That's not me in the photo. It's a stock picture from dermatlas for "atopic eczema" and "simple cheilitis". We've just never had a good picture of anyone's lips being "white". I've had the line along the dry/moist portion of my lips. Usually happens if I've put too much lip balm on before bed & i wake up with it.
I did notice the evening primrose oil mention in that link. It was the first thing I've found that kind of connected eczema to an increased skin sensitivity & susceptibility to viral/bactreial infections. I just always assumed that if you didn't have an active patch of eczema then it wasn't an issue. So it might not be a question of either/or... It might be both.
My lips looked like this. It was worse, but this gives a good feel for the scales and the change in color/texture.