? FDA reject nature meds, and we're not making any here, even we have the best technology. Go to India, Go to China, see how many people are bald, how many have zits?very few. Might getting more because the newly poisoned enviorment, four times new baby disorder now than 20 years ago. But zits and baldness?I have not yet noticed.
I come to look for a better life, and I found out that there's always a better way any where.
We have 1/3 who have no health insurance, still, our per person med costs are double as european country. If you never been to other country, you might think none of them live well, but they might live simple and cwowed, they might not having a lot troubles we have.
Wish we could make all the bests to ourselves. Med corporations make meds to drive the stock price up, so the CEOs can cash their free incentive shares with millions and millions. Do we need all those chemicals?We do not have much medicines to choose from, and even if we have , we do not have enough knowledge to choose.
Give doctors more small nature medicines to choose from. Move some industries back to USA, so we can make high quality things here and export, and we can import nature meds, and then learn to make them better with high tech.(Japs do that with meds and cars.)Doctors first defense suggestion to patients should be :where is he imbalanced? how can we help natually?
natual medicine needs high tech development, they might not as powerful, but compare to the side effects, and long term harm, it's worth it. imagine, just 4 nature fruits mixed together, and help you to eliminate pain, and make you energized.(I had frequent UTI for 3 years, and I discovered this
Sugar cane /carrot along with two other roots helped, never had UTI anymore)Any one in pain needs more rest, and become more over weight. Do we want to be lazy? no, we're just suffering from some kind of pain, fatigue, because of some kind of imbalance. Most diseases can be cured by plants, that means we re sick,b because we're lack of some nature things, and chemicals makes us more off balance. nature meds need more develop, more ackowledge, so we can use them better. I admire Kevin for doing what I want to do and not knowing what to do.
Who ever read this, I want to say, if we all want this, make a voice any where you go, then we can have it. My family made here our new home. All the best to our children if we can.
I'll gather some simple food recipes(cook or quick stir with bit vegie oil only , with salt and herbs, nature
Sugar only ) that help certain diseases, make photoes and try to get some one to publish it, if you know one, help me! This plan keeps me up. God, if only I could do something, to help us all, clean our body, and keep it clean, cheap , so we can all enjoy it.I need it for myself too, as a manual when any one near me gets sick. If so many people have tried and worked, why not us, here in USA? I encourage any one read this also try, if you can.I know lots of people have acnes, acnes most likely are caused by mites(other country doctors have proved), but lots people do not have them. It's a cry of body , that it needs something. vitamin?coral calcium?vitamine?too much toxin in the food that cause the flare ups? Lot of things we call them allergy, (hives, excema,skin disease,athma,etc;;;) Could it be they're allcaused by mites? or other parasites? we know
parasites cause diseases, why doctors have no medicine to help us ? Why no research based on
parasites lite mites? It's known 50% athma is caused by mites, and we just call it allergy, and steroid/inhaler is the only defense!
medical reform! For cry out loud so many years, and little done. Maybe a new comer from outside will see more clearly. My english is poor, but I have lived in three countries, all more than 5 years. And I felt that when you suffer, you're like a swimmer downning, and only one on a boat can save you. Now my boat is too far away, and I'm not a good swimmer. And if you read this, you're also a swimmer. Good or bad, does not matter, one thing we have in common, we're fighters.
We'll fight for better care for each other. Doctors, your children might not become doctors, whoever makes chemical medicine, or chemical lotions, you'll not use them, but you can not prevent you later generation to use them.
I want to see bio labs more than chem labs, I want to see herbs all over, we trade nature with chemistry, now can we trade chemistry with nature? until we have higher technology, we'll be able to use crude oil throughly as fuel, not leaving tons of mineral oil/petrouleum as lotions/baby oils/shampoo/conditioner/detergent, which poison our lung, our intestine, our skin. Some people die of this stuff.perhaps all of us have them in our lung now, since I use them every day.
We enjoyed technology, few of us enjoy luxious brought by technology. but the least enjoyed, suffer thw most, like the poor, the young. It's time we turn back to our mother nature, care for it, plant more green on it, and benefit from it.
My dream is USA will turn to the way my hometown looks like 20 years ago, trees every where, the water comes down the mountain, is cristall clean, we use soap tree fruit to wash clothes in the river, we still drink like deers from it when we're thirsty, it goes in the ocean, and the sea creatures are not offended. My heart pained how my hometown turned out to be now. Heaven to half hell.
Most of us are ordinary people, we have heat in the winter, air conditioner in the summer, food, clothing, makeups, computers TVS, phones, cameras. That's enough for most of us, we do not need more chemicals. chemicals make us sick invisibly, and we use chemicals to help us, which might eliviate some symptoms, but hurt us more invisibly. I like what Kevin said: unless you're dying, no antibiotic/steroid. And I add, unless you can not find a nature cure, no antihistamine. Try to find the cause. it's hard, I know, since drs do not provide such service as what is imbalanced in our body, which they should reserch on. But I found out that lice shampoo, off ,vinegar, helped me with hives, and exzemas, acnes, and pesticide are better than prescribed steroid/antihistamine, and nature remedies are better than pesticide. because you can not use pesticide too much.I bought p(not wanting lawyers to sue me)
Acne relief for my teen daughter, and found out they make a plan for her to use all year long, and the ingredience are just pesticides.I terminated the plan right away.
I stayed up all night to write this. hope more people will read it,and then maybe, friends's friends, will be able to do something about it.