doctor doom chronicles - the html version
Date: December 14, 2002 at 13:10:08
From: Bones in WA,
Subject: Chemtrails/Final strokes...
Hi All...
I am finally posting here to establish communication/dialog RE: Chemtrails and their function after all-but-documenting their behavior over the last several years. I am an engineer. I study cause & effect. Linear thought and all that rot. I am going on the record to predict that the chemtrails phenomenon will be ceasing somewhere in the middle of January as their mission will have been completed. Fact: medical symptoms associated with chemtrails are not experienced by any that 1) have recently been innoculated per military or diplomatic duty overseas, 2) have received a flu shot or childhood innoculation in the past 30 months or so, 3) been admitted to any hospital for routine or emergency medical procedures where said person received any I.V. or booster shot of any kind. Therefore, the **at least** six discrete medical phenomenon/symptoms associated with chemtrail discharges are a systematic method to expose tertiary recipients (those who do not fall into any of the above 3 categories) to some sort of innoculants. A surreptitious vaccination, as it were...
These six or so symptoms have been travelling across the U.S. in waves, not as a discernable wavefront as this would be too obvious, but in a highly disciplined pseudo-random format. This behavior is so well established that I have been able to predict to friends in other cities across the nation their up-coming symptoms BEFORE they come down sick. These symptoms infer that flu-like biological agents have been intentionally engineered to attack 1) Bronchial tissue, 2) Stomach tissue, 3) Intestinal tissue 4) Brain tissue (horrid Migraine-like headaches for no apparent cause that dissipate in 12 - 24 hrs.) 5) eyelid tissue (and occasionally Scrotal tissue, much to the horror of the Male victim. My dog even came down with this one. It is NASTY!) 6) several strange skin rashes and undiagnosable maladies. 7) The "BIG KAHUNA" fever that usually affects only males, causing uncontrollable shivering and incapacitating fevers, with no other flu-like symptoms. This fever will often trigger other secondary symptoms from body-wide suppression of the immune system.
Also consider these facts: 1) With the exception of the Big Kahuna, once a victim experiences these maladies, they are thereafter immune. 2) These several symptoms are not communicable, unlike a typical influenza, no matter the range or frequency of intimate contact, within a family, close group or couple. NEVER communicable. NEVER...
At this juncture, I am posting this thesis to offer it to peer review (?) before going on to explain the immediacy of the geopolitical situation, and hence my prediction that this Chemtrail Program will soon be ceasing - as it will have accomplished its intended goal. If you think this sounds diabolical, wait 'till the next phase begins... ( This also explains the true function of HAARP)
Bye for now. Bones!
Date: December 15, 2002 at 17:27:33
From: Bones in WA,
Subject: Chemtrails caused my...
Hi Again,
Here's a run down per calendar event. The following are only those episodes that I personally have either experienced or a close and trusted friend did. As is my typical response to subscribers to most conspiracies, for which I generally have no affiliation, I trust only what I cannot otherwise refute.
February 01. Massive spraying over Lancaster Palmdale, per JOB, 60 percent of Irvine Sensors Corp. off sick with Big Kahuna, on precise same day. Two days later, all are back at work saying "What in Hell was that?" Note: the spraying episode DIRECTLY coincided with a predictable Santa Ana wind condition, bringing all from the upper desert down into the L.A. basin.
May 01. Big Kahuna experienced by Wife in Seattle Area following Ring around the sun of previous day, (photographed by same!) Both children are unaffected.
October 01. Several incidents of Influenzas, specifically Big Kahuna and Radical Diarrhea. Wife and Self unaffected by Big Kahuna, but sick with intestinal bug. Situation so bad locally in Puget sound that Heron's Wood Nursery closes on Monday Morning following Sunday afternoon discharge from all yardhands out simultaneously. Big Apple Diner and Red Apple Market in West Bremerton at half staff from sick workers. Incidents follow WTC attack.
Jan - April 02. Several episodes of strange respiratory distress sweep through public and local Schools. All come down either during brief break in clouds/bad weather (locally idiom: "Sunbreaks") or following heavy discharge between 11 AM and 2 PM on a Sunday afternoon. Symptoms: persistent dry hacking Bronchitis-style cough and deep congestion. Symptoms persist for as much as two months in some cases. Brother in Seal Beach CA also affected, along with his Daughter.
May 01. Heavy discharge on Wednesday Afternoon, beautiful sunny weather, discharge at 2 PM. I am deathly ill for two days, wife & kids unaffected. Dramatic ring-around sun. Drudge Report runs story on ring around sun in Florida AT PRECISE SAME INSTANT, in totally differing weather situations. Local Cubans believe armageddon episode is at hand. Drudge Report is off line for two days due to a Denial-of-service hacker attack. Once back online, all archives and links to local Florida Newspapers and ring story either gone or non-functional. Several others experience Big Kahuna at same time, both in FLA and WA.
Aug-Sept 02. Stomach Churning bug detected. Many, many sufferers both WA and CA. Cousin in Chatsworth CA also affected at exact same time, as is brother and other two cousins.
Aug 02. Other Cousin and his son in Idaho visiting National Park see chemtrails over park during peak of vacation season on Friday afternoon. By morning, both deathly ill from Big Kahuna, although wife and daughter, also on camping trip, unaffected.
September 02. Sunday afternoon 12.45 PM. Four year old son has bizarre stye (sic) in eye that forms in 15 minutes to size of shooter marble. Gone by 6 PM. Some minor swelling present for next day. Chemtrails present all over WA sky. Interview several families in area having yard sales. Roughly five other families had experienced eye swelling episodes at precise same time.
Oct 02. Tuesday afternoon ring around sun. On Wednesday, local school district has episode wherein so many teachers and pupils are sick, that following day an emergency faculty meeting is held to demand that County launch investigation into possible toxic mold contamination. Late Friday afternoon, county says there is no money, so no investigation, besides "everybody is well again, so no need".
November 02. Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Massive Chemtrails all over Puget Sound skies. Thanksgiving day, many, many experience horrid upset stomachs and killer heartburn, including myself. ONLY MALES AFFECTED. Lasts two days. Situation so bad there is discussion on local radio stations by DJs about ruined Turkey Day. Nobody can eat their meal.
November 02. Sunday after Thanksgiving. 11 AM. I get splitting headache, migraine-like. I seldom get any kind of headaches, and NEVER migraines. Three other MALE friends also incapacitated by Killer headaches either on Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning. Brother in LA gets both stomach and headache symptoms simultaneously on Tuesday. Cousin in Chatsworth gets headache on Thursday afternoon. Unable to open blinds due to photosensitivity. Friend in Whittier CA comes down with Stomach malady on Saturday just after Turkey day.
There is much, much more. It has gotten to the point where I can usually predict the day before a malady is experienced, based upon chemtrail sightings and recent past history of the bug-du-jour. If you have followed the news closely, outbreaks of whole populations of otherwise healthy individuals coming down simultaneously with symptoms that normally go away within 48 hours have occurred all over the nation. Generally these news stories evaporate with no archive or other lasting evidence.
I suspect that you have experienced maladies concurrent with one of these sequences. I believe that you are an "outlier" on the normalcy curve. Some people are genetically predisposed to some viruses. The engineering department that cooked up these influenza derivatives has considered persons such as yourself to be acceptable "collateral damage".
If you aren't scared yet, my next extrapolation will make your blood run cold. Do you want to hear more?
Date: December 16, 2002 at 13:13:00
From: Bones in WA,
Subject: Chemtrails caused my...
Hi all!
Glad to hear that at least some folks are listening.
First I'll shoot holes in the cover story of "Deep Skies", the official cover for chemtrails. According to the story, the discharges of aluminum and barium are intended to increase the reflectivity of the upper atmosphere, thereby mitigating global warming. Note that the patent held by Hughes Aircraft (my old flame - and yes dear reader, the old Hughes WAS that good!) was filed in 1991, AFTER the Gulf war. As has been analyzed by various labs, the particulate size of the discharge is 1 - 3 microns. Basically, this is too small a size to efficiently reflect long wave Infrared. It is however, an excellent way to get material into the mucus membranes of the lungs and bronchia. Also, if these discharges were to be most effective, they would occur over tropical oceans, in immense swathes of sky, NOT over populated, built up areas. Third world areas would also likely be candidate locales due to their tropical latitudes, and this is absolutely not the case as has been observed.
The HAARP program, and its cover story, are actually linked to the chemtrails, but this linkage HAS NOT YET been enacted. The story on HAARP says that this is used to study ionization effects in the upper atmosphere. Let me tell you, if one wants to ionize gasses, 3 or 10 mHz is a piss poor choice of frequencies. Now 2- 5 GHz, we be talkin'... The longer wavelenghths, at 75 and 20 meters respectively, at 3.5 megawatts, basically will scorch directly through the upper atmosphere with almost no interaction. So why build this device, paid for by the USAF, and operated in (I believe) 6 locations globally, to do much of nothing at great expense and political intrigue. Why?...
My cousin, a notorious conspiracy theorist (the zionists are practicing mind control via sleep deprivation - sez he!) showed me a glossy book on the HAARP subject. It covered all possible and conceivable theories, from Tesla's missing notebooks to weather manipulation and mind control. Guess what? Our own Gov. had the book written, classic dis-information. What is the one theory that sees NO coverage in this or any other publication?
HAARP is, as described on their own web site, basically an immense sweepable, steerable pencil-beam radar transmitter. It is, IN FACT, a power source to run the electric motors on an immense (300+ feet long) ultra light, transparent, ultra high altitude pseudo-glider/sail plane. 85 - 125 thousand feet ceiling, up in the jet stream and above. It communicates directly with overhead satellites, runs by computer remote control, and was initially intended for reconnaissance when the U.S. purchased the technology from the remnants of the old KGB/Soviet Heirarchy in 1992. I got this directly from a double-black Air Force spook working Wright Patterson.
I cannot prove this at this point, but it appears another aircraft type has been added to the HAARP-driven stable of gossamer beauties. This one is even bigger than the reconn bird, has longer loiter time over targets, and can be used to discharge aerosol solutions. FOX news got a picture of one of these birds one month ago on a Monday morning. The FBI seized their "UFO" videotape within one hour of their discovery.
The size and nature of the "UFO" did not look like anything even remotely flyable. The reason: the only component of the aircraft that is visable to the naked eye is the girder backbone of the plane. The control and lifting surfaces are clear mylar and polycarbonate plastic. Basically, an array of thin foil dipole antennas covers the lower surface of bird, and the plane is flown in a helical path over the HAARP array, where distributed rectifiers produce enough DC power to run 50 to 100 Horsepower worth of ultra efficient electric motors coupled to slow spinning propellers. It climbs to operating altitude, then they shut of the HAARP, and fly the plane over juicy targets, completely unobservable, and transparent to any normal radar. The FOX news story had 5 or 6 frames of videotape as the plane crossed their field of view. All that showed up on tape was what appeared to be a pair of "T" shaped "tower crane" like structures stacked end to end. Something like 10 - 20 thousand feet in elevation, 300 - 500 feet long, going several hundred knots, over upstate New York. The configuration looked like the logo of the American Lung Assn. Each of the four ends of the "crossbars" has an electric motor and propeller attached. They are not visible on the tape. It is not known whether or not there are large storage batteries aboard, although this is suspected. I personnally believe that this aerosol bird will be put into play within the next month or so - over Iraq........
