As a 15 year prostate cancer survivor (still have my prostate) I ran across
Essiac a couple of years ago and took it for a few months and didn't experience
any detox reactions per se. Don't know what you're looking for in the way
of detox, but there were no symptoms of any kind, except for what I note a
little later. I get more detox symptoms from eating raw garlic than from
Essiac. (Raw garlic clears out parasites and heavy metals.) The
first time I ever ingested Essiac, I did experience a dizziness that lasted for
several minutes - I could feel it go through my entire body. That happened
only for the first three or four days and has never happened since that first
ingestion. I began Essiac again around the first of December because of an
increase in my PSA count with no side effects, then MMS around the 10th of
December, with noticeable side effects. Are the MMS side effects
detox? I wouldn't bet on it. I'm still taking Essiac and MMS on a
daily basis.