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Re: is anyone taking mms 5 or 6 times a day?
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Re: is anyone taking mms 5 or 6 times a day?

"--- i wonder if urine therapy is the wisest choice while taking mms b/c mms releases toxins through our excretions, maybe there would be too much in the urine??? i dont know though--"

In my earlier post I said that walking was better than any alternative stuff I've done, then after posting remembered that UT has given me so many benefits there is no way I'll even slow down, including doing it with MMS.  Never even thought of stopping while taking MMS.  The past few days I have noticed that my urine does taste stronger than it did a few days ago, and I haven't made any changes to things that I ingest so I've been wondering if MMS is kicking out extra work for the kidneys to take care of. 

The way that my schedule is, I just can't take MMS before 2 or 3 pm.  I walk throughout my neighborhood and beyond and there is just no room for an emergency stop.  As long as my body is handling 15 drops in the mid-afternoon, I'll keep it up.  The timing works out great.  If I eat breakfast it's around 10 am (keep trying to get on the Warrior Diet which is one meal in the evening - don't know if I can make it or not) so when I come back from my walk my stomach is empty and I like to take MMS on an empty stomach.  After walking I'm also not the least bit hungry, it helps me to control my appetite, so I can walk, then take MMS, and not eat for an hour or two - which is how I like to handle MMS.

The way that it's going now, think my plan is to stick with MMS on this level for another couple of months and see what happens and go from there to a reduced dosage.



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