I shall continue on the next post...
TTFN. Bones...
Date: December 16, 2002 at 14:52:29
From: Bones Again,
Subject: Final Strokes, Pt2
Hi again!
Lets drop back to basic military theory, in this case the exotic art of thinking the unthinkable.
FACT: The only country to survive and prevail after the outbreak of biological warfare, will be the one to sucessfully innoculate their citizens.
FACT: This only works when said country knows EXACTLY the nature and genetic composition of the enemy's pathogen - a nearly impossible feat, one driven by sheer luck rather than effort or enterprise.
FACT: As was the case with Nuclear warfare and its MADness derivative, (Mutually Assured Destruction) once a nuclear exchange commences, all involved military forces must "Use 'em or Lose 'em". In the nuke case, missile silos were priority 1 targets, with conventional military, industrial and commercial targets shortly thereafter. This theory cannot be directly applied to biowarfare. There is no physical locale to destroy to mitigate the further discharges of pathogens. This is why Al Qaeda has proven to be so maddeningly elusive - and lethal. In short words, their organization is suberbly designed to enact biowarfare.
THEREFORE: If a country has concrete reasons to believe that they will suffer a biological attack, then logic will dictate that said country MUST strike first, Provided that "their" pathogen has been designed, weaponized, and most importantly of all, that all of its citizens HAVE BEEN INNOCULATED AGAINST.
Hence chemtrails...
IF those persons not protected by "Flu shot" innoculations are numerous enough, de facto damage and loss of national continuity will be the result. Total crippling terror and panic. So, all of those stubborn people that do not trust flu shots must be dealt with, whether they like it or not...
REMEMBER, the opponent must never know that such a pathogen even exists, much less that the totality of the nation's citizens are immune to it.
THEREFORE, any plan to 1) generate this pathogen, and 2) to weaponize it, while 3) surreptitiously enacting a nationwide immunization/vaccination program, must be successfully completed in broad daylight, right under the noses of the unsuspecting citizens.
Gentle readers, the "Deep Skies"/chemtrails program has managed to accomplish this spectacular task with astounding success. I take my hat off to those folks that got this program to work.
What HAS been produced is an influenza analog, broken down into at least 6 different sub-strains, each with a target tissue type, which can be introduced to the citizens by several methods to acheive immunity, on an apparently random basis, without giving away its very existence. The six strains will thereafter be conjoined into a composite "superstrain" to acheive 80 - 95 percent mortality. If all these tissue types are simultaneously attacked by the introduction of this super pathogen via aerosol distribution, any typical human body and its immune system will be overwhelmed, while perhaps a single sub-strain or two will only make the victim deathly ill, but will probably survive. And everybody knows what "the flu" is, after all. It is almost impossible to keep from spreading, even moreso than a true nasty like smallpox. Plus, people generally are not terrified of the flu.
Does this all seem to DIRECTLY CORRELLATE with the observed and often discussed behavior of the Chemtrails phenomenon? Does to me....
Consider these facts:
1) Gulf War Syndrome is communicable, intentional, frequently mortal, and has been covered up by the U.S. Government to the point of being ludicrous. Saddam released it on American Forces in the Persian Gulf. What its exact viral nature is not public knowledge, but you can be CERTAIN, that some Government Lab knows it intimately. To think otherwise would be self-delusive.
2)Slick Willie knew of some secret that make him and his nasty wife immune to all legal efforts to remove him and his blatantly illegal behavior.
3) The election of 2000 displayed some of the most corrupt behavior in American History, by both sides. Even the Supreme Court soiled themselves to insure that Bush Junior was put into office. Of all possible candidates, WHY did the Republican Party run this particular doofus for president, when there are so many other better liked, better respected and far more competent persons available on the national stage. Why?
4) U.S. Forces are up to their collective necks in ops in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine (of course!) and Pakistan. WHY THEN has there been this incessant drive to "do" Saddam and Iraq. What is known, but has been kept secret? Why now. Why the hurry and non-sensical hysteria?
THESIS: If the U.S. were to be caught launching a pathogen, which will become globally distributed, no matter how much anybody tries to contain it, when it is done so as a pre-emptive military strike, then the "Blood on Their Hands" phenomenon, international disgust and concurrent villification from all surviving peoples of Earth will totally destroy the American economy, national character, and whatever small vestiges of self respect that may be left of this once proud nation. Can you say it otherwise?
THEREFORE: A fall guy/patsy needs to be employed. Enter Saddam and his "Rogue" regime.
SCENARIO: Inspectors move into Iraq. Telltale hints are found of WMD. Somewhere, not important where, but in Saddam's lair. U.S. Military launches mission to "insure access" by inspectors to said site. Conflict ensues. Exchange of firepower. Americans and/or inspectors come down with "mystery disease" which spreads like wildfire, killing quickly after incapacitating by swelling eyes shut, filling lungs with fluid, causing high flash-fever and delirium. Attacks males MUCH more severely than females. Females, not totally incapacitated, serve to spread vector in bazaars and marketplaces. U.S. sits back several days "studying" situation. Mayhem, press hysteria, info "leakage" ensues. U.S. makes good on recent threat to "Nuke" at first evidence of WMD discharge by "Rogue" regime. Ground penetrator missiles tipped with new generation of "clean" micro-nuke warhead used to vaporize any and all underground bunkers nationwide throughout Iraq. Surface forces hit a few critical sites, mop up palace forces. Saddam is never found...
NET EFFECT: No surviving witnesses. Pathogen spreads throughout middle east, into Africa, India, China. Stops mysteriously before taking U.S., Japan and Europe. "Sure glad that those border quarantines that Unc Sam put in place worked so well"...
GLOBAL OUTCOME: Bilderburg-esque planetary de-population. 5+ BILLION third world citizens dead. End of Global Warming scare. Tons of Oil. All kinds of new fresh markets for WTO corporate monsters to "develope" and vampirize. Chinese Economic and Military Threat never materializes. 5 - 10 percent of global survivors inherit material wealth from rest of their late countrymen. A whole new middle class establishes itself worldwide. The Globe is "safe" for democracy.
Would you like me to continue?...
Date: December 16, 2002 at 17:50:50
From: Bones in WA,
Subject: Final Strokes, Pt2
The DU issue is another nasty effect, and there were huge increases in various cancers. BUT... Cancer and radiation sickness and its effects are not communicable. There have been literally hundreds of instances wherein returning G.I.s came back to families that they infected. Many since have died. The number that I personally know about that have been virally sick almost continuously over the decade since, is overwhelming. The huge increase in stillbirths and deformed children are likely to be attributable to DU.
The word that I heard from a retired spook was the method of viral mutation Saddam borrowed from the KGB. It's pure spray-n-pray. Select a known nasty, like flu, the cold (Rhinovirus) or something even more exotic. Put it in a gamma ray source, under a gradiated dosage configuration. Make a culture of whatever survives the radiation onslaught. Put bunnies in a **sealed** box. Dose 'em. See what happens. Simple. Simply Evil.
As unbelievably nasty as the above missive sounds, it is clear, that someone, way, way, way behind the green door knows about something out there, in the Boogeyman's lair, with America's name on it that is so unspeakably terrifying, that erasing the third world is more palatable. This is a horrifying conundrum...
I don't sleep very well any more. Friends call me Doctor Doom.
I Wonder Why... Bones
Date: December 16, 2002 at 21:44:08
From: Bones,
Subject: Final Strokes, Reply
I'm so happy that somebody is thinking out there!!!
Ma'am, my kudos. A well expressed, thought out and coherent response. Believe it or not, for over a year, I too, have questioned this wacky sounding theory. Let's be frank. This infers that the whole world would have to have gone goof-ball, and in a big way.
And this is what really scares me.
First, let's address your points, each and every one of them worth analysis and dissection. I'll go on with a few more, ones of sheer economics. So, here we go:
1) First of all, as is almost unerringly common among parochial minds in this country, the above hypothesis completely ignores Latin America and indicates a dirth of familiarity with world geography, among other matters.
I do not have any good feel for where the Latin American variable plugs into this equation. As far as parochial, I have lived in numerous locales throughout this continent, Europe and some few places in the middle east. I personally have little animosity towards any of the people I have ever had to deal with in this extended professional realm. (With the exceptions of Israelis, who I once worked for. Mind you, I speak not of Jewish folk here. I mean Israelis, who have proven themselves to me countless times to be, to a person, a pain in the ass. I know this isn't P.C. So be it.)
As far as geography, don't argue minutae with me concerning most of Eurasia. It is a contest you just might lose. I've written a history of U.S. Airborne Reconnaissance during the cold war, co-authored with Rod Serling's older brother Robert.
2) Secondly, with 5 billion people dead, can you imagine how many other diseases will be unleashed from within the mountains of dead and rotting flesh? Death on such a mass scale would create public health problems so huge as to make the vast swaths of land area uninhabitable for quite some time.
Agreed in all details, and then some. This is unthinkable and un-imaginable, to our American point of view. Ask a Russian or German that survived the battle of Stalingrad. Unthinkable carnage such as a global battle of dueling test tubes raises this gross-out factor by at least three orders of magnitude.
I can only respond with a recent observation concerning the battle between the Hutu and the Tutsi tribes in central Africa. More than 5 million dead from gross carnage, knifings, shootings, beheadings, etc. The U.N. team that investigated the scene two years after the bloodbath found almost no trace of the hundreds of millions of pounds of rotting corpses and bone piles they expected to find. The jungle had reclaimed its own, and with a ferocity that stunned the team. Even considering the nuisance that industrialized humanity poses to our pretty little green planet, our direct effect (flesh and bone) is surprizingly minor. Worms and all manner of bugs find us way tasty. They breed faster than we rot. Really, really.
3) Third, if 5 billion potential consumers are dead, how and where do you expect the "WTO monsters" to find and establish new markets? Selling what to whom?
First off, let's get an understanding of just why the rest of the planet despises our "system". Since the first enterprises on North American soil, such as the East Indian Trading company, our economic system has been based upon growth. This economic engine was used by us, the british, the dutch, the french, et al, to subdue an unruly and wild continennt. Then we turned it on the Native Indians. Then the virgin stands of timber, and vast unbroken expanses of unending prairie. We completed our continent, buttoned down, tuck and roll, and ran out of things to consume in our growth engine. This, Smoot-Hawley tariff or not, was the base reason for the Great Depression. Smoot-Hawley was merely a mechanization that failed to export American Enterprise abroad. The coup de gras, as it were.
The Second World War was Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo attempting to feed their own engines with new territories and raw materials. The most base of economics. The German term was "lebensraum", if my memory of German serves me.
'Nam was us trying again to get international, in a head to head contest with Stalin's ghost and his Stalinist disciples, still trying to emulate Hitler's land grab. We called it the cold war. They called it the business of Empire Building. Said so in as many words. (I can't quote here. My Russian is all but non-existant.)
