There are several things that come to mind fomr your email here. You seem to have alot of bone loss have you read about Dr John Lee MD'S work? using the Progesterone cream could help to arrest the situation.
The BFC formula is to take in drinks ( last time I looked) nothing wrong with that but you would need to take it for 1 month minimum to see if there is any measurable difference.
lAST THING do you eat any refined sugars? if so get off them that stuff is pure poison to anyone's system and takes calcium out of your blood.Its the Seaweed extracts that are the most powerful source of minerals that you can get, to keep a high calcium level in your blood.
Oh,if pain is a problem do the schulze hydrotherpay with the shower head to any pain full area, religisly for at least 1 month to see if you can tell any difference.
Hope thie helps