Wrong. There is NO evidence to suggest that true Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. None. That's what people with Type 2 diabetes like to tell themselves to avoid taking the blame.
Lastly, Type 1 diabetes (a REAL autoimmune disease) has been around since Egyptian times (or sooner but not on record). I doubt pollution plays as large as a role as you think. I know kids who live in the country and eat organic, and yes, they got autoimmune Type 1 diabetes.
Why is EVERYONE in this forum so uneducated and ignorant? Doesn't anyone here have any logic or a university degree?
"Why is EVERYONE in this forum so uneducated and ignorant? Doesn't anyone here have any logic or a university degree?"
You don't have to have a university degree - just have Type II diabetes and learn everything you can about it. Those who blame it on the autoimmune system or on pollutants are very closed minded and obviously don't have Type II themselves. They can cure anybody of anything until - they get it.
This whole thread is in the wrong forum (how can people not know what kind of diabetes they have? Those ignorant Type 2's...).
Type 2 diabetes doesn't need any complicated treatment in the vast majority of cases. Weight loss, diet, and exercise. Bonus if your food is organic.
Type 1 diabetes has NOTHING to do with excess weight, obesity, poor diet, etc. so why is this in the Type 1 forum? Are these obese Type 2's having their brainpower affected from all that excess fat?