WTO is an oft mis-applied symptom rather than a cause. Economists call it globalization. Remember, our growth engine has out grown our little continennt, and by damn it, THIS MONSTER IS HUNGRY. Simply put, why else is our economy sputtering. It isn't just the corruption and WTC/9-11 incident. The engine has been running wide open, thanks to powerful lobbies and cozy business/political relations during the last decade.
The problem is, the rest of the world is hip to our tricks right about now. Al Qaeda says so in so many words. They are attacking the growth engine, because American corporate sensibilities have so invaded every nook and cranny of this whole planet, basically installing this giant money funnel wherein all the cash manipulators have been taking their little slice of the action as the stream of bucks goes merrily by.
We Americans threw the Brits out for doing this exact same thing. Exact. 'Member th' Boston Tea Party. How about "Taxation without representation is Tyranny". Then there's "Don't tread on me." You DO remember your American History, right?
4) Ah, all that oil -- and no one to drill for it, transport it, refine it. Who would dig the diamonds and the gold? Grow the crops and raise the livestock for food? Build ships and buildings and cars; assemble all the electronic toys and furniture and air-conditioning systems and all those other trappings of "middle class" life?
Ahhhh, Black Gold. Liquid growth in a drum. Of course it's about oil. But not as much as it was in '91. Guess what? The rest of the western world is FAR more worried about oil than we are at this precise point in time. That could change in a month, mind you.
Yes, yes, yes... Cheap labor. Growth engine sure loves this stuff, doesn't it. Why in hell else would the Skyrocketing Chinese infrastructure scare American business half to death. We spent bucks over there to establish factories, making use of all that cheap labor. Did the same thing, in sequence, in Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia and belatedly Mexico. India and the Middle East doesn't want to have any part of this action.
As far as total de-population: never happen. This is a duel between biological systems. No matter the pathogen, there will ALWAYS be survivors. How long would the shock wave last if 4 out of 5 Chinese died. Starvation would not ever be an issue. Deprivation, far from it, in any form. This is not a nuclear holocaust we are talking about. All of the trappings of life come out the other side totally intact. (except for looting during the panic phase.)
As far as the trappings of Middle Class, all of those niceties the rest of the world still sees on Ozzy and Harriette re-runs. Well, you are missing the point, and I'm not being smug here. It's a natural reaction. What the Growth engine needs is not for people to HAVE these things. It needs them to WORK for these things. To DESIRE these things. Why else would Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and wars be so good for business. (In the long run. In the short run, it's all nasty, all the way around)
Remember, in the case of India or China, if 80 percent perish, a good, reasonable number, that still leaves 200 MILLION potential consumers, and these folks will have real WEALTH for the first time in their lives. Maybe not cash, but barter is always a workable economy.
5) Where is this "new middle class" worldwide going to come from if there are no people left?
Go back and re-read your history of the Age of Enlightenment and the Black Death. If you are lazy, dial up James Burke's excellent series "Connections" on the Discovery channels. The European middle class DID NOT EXIST before the plague wiped out most of some European towns. All of the goods were funneled into the coffers of the survivors. For the first time since the times of the wealthy Romans 1200 years previous, people had more than just a pot to piss in, and had, (GASP) time on their hands. The problem was so unwieldy that people were forced to learn geometry and mathematics (land surveying and money tallying) reading and law (contracts of ownership and taxation) and just possibly a little self esteem. (I hate to use that politically correct term!)
The ironic thing is that, and I am extrapolating a far piece here, Native African, Indian and Chinese cultures would absolutely BLOOM after this situation. This is not conjecture. It is a historically proven fact.
Now let's get back to that whole wacky sounding theory. I admit it. It is unbelievable. More than a year ago, I saw certain patterns that sort of leaned in this direction. I expressed this rudimentary analysis to friends, with a chuckle and a dumb-asses silly face, and self deprecated all the way to the corner stop sign and back. Good Hoot. Good Laugh. Silly me...
I said at the time, as God is my witness, that it was totally unthinkable - unless - some smart assed, totally self-delusional, arrogant sum bitch (or sum bitches, as the case may be) figured they could get away with it if they could pin the blame on somebody else.
I went about my business, and did my best to forget about the the whole crazy concept. Then I got sick again. And again. And my friends did too. Repeatedly. In patterns. Predictable patterns. Patterns that I would have used myself, provided somebody was willing to pay me to sit down with a blank sheet of paper, and come up with the most insidious, diabolical and evil spirited James Bond-style supervillain type of scheme.
Then Iraq "happened". Out of nowhere. Just like I had theorized 8 months earlier. There are other things I cannot put on line here. Inside military stuff. Friends that have told me things that perhaps they should not have. Things that dovetail into this crazy scheme too tightly to be believed. Things that make you swallow hard, and hug your kids just a little tighter.
Scarey, scarey things.
And the absolute scariest thing of all is that they are right on schedule. (BTW, I saw this schedule a year before WTC/9-11. Eyes only, from a National Guard Sargeant. No @^#$...)
Well, I'll finish this up. I hope I'm wrong. Sincerely hope so. But if the "schedule" was accurate, we will all know before the end of January. Of that I AM CERTAIN. Not much else, anymore.
Perhaps next draft we can hash out the national danger presented by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists in this country. I believe they are the wild card which can make the unimaginable somehow take on a certain sense of rationality. At least in their eyes. Sound crazy?
No crazier than 19 people shaving their bodies from stem to stern and crashing jetliners into buildings - and looking forward to splattering themselves with a freaky glee...
Date: December 18, 2002 at 01:48:01
From: Bones etc.,
Subject: Doc Doom: Update
Got some news. Basically confirmation. Hope a lot of folks read this one.
Chemtrails: Multiple programs? You Bet. Basic stuff of plausible deniability, THE S.O.P. for the biz. Heard of Chemtrails over Saudi Arabia during '91. Some thoughts:
Biological Shield? Covert weapon to "soften" Iraqi resistance? Experiment? All of the Above? No good Idea at this point in time. I can only make deductions based upon a multitude of datapoints, spread over several disciplines. Then comes the extrapolation, sometimes pretty far fetched. I admit it.
Now to things I can be sure of...
HAARP is a power station. Period. Ultra-light aircraft using electric power transmitted to it from the ground by RF and transparent to most optics and radar. I have that on authority. I was asked if I wanted to work on the program. I will say no more. Don't dare otherwise. The mind and weather control angles are the heighth of dis-information. Period.
ABM missile defense: Big gimme to political supporters. Payback. The reason I know this is due to the mandated functions of antenna aperature and video bandwidth. What is on the board is a system that WILL work if the missile is cooperative. Like THAT is gonna happen. Wanna know why the Patriot from Raytheon (don't get me started on those jokers!)didn't work on Saddams SCUDs? Nutation... That's the corkscrew motion that poorly guided and poorly constructed missiles do when they re-enter the atmosphere. The extremely complex motion of an RV in terminal descent will overwhelm most radar signal processors, blinding processor speeds or not.
True for fact: Of all of those **pretty, pretty** video shots from the Gulf War of Patriot missiles streaking skywards after a scud, according to Israeli Intelligence (Mosad), of which I saw a copy in the mid-nineties, precisely ONE was a near miss. EVERY OTHER SINGLE Patriot widely missed their mark. Everything else is just press release and spin. Period.
To this end, the Israelis upgraded their "Arrow" ABM system. I am not privy to the details, but I'll bet you diamonds to doughnuts that they got theirs to work. As far as the ABM system to be built around an X Band array on Shemya, It'll track 'em sure as shootin', but terminal hit-to-kill? Naw... If they plan to detonate a baby nuke exo-atmospheric, well, THAT works. Not exactly elegant, if you ask me... Why do I know all this stuff? I resurrected what was described by Georgia Tech's Research Institute (The Ultimate Grand Wazzoo of U.S. radar Technology - no kiddin!) as "The world's most accurate radar." Their words, not mine. His name was Ralph the Radar. Folding, portable, massive, sophisticated, having at one time perhaps the most powerful stepped-on 486 computer (2.8 gigaflops!) ever put together. The rest of the story is WAY too technical to go into here...
Back to chemtrails, and some more and terrifying data points. In my past descriptions I claimed at least 6 separate sub-strains of Influenza, each designed to attack a specific tissue type. Jim B. and I were discussing this a few weeks back. His first experience with Chemrails/sickness came several years ago in Hawaii. He and his daughter BOTH came down with Vertigo from a discharge. It appears that until today, I was unaware of the return of this pathogen. Several prompts on other boards here at Syzygy have been listing victims of the inner ear/vertigo bug. It appears that this one seems to ALWAYS cause dramatic effects. A lady here on Vashon Island in WA got very ill from this in the last few days. So I did some poking around.
In 24 hours, I got confirmation of at least 8 episodes both here and in CA. A friend's older ladyfriend, a fun & crazy lady, got so sick from: 1) Migraine 2) vertigo 3) torn up stomach/heart burn that she seriously believed she was having a stroke. Three days in the hospital. "Just some unidentifiable virus" as was told to her by the lab. Several friends up here in WA got various degrees of the vertigo bug. I have not. I have no idea why...
A new and predicted pattern of behavior has surfaced. Right on schedule. I have said, based upon my theories of diabolical design and unthinkable performance, that just before ultimate deployment, the pattern of discharge will shift to: 1) More frequent discharges 2) multiple sub-strain discharges.
Guess what? Since Thanksgiving, the number of persons coming down with non-communicable fever-free influenza symptoms has sykrocketed. 'Member what I was saying about this Chemtrail system being used to "pick up the stagglers" as it were, in essence, all of us folks that never see doctors unless we are at death's door. Intended to get us immunized before the "Final Stroke" is played. If this theory is sound, then there will be a last ditch dispersal of everything in the "cocktail". So maybe we are talking about 8 sub-strains now. I also predicted that the composite "superstrain" would acheive lethality by combining several pathogens/sub-strains simultaneously to overwhelm a body's immune system. Since Turkey day, I know at least 6 good, trusted friends that have exhibited 3 or more symptoms simultaneously. THIS MULTIPLE OF SYMPTOMS HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE!!!!!! This is all new in the 3 years or so that I have been observing them. All of these victims have been super sick, frequently under a doctor's care up to the point of hospitalization. This is new!!!
Why didn't the spooks do multiples before? I suspect that trhe extreme sickness would be dangerous, disruptive - and very suspicious. All this confirms MY worst suspicions.
The invasion of Iraq is expected to happen between the first and last day of January. Gold and Silver prices have been climbing abruptly. The market is stagnant, waiting for something to happen. Politicos, especially in the Bush regime, have been fleeing the ship... Never seen so many resignations without a new administration coming to Washington. Yes, indeed, something is afoot. Plugged-in People are running for the hills. And now we are getting frequent, composite discharges. Seems to fit a pattern, no?
Another point: I surmised a long time ago, and was promptly shot down by a journalist friend, that the key to this program had to do with being able to identify and surgically remove the DNA strand, or sub-strand, that is found under laboratory conditions to attack these various desired tissue types. In order to diseminate the pathogen for immunization purposes, it cannot be live. If it were, the full blown symptom, possibly to the point of death, would be experienced, even though only a single sub-strain would be released. Way, way too suspicious. It would also spread like wildfire. No good...
