I was being urged to go on anti's, and I didn't want to because I was so scared of the side effects, so that's why I tried the accupuncture. The day before I went was the worst "mirena day" that I have ever had. The next day, I went, and felt emotionally better than I had in months. The medications shouldn't affect the acupuncture, because it works in such a different way. When you go to your appt, they will ask you about your meds, and any other treatments you are doing. I used the acupuncture for the horomonal imbalance and my anxiety. The anxiety was gone THAT DAY!!!! It was truly amazing. The funny thing is that I didn't really think it would work, I was just feeling desperate, now I think its the best thing I ever did. They said anxiety usually clears up in 1-2 sessions, but the horomonal imbalance may take 4-8 sessions (a month- some people need to go 2x a week) Scince it worked so well for the anxiety, I have no doubt it will fix the imbalance. I'm so glad you are trying it! Good luck!