I wondered if they were stained. I rinsed them a lot to try to figure that out, and they never changed. My guess is they were eating the blood, so the color was internal. Can roundworms really change in appearance that much from a small stage to adulthood? I just read the symptoms posted and I have more than I ever realized. Both of my children suffered from thrush as infants, which made me aware of a candida problem. I went to a doctor three years ago with extreme abdominal pain, went through the typical testing blah blah blah, and they told me my organs were in the wrong place and the pain was from inflammation of the lower bowel. I was given no explanations, and a Rx for hydrocodone to deal with the pain. Do parasites cause inflammation like that? I'm also wondering if the worms I'm killing off can cause a infection, as the uterus is not flushed constantly, like the digestive tract is. If they can't exit, will my uterus absorb them, or might they fester???