So it would have to be a non-viable virus. This is tough. A killed virus is what is normally used for conventional flu shots. Nice and dead, nice and safe. BUT... This will not propagate into the body through the lungs to acheive entrance to human tissues. The lungs would expectorate the bug like it was dust or dirt. Also no good. What was needed would be to take the selected DNA fragment and append it to ANOTHER benign virus, for which the body already has an immunity. There are literally DOZENS of these benign bugs that we come in contact with over our first few years of life. Most of us are unaware when we experience them. West Nile will sometime act so benign to some folks. When it doesn't, look out!!! I was told flat out that this "pigybacking" was IMPOSSIBLE, I didn't understand the dynamics of virology, or epidemiology or.... Yeah, sure. I'm stupid as dirt...
Guess what was on the News tonight? Flu shot "spray". It's called Flu Mist. In a spray bottle. Guess what else? They got it to work by piggybacking the killed influenza strain onto another benign virus to get it to propagate through lung tissue. My heart stopped a coupla pops. I hate it when I'm right...
Another big syzygy coming up on the 29th of this month. If there is a huge quake, we will be doing biblical thing alright. Like ALL the prophets have been saying.
BTW, read Nostradamus, Century 9, Quatrain 55. "A war is being prepared in the West...." Yeah, That one. The fourth line of astral conjugation happened in July of this year, not 1918 as some have tried to claim.
I think January is gonna be NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any thoughts?
Date: December 18, 2002 at 02:17:33
From: Bones,
Subject: Chemtrails/reply3
Were these discharges happening in a political vacuum, I would certainly agree with you, in all respects. But unless you have been asleep since 1991, it's pretty much impossible to say nothing strange has been up:
TWA 800. Missile shot from speed boat. Seen on Islip Long Island radar. Mach 2.2 Several hundred eyewitnesses. Netanyahu's plane exchanges take-off time slot right before departure. Hushed up. Why?
AA 587. Shoe bomber before Richard Reid. Police eyewitness of explosion under root of right wing. Hushed Up. Why?
Oklahoma city bombing. Plans of bomb, marked as such found in Afghanistan. British intelligence interviewed policeman that gave McVeigh the ticket. Swarthy Middle eastern man in seat next to him. Nichols in the Phillipines 2 months before blast. Hushed up. Why?
Numerous unexplained railway derailings and trains on wrong track. Hushed up. Why?
Chemtrail discharges accelerating in conjunction, no, make that LOCK STEP with developments with "War on Terror".
Biological attacks going on nationwide, cruise ships, sick Marines, sick Airliners, 5 MASSIVE food recalls of "Typical" American foodstuffs, excused with lame story. Why?
Is it just because its bad for business? Or have we been biding our time before "letting loose" with a sucker punch. That's what the Israelis did with the '67 six day war. They let the arabs think their big attack was gonna be a big surprise. Total military rout.
YOU tell ME what's going on.... I'm all ears...
Let's all hope I'm daft, for the sake of more than a few lives. In any case, January will be the big deal, if it happens at all.
Please read all of these posts from the past few days under the Chemtrails/final strokes heading. You might have missed something crucial. In any case, stay out of the malls and big crowds before and after Christmas. I suspect that 12/26 will be nasty. Biggest sale day of the year. Now, if I was gonna do a number on the U.S., that's when I would plan it. Just when everybody's feeling all nice and cozy, Christmas tree's still up. All kinds of new presents, kids on new bicycles. All kinds of sales at the stores. The boogeyman has been studying us, alright. He has bugs. We aren't supposed to know it.
I hate being lied to....
See ya, keep your head down... Might save your life!
Date: December 18, 2002 at 13:24:59
From: Bones,
Subject: Mycoplasma
Possibly I am completely wrong. Maybe the entire program is based around a mycoplasma. Whether or not no possible immunity can be acheived would then be suspect.
No one reading this post can be sure that some laboratory hasn't figured out a way to form an immunity to this bug. If this whole episode of chemtrails is a militarized research program, you can be CERTAIN that whatever progress is acheived in this area would be a top, top secret.
Personnally, I am stunned that there is ANY way to immunize against anthrax. That's a very aggressive, virulent bacterial spore, not a virus. I understand that the immunization isn't terribly successful at best, and the side effects are legendary and often cause permanent damage. I am still amazed that anything works at all.
As I have said before, this isn't my area. The exact mechanization that has been used to effect what appears to be an intentional immunization program is a mystery to me. The overall pattern of behavior, especially the frequency and propagation of discharges, and their shifting and predictable symtomology, has pretty much convinced me that this whole deal is a militarized weapon, and one of ours, to boot.
As I said before, I am hoping to receive feedback concerning further correllations, and logical scrutiny of the theory. If this stuff is true, it will stand up to most any barrage thrown at it.
Date: December 18, 2002 at 14:23:56
From: Bones,
Subject: Re: Bones
True, I can't say much about it, but I did respond to your post way, way down on the bottom of the stack.
I'm no expert here, but there is something going on, and I freely state where I resort to conjecture. To do otherwise would be irresponsible and laughable.
As far as the total immunity from yearly flu shots, I agree with your observations concerning some people that HAVE gotten some symptoms even after innoculations.
1) There ARE real flu bugs out there.
2) Many people that HAVE gotten sick after having a shot tend to not get very sick when they do.
3) Sometimes even the Chemtrails applications don't "take". Myself and several others have sometimes come down with the same symptoms as before, although never as strong and incapacitating as the first time. Generally, the next time this particular bug comes around again, total immunity is experienced, while others around get horridly sick. This is especially true concerning the Big Kahuna and the intestinal bugs.
4) The past two years the flu shots have been late, sometimes two or more months late.
For instance, this year, several folks that have had shots have gotten sick with the headache and vertigo bug just in the last month or so. I suspect, and of course cannot prove, that this is a Johnny-come-lately addition to the cocktail. This would infer that these sub-strians would have been added as an almost afterthought.
From a military mindset, this would infer that whatever risk might be placed upon the populace by this additional component, without the usual coverage afforded by the flu shot phase of the program, would be tolerable because the force-multiplication aspect of the added sub-strain as a weapon would be so worthwhile. This is a stretch. BUT NOT UNTHINKABLE.
Review your military history. We are at war. Somebody is scared to death from their knowledge of what the Boogeyman DOES have.
In any case, as I have observed in below posts, the increasing frequency and multiple sub-strain discharges recently witnessed tend to infer that it is ALL GOING DOWN SOON. Hang on...
Just my observations...
Date: December 19, 2002 at 12:09:54
From: Bones, AKA Dr. Doom ,
Subject: Alert/hunch?
Hi All!...
Two things of possible import, worthy of study and consideration:
HYPOTHESIS: If smokers are killing carrier viruses by their indulgences, which is a serious possibility, then:
DEDUCTION: This just may be a wild card the "engineers" (personnally, I call 'em "The Blackhearts...") that cooked up the whole chemtrails program, might have overlooked. As such, it might pose a horrific flaw in their analysis. Here's why:
In epidemiology, there is an equation, which I have seen, but cannot locate nor quote directly from, that quantifies the likelyhood of successful propagation of an invading biological vector. Once the "value" of this product exceeds a value of one, propagation will continue. If the value is less than one, vector propagation will slowly cease until the invasion extinguishes itself. It's Mother Nature's way of giving her constructs (us) a chance against extinction. This concept has a near identical analog in servo and electronic systems, called a Bodie Plot. In this similar situation, a value of 1 or greater indicates a system that break into oscillation spontaneously.
Depending upon the virulence of the vector, some number between 1% and 20% of non-immune set participants (victims) will allow propagation; IE, a computed value greater than 1. The Chemtrails Program, as I have described before as a tertiary innoculation effort, is apparently an attempt to keep this value less than 1 by reducing the percentage of non-immune set participants to as low a value as possible.
Follow me here: If smokers are immune from the effects of the carrier virus, then they will not receive their overall immunity, hence so many smokers showing no effects from chemtrail discharges. This, however, does not IN ANY WAY mean that they will also be immune from the composite biological weapon. Remember, most influenza spreads like Rhinoviruses, by hand or other body contact with exposed/infected surfaces, where the victim self-infects by rubbing their eyes, nose or other mucous membranes inadvertantly.
In other words, If our bug gets back on North American soil, which is almost guaranteed, what with Ol' Mr. Murphy's laws and all, then smokers are sittin' ducks.
HENCE: If you read this and are a smoker, then (gulp!), maybe a flu shot is in order. Not a pleasant thought, but certainly a possibility. Waking up dead just sort of seems like the ultimate bummer to me. Ruins your whole day...
Something to ponder between cups of coffee...
On an even nastier note:
Marines recruits in San Diego have been coming down with a horrible strain of Streptococcus A. This strain, (If we are being told the truth!) is a 9.9 on the Nasti-ometer. One fellow named Zavala died some six hours or so after getting a "skin rash" on his ankle. Several other men in his unit are in critical condition, and something like 100 persons are under a doctor's care, getting antibiotics and, whether or not this shows up in the media, are under quarantine. (Of course... Un Sam takes this seriously. They just don't talk about it...)
DEDUCTION: Al Qaeda has taken a page from the KGB's old play book. Ever heard the story of the British Operative that got stuck in the foot by an umbrella, a KGB umbrella, equipped with a micro-ball injector? The cross-drilled stainless steel sphereoid had the protein Ricin, extracted from Castor beans, the most toxic plant protein known, packed into the holes.
The operative's foot got a little red. He got sick, then sicker, and then died two weeks later. Big mystery until the tiny ball was found in his foot.
I believe that the Boogeyman has come up with a spray nozzle set-up in his pant leg and shoe. He comes up behind some unsuspecting victim in a public place, and **spootz**, sprays a little fluid on the victim's sock. Bang, bang, you are dead.
(I wonder if the Boogeyman has some kind of twisted shoe fetish action goin' on?)
Evil geniuses, they be.
I would suggest that the wise will take heed of this warning, and will wear knee-high boots in public while shopping during the Christmas season, both before and after Christmas itself. Women can get away with this with ease, and the guys are gonna just have to get used to getting "the stare."
"Huhh, wunder why that hick is wearing his waders in th' Mall?"
Whatever works.
REMEMBER: Our government has qualified each and every one of us as expendable. It is far more important from their corrupt point of view to keep the flow of commerce going and not panic the consumers. If something happens, they will hush it up quick enough... Good for business. Makes the market climb.
Do any of you out there fail to believe this recent and often proven fact of current American life?
Get real....
Keep your head down. The Boogeyman has come out from under our collective beds. He is very real.
Bones!!! (O.K., Doctor Doom, if you will...)
Date: December 20, 2002 at 05:04:10
From: Bones,
Subject: Alert/hunch?
