Re: MMS and Cancer Marker Update
Hi #59681,
I've only been on the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol about a month, but I've had really good results, and although I had felt very sick before
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I still was able to start off with 9 drops after the initial, "what the heck am I doing drinking something that smells like swimming pool chemicals?" trepidation.
But 9 was tolerated pretty quickly, so I went to 10, 12, and now I'm at 20 drops. (of course, I'm 6'2", 240
lbs. so I need more than someone who's half that weight)
I was wondering what your mom would feel like with her 9 drop dose, WITH food, 3 X per day.....just because when I've taken it too frequently, it tends to make me feel sicker from the nausea end. In other words, it's the smell, not the dose, that sets off my nausea response.
On the diarrhea end, I've had mild diarrhea but not at the same time as nausea, so I've taken 1/2 doess of lomatil (over the counter anti-diarrhea medicine) just to stop the diarrhea "cycle" of loose stools. That's worked pretty well for me, and I can go about my business without fear of accidents.
I sure hope you can get her feeling better. I keep pinching myself with the realization that just a month ago, I was scheduled for exploratory surgery with the expectation of horrible news.
Those of us who have found this stuff in time to help, are truly blessed!