Chemtrails. Genetic enginered food. Pesticides. Perservatives. Additives. Toxic water. Toxic dental metals. Vaccines. Pharmaceutical Drugs. ETC ETC ETC
With technology advancing every day and bringing everybody in arms reach thru things such as the internet, can we really escape the influence of the elite class, blue blood. Detoxing and eating a mono fruit diet can help keep our bodies clean, but what will happen if their is an economic depression which many are predicting is coming soon. Can you still buy these organic herbs and fruits easily, chances are unless you grow your own fruits then you tough out of luck. Not to mention protecting these fruits from others! So even detoxing may not be an option in the future.
Even if we can constantly detox using herbs and fasting, how long can a human body last being bombarded thru so many ways. Sure we can try to protect ourselves like drinking distilled water, eating organic foods, avoiding dental metals etc; but they can always find new ways to get to you. For example,they can come up with a computer screen that also shoot out x-rays or ultraviolet rays thru the screen; and this will have a strong effect since we sit so close to the screen. There are countless ways they can get to you and hence my main question: Is resistance to all this futile?
Unless you live as a hermit in an isolated part of the world, it seems they will get to you eventually. What have we done as a whole to stop this? People seem to really only care for themselves, and as long as they arent "sick" yet and having fun, then they dont really care. A simple example is the famine in parts of the world, if we as a whole really wanted to end famine who could, but we dont really think about those people since our stomachs are full.
Even if this "war" started 2000 years ago, what have we done or doing to stop this. If we couldnt stop it or even slow it down over a span of 2000+ years, then what can we expect now. If it cant be stopped then why bother resisting to gain a handful of extra years to ones life?
What can one person do that matters in this world, let's look:
I haven't contributed one red cent to Big Pharma in years ... so they miss my $$? Probably not, do they miss the accumulated $$ they forcast for all barefooters? YOU BET THEY DO.
I don't buy processed foods. Big Farm no longer gets my grocery money. Does Beatrice and Kraft miss my money? Probably not. DO they miss the accumulated $$ they forcast for all the barefooters? YOU BET THEY DO.
How about those guys that make those convenient styrofoam trays so you can conveniently get 4 tomatoes, from the produce section into your cart, onto the counter, to the car, into the house and into the fridge? Do they miss my $$? Again, I figure NOT, do they miss the accumulated $$ they forcast for all the barefooters? YOU BET THEY DO. AND not buying products sitting in styrofoam and wrapped in plastic wrap, I'm producing alot less garbage of a nature that will never go back to the soil.
Think just about the trash accumulation factor here. Think about the old days and all the styrofoam and plastic wrap you threw away, and those convenient plastic grocery bags. Each week if you cut it out how much land space will you alone save in your life time. It would be a mountain. I don't want Mt Plzchuckle!
Eating raw, I'm making no fumes in the atmosphere where the fuel to generate electricity to run the stove. Not much huh? I cooked 2 and 3 meals a day for my household of 7. I ran that stove HOURS every day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, year after year. Over the rest of my life, might I save the earth from 1 ton of pollution just by my diet alone?
The factor here is accumulative. Go convince 2 friends that this is THE WAY to live and that they should convince 2 friends also. Then you've done your part.
It's a green movement, not a revolution that we're doing here.
Grow your own food ... exchange with another family doing the same.
Share rides to work.
There's a lot of little things that all add up.
Like I said, do your part and convince just 2 people on the planet to do the same.
It may all seem futile, but if you live righteous you wont have either a literal or a proverbial MH rock with your name written on it and you do not have to worry. The righteous do not worry, because justice is by nature forever and by extension the just too. The wicked have worry because they try to cheat nature/god but the evil will go away because by definition evil = destruction = temperory. On the other side is love = justice = god = permanent. Not only is that permanent, but also creative. Our time here on earth is to learn. You do not end when you leave it (die) the soul/spirit moves on at that point you see your life and if you think you haven't learned enough you come back in one or another way/form so you get a new chance to learn and do it right.
We have a lot to learn in life, about our attitude and what causes what. Like what do our thoughts cause? What influences my mood? What is just? What is true? But also the ineffable, only effable in one word i call experience.
The most important is not what is out there, but what there is right here inside of you. "the war that started 2000 years ago" is not a war against the body, it is against your soul/spirit inside. 'They' could and can not control the masses without lies. 'They' cannot control the body without controlling the mind/soul/spirit (there is to few of them for that). If you take care of your soul/mind, you don't need worry about wether your clothes are in fashion or wether you'r going to have your (proverbial) daily bread or wether you'll have any stitches to wear in public. Don't underestimate yourself. Someone who does not believe he can do anything, will not even try to do it and it will end up a fit man believing he cannot walk will be chairbound for the rest of his live and this is the case for 99% of humanity. Its the beliefs that shape our reality. If you don't or do believe it your right either way.