My father was a navigator with Flying Tigers Air Freight throughtout the fifties. He told many of the '51 spraying of San Francisco. Nearly all thought he was daft. I didn't believe him either - until it was confirmed rather recently. I also discovered from contacts that one of his favorite missions was doing drop-off to Shemya for "the agency", one of FTAF's better customers. He has been dead for more than ten years. I never got the chance to pat him on the back and say "You crazy old son-of-a-bitch. You WERE right." I no longer have the option. My eldest daughter living in Scandinavia thinks I am nutty as good fudge. This is how "it" goes.
I never claimed that ALL chemtrail discharges were biologically related. To do so would be well beyond foolish, or even ludicrous. I can "prove" nothing. I am a layman. My claims, if you re-read them, were that planes spray, people get sick, and the sickness associated with these discharges follow discrete patterns. With a gun against my head, I will not change my opinions. You may form whatever conclusions you desire. This is your option.
As far as flu shots, your accurate figures are for ONE application. As anyone will tell you that has been through enough discharges, if one doesn't take, the next re-applications will do the trick. You will know if it doesn't take. You get sick again. This will go on and on until an immunity is acheived. I have watched it with my own eyes. Don't EVEN try to convince me otherwise.
Concerning the Boogeyman's new squirt gun toy, I didn't say that they were going to blitz everyone. That wouldn't be terrifying. Its the unknowning that makes his nasty little plan work. In the back of all of our heads is that nagging little question: "Will it be me next?" It gnaws at you, whether or not you are willing to admit it to yourself. The knee boots angle is the best way I know of to eliminate the possibility. It's a psychological thing. Comforting - and the BEST way I know of to give the Boogeyman "the bird". You may be brave and puff out your chest and play the odds if you so desire. They are undoubtedly on your side. Me, I just don't need to. I smile a little crooked smile, and clop along in my crabbing boots, and I haven't a care in the world.
Works for me....
I have watched this whole series of shenanigans for several years, not enjoying any of the more intimate episodes. The horrible, severe fever I call "The Big Kahuna" makes most male victims wish they were dead. The women I know that experience it seem not to have the magnitude of distress that men receive. As a matter of fact, when these particular discharges occur, I have witnessed clinical "ratfall" around our place here in the forest. Dead or dying rodents, twitching and convulsing, usually field mice, voles and on one occasion a beaver. Our standard poodle, a tough old guy, was deathly sick on one occasion. Look up ratfall in your handbook of biowarfare. If this doesn't set off alarm bells in your head, you should just put a cork in it...
As far as the testing vs. innoculation delineation is concerned, the best possible argument is one of economics. All military enterprises sooner or later have to deal with cost, both in direct monetary values as well as available manpower, political consequence, and issues of security and secrecy. Most times, these later variables are far more "expensive" than any pile of greenbacks.
The chemtrail discharges have been witnessed to be nearly ubiquitous throughout the U.S. and Canada, with high coverage of Europe as well. The coverage of other land masses I know little of, although I have heard a few snippets. There is no rational justification for any level of experimentation or testing with this coverage. The cost is just too high. The military is famous for mandating 1.0% AQL testing in almost all of their production level acquisitions. The discharges have been witnessed to well exceed any sampling regimen.
I have agonized over the logistics of this for YEARS, trying to dissuade myself from any conclusion that has eventually taken me down this particular road of mass innoculation.
The only close contender is that this program is a giant episode of Supra-national saber-rattling - a giant bluff, as it were. This is still a valid possibility, but all things considered, such a bluff would likely be somewhat less surreptitious to be most effective. Like the majestic "Star Wars" terminal hit-to-kill bluff of the Reagan years. Kid yourself not, the KGB was sophisticated, but they fell for the ruse. At least on a surface level, the only witnesses capable of piecing this program together for such a bluff would have to be either the Russians or Chinese, with whom we are both on less than antagonistic terms. Simply put, if they were to figure out the innoculation angle, what would be the point? What politically extortive angle would be worth the cost? I am not aware of any, not to say I am privy to anything remotely near this level of geopolitics.
I also have to bring up the more elegant issue of "hiding in plain sight". The U.S. is nominally an "open" society, and our secrets are notoriously poorly kept. Both from rabid journalists as well as out and out cash-on-the-barrelhead espionage. The Soviets made a mockery of our secrecy for much of the Cold War.
I learned several years ago that there exists another level of secrecy well beyond anything the most die-hard conspiracy buffs could imagine. I have talked with a few of the practitioners. The rules they play by have NOTHING to do with any of the cloak and dagger myths that pervade pulp fiction. I won't discuss them further...
If you have followed the news this day, the Thursday before Christmas, you might have noticed the blitz coverage of the Saddam-as-suicidal-maniac angle. Front Page of USA Today. Let's see, how does this work. "Unnamed" sources close to the White House announce that he will release chem and bio weapons against his own people, to be blamed on us, if the U.S. invades. How Conveeeeenient! Reading between the lines but a little, if one were to believe the papers, then it could logically be deduced that when we invade (not if, but when...) there WILL be a release of WMD, and SADDAM will be the culprit. And therefore HE will blame US, but of course, WE all know that this just isn't true. It's all there in black and white, on the front page. You DO believe what you read in the papers don't you?
What a clean operation...
BTW, I was down in town today converting all of my liquid cash into old silver coins. I suspect that the greenback will be all but worthless quite soon. I am literally putting my money where my mouth is. (I would suggest you follow suit, but I suspect you are WAY much smarter than I, and of course this is just hysterical over-reaction from some nutcase, right?) The coinsmith had vertigo right then and there while we were cranking coins through his counter. A few hours later, my wife was unable to complete dinner as she was hit by sudden vertigo, and could no longer stand. The rotelli became a soggy mess before I tried to salvage it. My oversight...
Pretty clear I have NO idea what is going on...
Tell you what, make a hardcopy of this. Use a laser printer, not an ink jet. The laser bonds the plastic ink particles to the nap of the paper, while the ink from an ink jet tends to be more water soluble and toxic. Place this copy under one of your oh-so-cute little refrigerator magnets, there in plain sight. Then take it down sometime in late spring or early summer and soak it in a shallow bowl of water with a little Lowry's Special Seasoning Salt sprinkled generously over the top.
It will taste better that way....
Doc Doom...
Date: December 21, 2002 at 00:28:44
From: Bones,
Subject: Doom Report - Poker
Let's play a game...
Say seven card draw. Two jokers in the deck before the deck hits the table, but once the first cut, we are back to 52. Big table. High stakes.
Couple of fat cats in hats sort of playing tag team together. Best buddies, been hangin' in the same circles for sooooo long. Been on the same side through more than a few bar brawls and turf wars. A few other players to the left and right, with a little savy and known prowess. Seldom aggressive these players, been playing this game for all their lives. Very business-like. Real pros. Bunch of other light weights across from the two honchos. New kids. Pigeons, thinks the two big shots.
The newbies have scraped together all the bucks grandma left 'em, rather than buyin' a cow (Hey, better odds than magic beans, right?...) Actually, they've been watchin' the big wheeler-dealers most of the evening. Thinks to themselves, "Hey, we can run with these big dogs, right. I mean, it's a game. All the cards are on the table, right?"
We'll see...
Something weird going on. On the first hand, everybody antes up, not too bad; the cost of gettin' on the table. Same 'Ol stuff, right? Then the two wheels in the hats scoop up the pot before the first bid. "What in Sam Hell", thinks the newbies. "Administrative costs," it is explained. Well it could be worse, thinks they. At least it didn't cost more to play in. Not yet...
Bettin' is reasonable, nobody playin' for blood. No big bluffs. Pretty level game, all in all. Nobody see a joker for several hours. The big shots know their game, they play it straight and bet on formula, like machines. The newbies are trying to get bucks up, and are playin' a little loose, taking chances. But they aren't stupid. They do O.K. A few hands up, A few hands down.
Each ante is the same. "Administrative costs". Based on the average value of the winning pots, the lost ante runs 5 - 10%. The newbies aren't really doin' all that bad. Holdin' their own. Still, 10 PM stretch, and they aren't as flush as they were when they sat down. But nobody has red eyes yet, and it seems the game will probably go on for well into the night. The newbie in the loud latin-print shirt busts first. Too many bad hands in a row. Bad breaks. Just can't keep his head above water...
No big deal. The Wheeler Dealers are used to this. "Hey kid, need a stake? We'll give you a loan. No big deal..." So they take a little slice of each of the stakes from the other players, theirs included. Of course, wouldn't want to be unfair... Out comes a notary pad. This thing is done by the book.
Well, Mr. Cha Cha is back in the game again. Then during a deal, he looks at the note. Ouch, that interest can add up. 5% PER HAND.
Next thing you know, the big tall dark dude in the tribal print cap busts out. No big deal. All the stakes get a little lighter. A note gets signed, and they are all back in business.
Every hand, that ante keeps whittling the bucks available to keep the greener players in their stake. One side of the table is gettin' lighter, and the other side starts to see some really high piles of loot.
The fat cats are gettin' some fine shots of the best Red Eye in the joint. Fat stogies. Bar girls start hangin' on their arms. Here and there a bill goes into a willin' cleavage, giggles and red faces. So much fun...
The newbies are startin' to sweat. They're into several loans apiece, but their stake just doesn't seem to hold its own.
That last hand just went down to the half-ripped cat in the Stetson. Five aces... Wait a minute. Where'd that Joker come from. The new guy in the turban objects. Stetson grins, and shows him a marking along the rim of the funny man card. Sez "Royalties". Turban's pissed. Nothin' he can do. House rules, and all.
By now, there ain't another table left in the saloon. All the joints up and down the boulevard have closed, they can't compete. Run out of business. The dapper gentleman in the bowler and the monacle sittin next to the cowboy been gettin' a handful or two under the table from the blotto B girl when he thinks nobody's watchin. Stetson don't care. Nuttin' anybody can do to 'em. Times are good... The ante just keeps flowin' in, and 5 percent of anything adds up pretty fast. The wheeler dealers just keep the game going. The other players besides the newbies don't have a dime between them, but they sure have a lot of notes from the newbies. All the cash is sittin on one side of the table, piled around empty shot glasses, garters and brassieres.
The newbies are gettin' real, real worried. So do the professional cats with the piles of paper. They start bitchin' that if these newbies bust again, there won't be any loose scratch to lend for new stakes. As a matter of fact, The table seems to be rigged. Those jokers seem to keep poppin' up all the time now. Four of anything just ain't worth squat anymore. The whining gets a little louder with each hand. Finally, the cowboy sits out a hand, the tart on his arm has way too much of his attention. He pulls out a big shiny six shooter and starts to polish it, admiring the fine filigree and nickel plating. Best money can buy. The table falls silent except for the sound of shuffling and dealin' Just the way he likes it. Nothing to worry about for him or the tipsy bloke in the bowler.
After all, they all know it. This is the only game in town...
Do you still not know why 19 wackos flew jetliners into those skyscrapers?
Doc Doom...
Date: December 21, 2002 at 12:29:03
From: Bones,
Subject: New type of chemtrails?..Not New!
Yes I do...
Folks, this isn't fun for me...
This pattern, which is gettin' so close to my most twisted doomsday scenario, has been tightenin' up every month, every week, every day... Soon, it'll be every hour.
