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I can tell this opinion is written by one who isn't wealthy.
MtnnnDewww Views: 1,062
Published: 17 y
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I can tell this opinion is written by one who isn't wealthy.

So many falsehoods...where does one begin? First of all, dishonest lenders? Are you kidding me? Congress mandated loans to minorities and shaky credit worthiness types or else...and that's what lenders heard loud and clear. Standards were mandated by your government in an effort to apease diverse groups (wink, wink) into becoming homeowners. Don't blame lenders, not gonna go there.

Next on the ledger, let's talk about "financial crash". We're in a correction which happens from time to time, many times in my liftime and it's part of economics 101. Did you take the class? Didn't think so. Buy, buy, buy! If you have money on the sidelines, better buy like there's no tomorrow or you will miss out, yet another, buying opportunity. Don't say I didn't alert you to a buying opportunity. This is a financial enema for the markets, it will purge the country of false profits. I'm glad. I welcome the enema.

Next, I want spending to slow. People at sometime in their lives, whether forced or not, have to cut the spending. You don't make enough to drive a Lexus, drive a Ford Probe you fools. That's what you deserve. I'm yearning for a recession because it, as I've pointed out, is another lukewarm enema in the financial world that is so needed. Americans will not use discipline on their own, they need the enema of life. Bring on the recession, lets clean out the system of the fakes and phonies.

Homeowners who use their equities as an "ATM Machine" need to be foreclosed on. Love it. You amass huge debt and can't pay it back...lose your shelter, fool. That's how the game is played. No bailout. I want you begging on the streets. A little "humble pie" will do you all some good. Can't pay your mortgage? Not my problem. Get a handout from 'ol mom and dad on fixed income, tell your woes to them. See how the "WWII Generation" deals with crisis. Homes were not worth what people paid in the first place, then the equities were falsified, now the appraisals are coming in 30% lower than what you originally paid. Don't come crying to MtnnnDewww. Don't want to hear it.

Bottom Line: 2008, as I predicted last month, is a wildcard. Better hold on tight, keep your cash liquid, buy only if you have reserves, keep inventory low, take all the income-producing work you are given and thank The Good Lord for those crumbs. Save. If you have extra income, buy high-quality stocks and mutual funds. If you're really set in the income department, now is the greatest time in the last 25 years to throw low-ball bids on luxury real estate. That's what I'm doing. I'm bidding $600K on $745K homes left and right...I'll get one by the end of the year, fans. For me, these are exciting times. I might even get one for $565K, you never know how desperate stupid homeowners can get if they keep their sets tuned to CNN and PMSNBC. The media wants you to feel hopeless. And because of your lousy public school educations, you'll believe it.


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