Re: Uncommon Diabetes Threat in Your Food - Damn Good Reason to Eat Organic
I saw a program yesterday morning on the news
which featured using lap band surgery as a cure
for diabetes and of course that made me gasp.
Your article also suggests that there is a disconnect,
probably on purpose, looking the other way, when
profit is to be found fertilizing and chemicalizing
crops and foods which, if left unadulterated, would
feed and nourish our bodies. There is seemingly no
effort being made to bring the trend back from the
money mills these products and services have provided.
It feeds the medical and pharmaceutical industry,
the legal industry, and of course is in compliance
with the genetic (eugenic) agenda of slowly killing
us off while damaging our DNA so that our offspring's
DNA is also compromised. If one looks back to a time
before our food and water sources were contaminated
like they are now, the health of adults and children
was much better. I saw another article which pointed
out that our kids often are not as healthy as their
parents and grandparents
Thanks for sharing~~makes me glad I pay the little
extra for organic coffee :(