Look up your history of the literal Nuke Orgy that the U.S. and the Soviets committed late in the fifties and early sixties before we mutually banned above-ground testing. It was literally getting to the point of averaging 5 MEGATON PER MONTH between Ivan and us. Absolutely unimaginable potential impact. Funny enough, Mother Earth, on the whole, seemed to swallow these bitter pills with at least some level of immunity. I am continually surprised that the long term consequences of this bombfest of bomblust didn't hose up our ecosystem worse than it did. Perhaps Crichton's observations that Man's greatest threat from irresponsible behavior is to himself, as sweet dear Mother Earth WILL survive - but we shall not...
Billions of years of eco-fabric knitting has made her very, very resilient. Comets and asteroids can do damage damage to the envy of any military planner, and still she hosts yet another round of evolutionary waltz. While the players supercede one another on the dance floor, the celestial music remains the same. It will be so long after our unique strain of DNA has been obsoleted in our inevitable future.
How arrogant we chatterin' hairless apes be...
The Association of Concerned American Scientists (I believe it was them?) have been publishing a "Doomsday Clock" throughout most of the Cold War. By the eighties it was a mere matter of minutes before we were left in the lurch in our mouse-drawn glow-in-th'-dark "pumpkin". I was a cold warrior for much of my life. These things I know. The Cold War was a weird one. We "fought" it in our laboratories and test ranges, always just public enough for the other guy to know just how badass we wuz gettin' ta be... Scare tactics on a global scale.
Guess what?
That stuff absolutely pales compared with the unpredictability of engineered biobugs. Once the dueling test tubes get going, spontaneous mutations and other wild cards can force-multiply until the potentials are exponential. I kid you not.
What a thing to think about before the Holidays.
Later I'll go into details about some of these "Wild Cards" that haunt my nightmares.
See ya later - I hope...
Doc Doom...
Date: December 22, 2002 at 22:09:05
From: bones,
Subject: Q for bones
Hej, Hej til deg!!!
Vi alle har en Svensk Flicka paa bordet!!! Tak saa mycket...
(Min Svensk har alt for manga huller i!)
As far as agenda, and when it is due to unfold, I have no inside information. If I am correct, there is potential danger here, for myself especially, and just perhaps for anyone that downloads this. I kid you not. I suspect that the spooks that monitor websites throughout the world have figured out that Jim's subscribers are all crackpots, and aren't worth wasting their time listening to us goof balls. I suspect...
I am fully convinced that the Chemtrails program is for our own good, each and every one of us citizens, At least in the U.S. and Canada. I know not of Mexico. Holes in my database.
Ol' Henry the K (superkraut Kissinger) said the other day on Fox news, and I am trying to quote here as accurately as I can:
"Iraq is too varm in April. Vi must be out of Iraq by late spring, so you can verk your vay backvards from zere."
Lately there have been announcements that all neccessary military forces will be in place by Jan. 27. Will the invasion come slightly sooner? Will it slip a few days or a few weeks from there? I can't say at this time. Perhaps political communique's from the Bushies will give us all a clue.
In the mean time, I'm trying to enjoy Christmas with my wife and kids. It is a serious possibility that this may be the last Christmas that in any way resembles anything close to what we have all grown up with as Americans. Sometimes when no one is watching I find myself sobbing under my breath. What we are due to lose...
BTW - Silver and Gold went up last week alone by 10%. I made more money in my position than I have working in the last six months. Another curious indicator. There is a nationwide shortage of "junk" bags of Silver coins. The waiting list is at least two months long. I wouldn't have been able to secure what I did had I not have befriended a local coin dealer, and taken this seriously when I did four months ago.
Yet another fact. For those who don't deal in numismatics, for which I am a rank amateur, "junk" refers to old U.S. coins that are so worn as to be practically smooth and unreadable (junky looking, not worth collecting) - or at least this was the case two or three years past. Now this is not the case.
Fully 25% of the coins in the last TWO 55 pound deliveries were uncirculated 62,63 and 64 quarters, halves and dimes. Beautiful, swirled surfaces, not a fleck of tarnish or wear.
Indications: There has been a run on coinage. The bulk dealers have run out of the crappy stuff. They're selling the prime stuff now. The stuff they held until last.
Somebody that is plugged in has been sucking the stuff off the market at a great rate of speed. Does somebody in the know believe a global economic collapse is in the wings. It would appear so...
Keep your head down...
Doc Doom.
Date: December 22, 2002 at 22:45:30
From: Bones!,
Subject: dem bones - the whole pile -- of crap
Ahhh. Finally!
Some hate mail!
Ma'am, It was my father, not stepfather, He was a navigator, not a spook. He flew to many locales. One of which was Shemya. You look that one up. I wrote a whole book about the subject - with the USAF's approval. Look up RC135E, while you are at it... Yes, they did watch my work for two years (full background check! I already had an FBI jacket, so it was a snap.) before they opened a door to me - and took me to dinner at Edwards AFB. A year later, ('96) I was invited to attend the closing ceremonies of the 50th anniv. celebration of the founding of SAC, at Offutt. THEIR dime...I have a picture of my then 16 mo. old daughter posed on the wing of Gen. Reggie Urschler's P51 Mustang (Known as "The Gunfighter") from the Confederate Air Force. The picture is stuck on my refrigerator. Any Strat Recon guys know EXACTLY who I am talkin' about.
As far as fact, you must not be understanding what you read. Lay off the hooch for a while... I believe what I myself experience 100%. I believe my friends 50%. I believe any other single person 25%. The Government, usually 10%, unless they are tellin' the truth PERFECTLY, just not all of it. (Look up Robert Heinlein's "Three ways to lie")
If I see it , hear it or feel it, it is fact... Nobody else or anything comes close. So, I'm opinionated. Sue me. Several have, but not lately. My wife is a legal beagle (used to be, anyways).
Old Persian proverb: He who tells the truth should first have one foot in the stirrup...
If I was to try and sell this to Hollyweird, they wouldn't touch it... Ask Aaron Preister, (the late) Irma Bombeck's old literary agent. I can give you their phone number... They don't want this kind of stuff. They want "O.J. and "Oprah" books. The perversion and corruption that has pervaded our whole culture is ubiquitous. Oh, I forgot "Jerry Springer" books. They sell too...
Dis-information... Me, working for some agency. More likely I'm just a looney-toon. And I HAVE worried about that too.
But I come back to your post...
Exactly who is dis-informing whom right now?
Please, prove me wrong. I would ***love*** to have my old world back, with my old victorian mansion with the white picket fence and the rose garden, and the old Chevys and Pontiacs behind the back fence. I miss my old life in the country I grew up in...
I miss it so.... A world my children will never know, aside from the Kodacolor prints, and dog-eared scrap books.
You wait until people start dying in unimaginable numbers. I stand by my analysis.
Doc Doom...
Date: December 25, 2002 at 02:06:34
From: Bones,
Subject: Q for bones
I'll tell you what. I'm sick and tired of this mess. I suppose I share this with just about everybody with something other than vacuum between their ears. I want to get off of this nutty scare ride.
I went down to the Father-in-laws place for a few days. Tried to leave the "baggage" behind. Fine enough for the first day.
McMinville Oregon is the new home to The Spruce Goose, Unc Howard's monumental plane, of which he hated to hear it called the The Spruce Goose. I hadn't seen the old girl since '91 or so down next to the Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor.
They built her a new spacious mostly-glass hangar, and filled the remaining cubic volume with 35 or so other fixed wing planes. An immaculate DC-3 sits easily under one wings with yards of clearance to spare.
On the way up, we zigged and zagged through the corridor between the old Hwy 99 and I-5. Beautiful little victorian farmhouses and bungalows in between fields and rusting cars. I was behind the wheel. On one particular zig I noticed the otherwise blue sky had a relatively low flying jet spewing a broad, spreading contrail. It was so low you could actually see the stream issuing from the trailing edge of the wing, complete with local turbulations and vortexes. The trail was SO dense and thick, it looked like a cotton blanket. I just shook my head and groaned to myself.
Over the next half hour, we watched the same plane finish its run, turn around, and overlay the exact same patch of sky, aligned dead north/south, with yet another layer, PRECISELY OVER THE FIRST ONE! At the exact same time, parallel "normal" traffic, displaced easterly by four or five miles, also a big jet, was cruising along at much the same speed and altitude. The second jet produced only a few puffs of contrail, which were wispy at their densest, and promptly dissipated in a matter of minutes. Like they did when I was a kid. The first plane's trail continued to spread until it appeared as if it were a cloud bank.
By the time we got to the museum, operated by Evergreen Airways, who are known for operating WOD (pot-patch) snooper planes, as well as other "agency" work, I was busy enough to let the chemtrail issue fall by the wayside.
We took the tour, showed the kids the various meticulously restored warbirds and flying relics (The Ford Tri-Motor is a beaut!) and so on.
One older fellow was supervising a group of kids in a home-made flight simulator. He was wearing Hughes Aircraft service pins. We got to talking.
As I was chatting, I noticed a new and broad trail forming behind a jet that I spied through the southern glazed exposure of the hangar. I mentioned it to him, for his opinion. I was stunned by his reply, and how he delivered it.
He was adamant. He knew. Said so in as many words. It was "Just a contrail, nothing more". I sort of brought up that even the government called it by a code name of "Deep Skies", supposedly to mitigate global warning. This old dude practically went hysterical. The veins in his forehead bulged and his face got red and purplish. He all but called me a fool and a crank. I left him there, and attended to my amok-running offspring.
Ten minutes later, he was gone for the day, and another docent had taken his place. I asked what of his friend, and was told he had gone for the day. This fellow and I talked for a few minutes, I brought up what had happened, and the earlier streak across the sky and my uncalled-for berating. By now there was a new trail. This guy knew nothing about chemtrails, found the issue fascinating and disturbing, and listened avidly.
Over the last few years, this later form of response has been the norm. The first guy was downright bizarre. I'm not sure what it was all about, but the one thing I am sure about is that he had been in the middle of something hot-n-heavy concerning chemtrails. The exact nature to which I can only speculate.
All the way back northwards with the setting sun, my wife and I saw roughly four discrete bands of Chemtrail discharges, laid down in parallel just in front of a weather front of clouds heading inland from the Oregon coast. The symmetry and spacing was so uniform and mechanical that it seemed surreal.
Is it just me, or are these guys (the sprayers et al.) getting devil-may-care or just sloppy from being in a hurry. The frequency of discharge seems to fill every clear day that comes along.
As far as your misgivings and premonitions, you are certainly not alone. Every single person I spoke with on Christmas Eve said that it didn't feel at all like Christmas. Same with all of my friends and family.
Could it be that everybody's picking up on some impending doom or other? Or is it just the collapsing economy?
And, yes, the yard and garage sale season is over. Now I only get sick-call reports from my connection at the local espresso bar and the school district faculty. That and friends and family.
It pains me that there are some people who would rather shout me down, attempt to eviscerate my logical conclusions and deductions then villify my extrapolations, rather than following my advice: For any of you that care to heed the warning, no matter how slim the likelihood of this horrid scenario coming true might be, you need to get your things in order. This aint a soap opera. This unpleasantness will be making house calls.
