Re: Evil, by MH
The way i see it there is so much evil being comitted to because we are god´s. We (humanity) have a lot of mistakes to make, so that the mistakes can in turn become experience and that we in turn become wise, so that we can handle the task. Thats what i think this education is preparing us for.
There is injustice in the world because everything is perfect. Namely that everything/one is in God and that therefor everyone is creating things constantly, effortlessly. There is suffering in the world because some people want that and it is injust to change that without consent, even for a God. Its this principel of free choice (not free will), that you are totally free to choose. And no matter what you choose, thats whats gonna come and to say otherwise is to infer God opresses free choice and is some galactic thug playing a fascist dictator. And if you (freely) choose to believe that, then you are your own tyrant in disquise and your enemy has outposts even under your own skin like a traitor within the city walls. Divided against oneself none can stand. Its your choice to believe that you dont have a choice, that robs you of your choice. Like a sick man that does not believe the body can heal itself, that sick man will never heal untill he chooses otherwise.