I just wanted to share my thought on Mercury and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .Humble in his Book II says that he has seen many Mercury poisoned patients rid their bodies of Mercury after consuming Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Now with me.My ears used to ring too much when I had 11 Amalgams all those years.After replacing them with composite ones the ringing stopped.So I told myself it was caused obviously by Mercury circulating in my system. I haven't had ringing for near 2 yrs.Until recently! I'm six weeks on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and have noticed that sometimes my left ear rings!!! What does that mean? I suppose Mercury leaving my brain and other organs. But isn't supposed MMS to oxidise Mercury? When MMS meets and takes the electrons from Mercury, is the latest not supposed to be Mercury anymore? I mean Mercury then alters as far as the Chemistry is concerned. Why would that provoce a symptom( ear ringing) that once was caused by Mercury(organic or inorganic, no matter)??? I can't explain it more.Sorry my english is not better.