As far as my own preparations go, silver spends way easier than paper. I have kids to feed. I don't plan on any of us getting (very...) sick. Gotta be an optimist. Some people who remember the truth need to make it "to the other side" of this debacle. That's why I always say it...
Keep your head down... (please listen!)
Doc Doom...
Date: December 31, 2002 at 13:56:01
From: Bones!,
Subject: Digestion in process...
Yes, Ma'am,
I was on the road last night when I remembered about Marfan's Syndrome by name, which, like Lupus, is a genetic defect. I NEVER claimed that any chemtrail discharge caused genetic damage. The connective tissue disorders were merely a for-instance.
I find it a little unnerving that I need to spell out things to the Nth detail so I don't inadvertantly feed things to the "Peanut Gallery" to become suitable ammunition for their oft hysterical impulse to "bash the messenger". I can hold my own in any argument. I just get sick and tired of it when said argument provides no substantial insights, merely re-hashes semantics and incidental annecdotes. Ever watch Hannity and Colmes? Sean Hannity is a master of trivium barrage. The Victim seldom gets to finish his thought or sentence. Shortly thereafter, "Our time is up!". How convenient...
I'm gonna drop a bombshell here. I didn't get a chance to do a little writing yesterday as promised. I will attempt so today. In the last 18 hrs, much of my past self-doubt and ruminations have become moot. An unexpected incident has pre-empted all else. Sooner or later, I expected a leak of some sort or other from an "insider" concerning the chemtrails program and it's apparent derivatives. This is perhaps the dominant reason why I have risked life and limb of myself and family to post this unimaginable theory. I was hoping to have somebody "plugged-in" leak a yea-or-nay.
I got this yesterday from a totally unexpected source in uniform, about to be shipped out to the Middle East. The messenger who brought me this factum initially intended the episode to be used to discredit my observations for their own self-serving reasons, and it backfired wildly on this person.
In a nut shell: An airtight confirmation. Chemtrails ARE an immunization program, against the effects of an American-produced planet-sweeping killer virus. It is known about behind the scenes all over the Military, on a whisper level. I will go into more details later. It is no longer an issue of conjecture.
To those of you that can "smell" a global calamity in the works, I tip my Stetson. I need preach no further about the implications of such a horrific episode, nor what little most of us can do to increase our collective chances of survival. (Yes, dear reader, that is where we stand on this last day of 2002...)
To those who would chose to pick apart the message as a matter of course, I can provide you with no wisdom you might choose to believe, no matter the exquisite accuracy and airtight logic I might provide. I can't quote who first said "there is none so blind as those who will not see...."
I fully enjoyed the mental image of some poor sap laughing themselves under their desk, the unblinking eye of their terminal to be their sole and last witness as this self-righteous person slips between laughing at their own "joke", to shift to a coughing fit of expectoration of bloody sputum as either a mutated version of "our" bug, or the Boogeyman's bug, invades their tissues with lighting rapidity. I wonder, as they slip into delirium, if the fog will lift enough to let them admit to themselves the magnitude of their fatal self-delusion?
My aims are simple. I plan on getting through this one in more or less one piece. Perhaps I waste my time by trying to spread the message. So that others capable of rational thought and reason can hope to provide a better, more just, framework for the next phase of the Human Experiment on the "flip side" of the impending nastiness. I admit it, I am far too much of a "Boy Scout" at heart.
One fact remains imminently clear: Whether or not anybody out there believes this or not, "it" will transpire on it's own evil schedule, as it has been doing so for several years. No single man alive can stop this roaring freight train at this point in time. Such a cusp has long since passed.
'Till later, keep your head down...
Doc Doom...
Date: December 31, 2002 at 23:41:56
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Doom Report - Leakage
Hi All!
Go through a huge jar of pennies. Try to find one from 1943. Very easy to spot, really. The '43 is a "steelie", not made from copper or copper clad like the junk currently in circulation. The '43 was made out of steel because "The copper was needed for armor piercing rounds for the war effort."
This was a bald-faced lie.
The diverted copper showed up at Oak Ridge Tennessee, used in massive electromagnet coils to separate U-235 from the more plentiful U-238 isotope for the Manhattan Project. The Hiroshima bomb used U-235. (Nagasaki used Plutonium, a whole 'nother story...)
This is a fine example of "leakage".
Although the Russians and Japanese never (apparently) associated the diverted copper with a nuclear weapons program, Robert Heinlein, the "Dean of Science Fiction" writers did. As a matter of fact, in the Spring of '45, he was chosen to address the graduating class at Anapolis, his alma mater. He announced to the graduating class of seamen that the U.S. was "probably in the completion stages of a new class of weapons that would bring the war in the Pacific to a close very soon."
As soon as he left the podium, he was taken into custody and interrogated for some time, until Naval Intelligence was convinced that his "hunch" had no inside factual basis. After the incident, he was considerably tighter lipped.
How do you find a black hole?
Can't see it. Sucks all light into it. Generally, nothing of any kind emits from a black hole. So how do you detect one? Same way Pluto was discovered earlier on in the last century. You go and look for the unexplainable changes that these two bodies have on their immediate neighbors. Pluto was finally spotted, but only after a great deal of analysis showed that some anomallous body HAD to be present to account for the perturbations seen in the orbits of neighboring planets.
Sometimes this technique can be intentionally short circuited. Say we have a large brown bag full of a whole package of water balloons. Say twenty five in all, if the package labelling can be trusted. We weigh the bag. Then we reach in and take out each balloon, one at a time and weigh them, then tally the total.
When the total measured weight of the bag matches the tally of the group of balloons, then we have figured it all out, and accounted for all the balloons, right?
Some sneaky bastard put an uninflated balloon in the bag. It dropped into the bottom as we retreived the rest to weigh them. There was only one way to detect the ruse. Did we recheck the TOTAL number of balloons? Nope... We screwed up.
That's OK. It's a normal situation, and a human weakness, this not being obsessively thorough. Most people that would be suspicious enough to double check the final count would be labelled Anal Retentive, and not in a humorous way...
And this friends, is what often forms the backbone of a classified program's dis-information campaign.
As I stated in an earlier missive, the HAARP program has had a phenomenal book published about it concerning many, many theories of exactly WHAT this big gadget is supposed to do! It goes into great detail for each of these theories. Exasperating detail.
The one most glaring ommission from this tome is that the directable array of polarized dipole antennas can be used as a power source for anything entering the beam. Say an aircraft.
Nobody put "water in the balloon".
I have heard so many people argue and anguish about all the bad things the HAARP system must be doing, in great detail and seriousness. All a complete waste of time and energy.
Exactly as planned...
A month and a half ago, Fox news got an accidental shot of an airplane-that-didn't-look-like-an-airplane flying over one of their cameras. They ran it on a Monday morning, under the heading "UFO?" The FBI grabbed their videotape right quick, and Fox ain't talkin' 'bout the issue no more.
Like the steel penny, HAARP had experienced some "leakage". But ONLY if you knew where to look for it.
On to Chemtrails...
Where do we find leakage? Well, let's figure out where to look first. People get sick. So, something medical would be a great place to start. It is a massive program, alright, so with big deals come big bucks. Big bucks in the Federal Gov. means big payola. Political influence. Palms gettin' greased.
If this is a secret program (Duhhh...) then there should remain an air of mystery about such transactions.
Homeland Security Bill clears the Senate with a strange provision slipped in to allow the Eli Lilly Corp. to "skate" on vaccine liabilities. Everybody puts on a hissy fit and points to the (unproven) issue of mercury amalgams and suspicious cases of autism.
But wait... EXACTLY what did Dick Armey's little sneaky rider on the bill REALLY say. It said that the company was hereafter immune from liability in the past - and future. This is a big deal, but nobody was looking for it.
So the Bushies threw Lilly a bone, not only because Dad used to be on their executive
board of directors, which was WAY convenient, but also because the company was up to their eyesockets in new programs. Lilly doesn't make Anthrax vaccines. So what was it that caused this "bone" to be thrown their way. What new "Vaccines" were they workin' on?
Could it be that Lilly has been "cooking" up the brew that forms the chemtrail discharge? I'll bet you diamonds to doughnuts that this is the case. But I suspect I'll never be able to prove it. Such is the case with leakage.
I had another case of leakage come my way yesterday...
I'll try to keep it short, as it has all the makings of a good third-rate soap opera. This fellow is about to be shipped off to Iraq. Twenty-something, pseudo-goth son of a Preacher-man (Really!!) with a jaded outlook and a 'tude and a half. Named his M-16 after a past girlfriend that weirded him out by drinking blood. (Really!!) Well this chick was trolling for some dirt on somebody else for a whole 'nother reason, and brought up the chemtrails issue, of which she believed not a shred. Dude turns her whole world upside down with his reply.
Remember, this guy is a paratrooper, just about the last place anybody wants to be when the shootin' starts. How bad is it? Well, in past conflicts, 70% of the first wave of paratroopers never walk away from the jump zone, either from death or disability. One way or the other, they leave on their backs... Not pretty. Well, this particular cat was told through a back channel that his chances in Iraq were to be a lot better than it used to be. Seems that the Iraqi "resistance" in the drop zone would be negligible. Why? All the Iraqis would be either dead or dying. Sick as dogs.
So this dame gets the answer she did not want. Verbatim, the Chemtrails program has been designed so that America's biological weapon intended to whack all the Iraqis before the soldiers set foot "in country" would not get back stateside and wipe out Mom and Pop.
The exact words used were "Innoculation Program" to make Americans back home immune from this engineered bug. This also says a few more things...
The ONLY reason to innoculate the ENTIRE U.S. population against this bug is that:
1) It Kills, but good, and right now.
2) It spreads like wildfire, and will probably get out of control immediately, and this is either expected or intentional.
3) It is politically unacceptable for ANYBODY to know the scope of the whole program, and just how underhanded and sneaky this "bug" thing is.
I hope this dude doesn't get caught blabbing his mouth off, because it could mean bad things for him. He implied that it was super-secret, but once you are on the ground in a hostile country, with a rifle in your grip, walking over the dead bodies, I suppose gettin' in trouble for talkin' to friends just isn't too high on one's list of worries...
So there you have it. I was right all along.
Tomorrow we will talk about some other kinds of leakage, important stuff that makes MY blood run cold...
Keep your heads down...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 01, 2003 at 15:16:34
From: Bones...,
Subject: From the Peanut Gallery
OK, fine...
BTW, I know EXACTLY who these people are, down to their SSN, rank, postings, ops orders and just about any other incriminating data I might need. I just could not imagine placing ANY of this info on the web. That, from my point of view, would be immoral.
My most recent edicts also dovetail almost perfectly into things JOB has been told on the Q.T. Go bash him too. I SURE he will be receptive...
In a past post, you scoffed that the NSA was intercepting E-Mail and other web traffic. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT about this, I know first hand. Less than two years ago I was intimately involved (To the tune of TEN patents in my name alone!!! Take THAT Cisco Systems, Nyah, nyah, nyah! ) in the next generation of Backbone Internet routers. The team I was working with had been getting bucks for several years previous in conjunction with TRW in El Segundo, directly from the NSA, and the mysterious Doc Bedard. If you do a search, his name **might** pop up somewhere or other. I will further double dog guarantee your IP address will ALSO be added to a file in some other "spooky" place.
