Re: Parasite cleanse
That's great. If you don't need it, don't do it. Only you can ascertain that. If you decide to do another antiparasite protocol go with Barefoots DeWormer. I have't heard anything good about Paragone out of the healthfood stores. Apparently it just doesn't work. So if there is a next time go with Barefoots DeWormer.
Over in Germany they don't have much of a problem with parasites either. They drink a Black Walnut tea just about daily. So your diet may indeed be doing a good job keeping you bug free and that's a good thing.
But for those of us that were seriously invested with them the antiparasite programs are a life saver. I would have been dead long ago (94-95) without them. I don't think that's overhype, it's just important.
Anyway, they're easy to do and the cost is minimal so why not. If you don't have any bugs in you, well, at least now you know, and it didn't cost you an arm and a leg to find out.
But again. I've heard many complaints about Paragone, so if you decide to do another one go with Barefoots DeWormer.
Chiropratic is cool, I don't see how people live without it. Everyone needs a good mechanic.