demodex cream
sorry, I lost track of this thread. I've been using the Zhongzhou cream (is that what you use?) for probably a year and a half. It cleared up a bumpy red, itchy rash around my nose almost immediately, which hasn't really returned, although I still have the capillaries. Actually, I have more rosea-looking redness after using this cream for the last year and a half than I did before starting it. I was convinced I had gotten some demodex from my ailing, elderly dog (the vet said she didn't have it, but never tested her for it, and I suspected she did have a mild case). She was dying and I was giving her lots of kisses at the time, which is when the rash flared up. I used it twice a day for a number of months, which was incredibly hard on my skin, but it did seem to clear things up initially - my now and again, seemingly hormonally-connected zits. I dropped back to once a day, just at night, and then every few days mainly because it was so drying, and frankly the residual sulfur smell that you can never wash out of your sheets and clothes was driving me nuts. I have never followed the recommended "hygiene" like daily washing of pillowcases and towels, and I have noticed the bumps on my scalp from time to time, only since I started the cream, so I did the shampoo occasionally, but it seems like you'd have to douse yourself head to toe in mite-killing stuff daily for months or a year or more, and I couldn't commit to the strict regime. I've ended up deciding I will probably never get rid of them if I have them (and my husband could be an asymptomatic carrier who will continually pass them back to me anyway), so I figure I need to get my overall health in better shape so my body will either kick them out or stop reacting to them. If I could find something natural, less smelly and less drying than that cream, I'd try it. I'm hoping this new stuff I ordered will help.