Well you'v said why don't they find all these new ways of poisoning us like with xrays thru the screen or uranium in the mail truth WILL bite people in the but and 1% of the time someone will figure it out and that is all it truth needs because the truth seed will turn into mighty big tree. Why do you think there are so many GARGANTUAN institutions out there to deceive the people? It takes that many, and even then they still fail to deceive us all all the time or we wouldn't be here talking about it. They can't control us totally, they'r looking for all the nooks and crannies they can find. That the pope burned all the stuff he did for all of history is not only sad but also a positive thing, because it goes to show how HARD it really is to cover up the truth. And even there is no law against truth, if there is a law against it that is agreed with, it is not a law against truth(/love/justice/compassion/peace...)
To "win this war" you must first beat out the lies/devils inside of yourself and only then are you fit to hunt for enemies outside of your own city gates. If the enemy has traitors inside your city walls you are divided against yourself and you will fall. It is those traitors in your own mind that allow the enemy through the gates.
"Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!" a quote from the mount sermon. I suggest you read atleast that much of the bible, even though it is an authorized version . (And don't mix it up with religious ideas)
Anyone firmly vested on justice is immoveable and it will turn out the universe revolves that one. I can't teach you anything. And you may not end up believing any jot of i in any of my words. Your own life experience will always volunteer for truth education when nobody else does.
Why do you focus on the bad stuff, worrying? Being aware of it is the farthest one can healtfully go. Looking at it, worrying about badstuff is to amplify the badstuff. It's not getting you anywhere. Its only making you depressed, robbing you of your motivation. Worry is one of these traitors i'm talking about. Who worrying has ever got 1 second younger?? Worry robs you of your motivation to do the goodstuff. Like the fit man robbing himself of his walk. Look at the lilies in the field or the birds in the sky, they don't do anything in particular but god takes care of em anyway. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything, i'm saying you are robbing yourself of the will to do anything! When you'r gonna die, you'r not going to regret the bad things you did the most. You'r going to regret the good things you did NOT do, but could. "It's the love you withhold that becomes the pain you carry". Thats the hell the catholics got their idea from. The hell of things, left undone, unfinished, incomplete. Its one more reason to come back from heaven and finish it.
Don't build your house on worry/sand(/confusion/darkness...), it will fall. Build it on rock/justice(/happyness/love/simpleness/permance/light/godliness...). So take ALL excuses you can get to do all the goodstuff you can do. Build up the treasures in heaven/spirit/soul, none no nothing not even a brainchip can take that from you.
I'm don't want to try and intellectually dick anyone around about brainchips. (But please let me try, anyway.) Don't be fond of the body, because the devil can take it. The body is no more then a radar dish and all will leave it. Rather be fond of the soul because none in their right mind will take it and those that are not, cannot. The choice to be happy is all in your head. If you don't have happyness you have a traitor in your head, an enemy more fearsome then a trillion brainchips. Will you face it? A clean body next to a clean mind is merely icing on the cake. No amount of $$$, LBB or OJ can save your soul. Likewise even if they make you a cyborg, they can't touch your soul (even the borg of star trek couldn't do that). Don't be fond of the body, because the devil can take it. Rather fear god/yourself because they can destroy your soul.
Even then you don't have to become a saint overnight, a little sympathy, a small cheer, a smile goes a long long way. Turn your life around. Forget/ignore everything you ever learned and start over like a little child. Delightfull, spontaneous, hopefull, frank, loving, empathatic, sympathetic, creative, cheerfull, loveable, with character, innocent, intuitive, simple and god forbid even godly. (yes, thats a pun). None can overestimate godliness.
New thought
Resistance is not just futile but fertile, too. Meaning, that if you beat against something, it will become callous, more resisting. If you fight against something, you leave fertile grounds which give rise to more resistance. An eye for an eye, will make all blind. your opponent can charge you for evil things, because resistance is destructive. If you bang your head against a wall it will bang you back equally hard. That city you are resisting, will by no means fall because it is well fortified. Better start a new place to live and the light of that place can by itself attack the power of that once great city.
Another way of putting it, there many cutting away at the branches of evil, merely pruning it. Better to take care of the God-tree then the evil-tree. And with tree, i mean mindset. Love on one side and fear on the other. Fear closes down, love opens up.
Better to work on something new, then to make an arena of our history for 'their' enjoyment.