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Re: Is resistance futile.
spiceant Views: 1,934
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Re: Is resistance futile.

Why do you focus on the bad stuff, worrying? Being aware of it is the farthest one can healtfully go. Looking at it, worrying about badstuff is to amplify the badstuff. It's not getting you anywhere. Its only making you depressed, robbing you of your motivation. Worry is one of these traitors i'm talking about. Who worrying has ever got 1 second younger?? Worry robs you of your motivation to do the goodstuff. Like the fit man robbing himself of his walk. Look at the lilies in the field or the birds in the sky, they don't do anything in particular but god takes care of em anyway. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything, i'm saying you are robbing yourself of the will to do anything! When you'r gonna die, you'r not going to regret the bad things you did the most. You'r going to regret the good things you did NOT do, but could. "It's the love you withhold that becomes the pain you carry". Thats the hell the catholics got their idea from. The hell of things, left undone, unfinished, incomplete. Its one more reason to come back from heaven and finish it.
Don't build your house on worry/sand(/confusion/darkness...), it will fall. Build it on rock/justice(/happyness/love/simpleness/permance/light/godliness...). So take ALL excuses you can get to do all the goodstuff you can do. Build up the treasures in heaven/spirit/soul, none no nothing not even a brainchip can take that from you.

I'm don't want to try and intellectually dick anyone around about brainchips. (But please let me try, anyway.) Don't be fond of the body, because the devil can take it. The body is no more then a radar dish and all will leave it. Rather be fond of the soul because none in their right mind will take it and those that are not, cannot. The choice to be happy is all in your head. If you don't have happyness you have a traitor in your head, an enemy more fearsome then a trillion brainchips. Will you face it? A clean body next to a clean mind is merely icing on the cake. No amount of $$$, LBB or OJ can save your soul. Likewise even if they make you a cyborg, they can't touch your soul (even the borg of star trek couldn't do that). Don't be fond of the body, because the devil can take it. Rather fear god/yourself because they can destroy your soul.

Even then you don't have to become a saint overnight, a little sympathy, a small cheer, a smile goes a long long way. Turn your life around. Forget/ignore everything you ever learned and start over like a little child. Delightfull, spontaneous, hopefull, frank, loving, empathatic, sympathetic, creative, cheerfull, loveable, with character, innocent, intuitive, simple and god forbid even godly. (yes, thats a punSmile). None can overestimate godliness.

infectious kitty smile



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