The generation of router we were designing was capable of traffic speeds 100 times faster than anything Cisco had in production. Our real time, non-parallel baud rates were 60 gigabaud/sec. for each of a 512 X 512 port ballistically self-routed crosspoint super hub fabbed from Niobium nitride RSFQ (Rapid Single Flux Quantum) self-clocking asynchronous logic, built on a stacked silicon cube of several dozen substrates, operating at 4.5 degrees KELVIN. (That's 4.5 degrees Celsius above absolute zero...)
Yes, that's right... We were about to break the productization barrier for super-cooled logic systems. Cray never did it. My corner: I made the breakthrough for transitioning so many I/O ports of data simultaneously into the cryogenic environment without suffering crippling thermal surcharges. Impedance matching was also a nightmare. Super-cooled logic operates in the current domain (H fields rather than E fields), rather than the voltage domain, at incredibly small signal levels to boot. A "1" bit equals 1 microvolt for 1 nanosecond. And this is in a 2.5 ohm specific impedance environment.
Do I need to spell out why the NSA would be so interested in such a device?
If I say it is so, it is. I haven't the time to lie.
If you choose the path of ignorance and self-deception, well, that's your option...
Perhaps others will be more receptive to my warnings. It might help them survive the upcoming nightmare.
It appears you are WAY to clever to fall for my self-serving manipulations, right?
Doc Doom...
Date: January 01, 2003 at 17:21:27
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Doom Report - More Leaks!
Hi All!
What is it about threes?
"Leaves by three, let it be..." (Poison Ivy)
"Third time's a charm..." (Good or Bad luck)
Neptune used a trident. The Holy Trinity is the cornerstone of Christianity. The strongest, most elemental shape is the triangle...
Here are three more things to think about, three matters of "leakage":
GIVEN: The root program around which the Chemtrails are being disbursed, cover story "Deep Skies", infers that a bio-weapon engineered by the U.S. Government is about to be put to use. (The increasing frequency of discharges and complexity of associated symptoms seems to point in this direction.)
GIVEN: Such a program has been foreseen to pose a threat to American Citizens clear on the opposite side of the globe, hence the massiveness of the domestic discharge campaign. Spreading of the weapon beyond political boundaries, despite any best efforts, is all but assured.
GIVEN: The entire program is intensely secretive, with complex dis-information campaigns associated with it, and media near-blackouts. Therefore, it has been evaluated a priori to be a political and social pariah, both here and abroad. Also this level of secrecy infers that it's usefulness as a weapon system would be substantially compromised if the nature of the program became widely known.
GIVEN: The nature of Al Qaeda and their surrogate's (and possibly extra-national Instigators) attacks are more psychological and economic than conventionally military.
THEREFORE: The United States must not be caught in the act of using such a biological weapon. The very act of such a ploy would cause the U.S. to become a global pariah, worse than Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin or Idi Amin. The utilization of this nature of weapon is furthermore fraught with other more scientifically dangerous perils.
Consider the following:
Scenario 1; The Politics of Leakage:
The incident wave of contagion spreads out from Iraq to surrounding nations, none of which are excessively friendly to the United States. In the overall equation of military victory, these are acceptable, and perhaps even beneficial (from a short-sighted point of view!).
Said wave continues outward. Europe is immune. Europeanized western Russia likewise. Same with Japan, South Korea and various pockets of "beneficial" African and Asian nations. All other nations sharing a connected land mass (Africa, Eurasia) feel the brunt directly, losing perhaps as much as 80% of their populace, with especially high losses to compromised persons. (Famine, refugees, AIDS sufferers)
The Bulk of European Citizens have no inkling about this program. Same with the Koreans and Japanese. American Citizens are, as yet, even more unaware.
Some source, whether it be a jaundiced or nauseated official, some level of Military officer or just an observant journalist with a death wish, "spills the beans". The breakout of media blackout occurs in Europe first. Efforts to suppress the story, as local governments are in it up to their proverbial eyesockets along with the U.S. Government, begin to fail, for any one of several reasons, none the least of which are religious. Outrage ensues. Rioting in the streets, American edifices and holdings are put to the torch.
Despite the best efforts of a corrupted and subjugated American Media, the incident leaks out throughout most of North America. Spin control falls apart. The average citizen finds the behavior appalling, and political turmoil spreads. Certain politicians "break rank" to save their own skins, claiming that they were "forced" into compliance with the massive cover-up.
Political forces in Europe shift over quicker than in the U.S. Pressures from popular uprisings force elected officials to blackball/boycott U.S. interests, goods and services. Massive amounts of stock and bond holdings are "called". The American Government is unable to make good on even a portion of these government secured debts. The derivatives/options market is discovered to be over-extended by three to one as far as actual securities compared to sold notes is concerned. The Stock market crashes, pulling down foreign markets with them. Hatred and disgust ensues. All global economic instruments become nearly worthless overnight. Fortunes are lost, with zero chance of recovery.
Rioting is replaced by waves of murderous non-americans, looking for blood. Americans on foreign soil flee for their lives, often with poor results.
The long term prognosis for this situation is beyond analysis. Life as we know it throughout the surviving world ceases in any way experienced for the last several hundred years.
Scenario 2; Retribution:
Chinese forces see the contagion wave as it races through their western provinces. Quarantines are set up, but the insidious nature of the pathogen breaks through, aided by hysterical persons and self-serving bureaucrats in outlying areas.
A rage of retribution spreads throughout the politburo. Unknown weapon systems, housed in shipping containers spread throughout the WESTERN HEMISPHERE in places like the Bahamas, the Panama canal zone or selected sites in Canada, Mexico and/or South America are called into play. New pathogens and nerve agents, with no known antidotes in the west, are spread by semi-suicidal raids into the contiguous 48 states. Mass panic and waves of mortal infections spread throughout built-up areas and metropolitan enclaves. Whole cities become deserted above-ground graveyards. Isolated pockets of renegade refugees resort to violent attacks against farming and other agricultural communities. Vigilante justice reigns supreme. America rolls back three hundred years.
Scenario 3; Mutagenics:
The contagion wave spreads throughout Europe and Asia. Transmission is airborne, as the virus has been chosen to ensure maximum deployment in the shortest period of time. Unusually high sunspot activity during the expansion phase spontaneously mutates one or more of the eight or so sub-strains present in the root pathogen. Areas previously engineered and designed to be immune from past innoculation efforts lose their protection from this new, mutated pathogen. Death spreads unchecked globally, jumping quarantine zones and geographical boundaries. Global losses to humans and livestock exceed 70% even in well nourished and medically sophisticated countries.
WILDCARD; Biblical prophecies:
Massive earthquakes occur during any one of these scenarios, thereby force-multiplying the deleterious effect of the spreading pathogen due to panic and reduction of medical and quarantine services.
Pardon me, but can anyone out there please disprove with a 99% certainty that any one of these scenarios are impossible or even highly implausible.
Perhaps then I can get a good night's rest for a change........
Keep your head down...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 02, 2003 at 03:31:56
From: Bones!,
Subject: PS
Hard to say. Not as clear cut as other symptoms. Many data points. If what appears to be happening, which I sort of predicted, being that the whole kaboodle is getting thrown at us for a last ditch pickup before zero hour, then any new sub-strain, and its unique behavior, is hiding in the "noise". I have seen many folks coming back with what appear to be anomallous aches and pains at sites of past infirmities, but not clearly so. Plus there is the issue of E.Q. symptom cross-contamination, sudden changes in weather, holiday stresses and a few other things to "muddy th' waters".
You see a pattern there buddy? I'm less sure with this one than the others. There is also a distinct possibility that this is an analog of other past sub-strains, like the Big Kahuna that seems not to affect most women, but puts men out of commission for a while, and occassionally causes a nasty case of scrotal swelling. Very few guys have admitted to that side effect. Now there is another weird side to that one I haven't mentioned before.
There are only two places on the body that share this particular weird stretchy tissue, the scrotum and the eyelid. Honest... (Makes for some weird inside-doctor-circles rude jokes, I bet!) Well, I've seen or heard about dozens of eyelid or stye problems, but not too many giga-ball symptoms. I suspect that it isn't a topic most guys want to B.S. about.
"Man, you should seen what I was swingin' th' other day!..." Right...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 02, 2003 at 04:12:10
From: Bones!,
Subject: Chemtrails?
I'm gonna jump in here and play know-it-all. Forgive me my sins... Actually, AK Trapper over on the gov. Conspiracies board has assembled and made copies of a whole slew of my postings concerning some fairly hard research, as well as general spouting-off on my theories, yet to be proven. Some are pretty dismal, so don't expect all sweetness and light.
These ain't fun times we be in, I tell ya. I'm over here on the "backside" of the Kitsap Praying Mantis, out past the "Huckleberry Curtain", where folk's family trees cease to fork... We're close enough to Bangor so that we get "special treatment" - The Chemtrails are sometimes so thick that they taste metallic.
As far as to why our dear sweet government doesn't come right out with it? Well, do you remember how the Israelis "sucker-punched" the arabs back in '67? They ambushed them because they knew the arab invasion was about to come in, which they did, right into a trap.
I have this nagging hunch that Gulf War Syndrome, which WAS a viral attack against American Troops in Kuwait, is also linked to the several denied aircraft losses (TWA 800, AA 587) from terrorist strikes, to goad the Muslim forces into frustration and sloppy conduct, for the long term goal of a global sucker-punch that has been in the planning stages for many, many years. Perhaps this also explains why Slick Willie and his Frau-from-Hell have gotten away with such attrocities. Somebody knows too much to be dealt with.
This all sounds so damnably far-fetched that I have a hard time believing the veracity of my own analysis.
Perhaps you should get ahold of a copy from AK Trapper and make up your own mind. If the theory is true, then it will stand up to whatever scrutiny that might be sent its way.
Keep your head down in the mean time...
Doc Doom...
Friends, I have documented the chemtrails photographically, so have others--there are UFOs occasionally seen in relation to the's all about depopulation--this confirms what I have written about, and echoes my feelings.
This comes from David Icke's magazine--do not challenge me that David Icke is not a Christian...he's on the path of truth--that will lead to Christ eventually. Right now he has to deprogram from all the Satanist-front phony Churches and the defiling of Christian doctrine through the ages--he's not wrong. The Inquisition did happen, Satanic Ritual Abuse in churches is a daily occurance--it's called bait and switch. Okay?
So read this--in my opinion it's true...that's my take on it. I have studied this in our own skies and also noted all my physical reactions to the aerial spraying: nosebleeds, upper respiratory congestion, uncontrollable sneezing, wheezing...only when can smell the material after the planes have sprayed, which means it has already lodged in our lungs. So here you go.
The true purpose of chems?
The following is reprinted from David Icke's Magazine
So you haven't yet figured out the airborne conditioning-agent release program that is being operated by the government.
I'll give you some hints, but first I'll give you a little information about myself. I'm a retired government scientist with an advanced degree in one of the health-related disciplines.
I do not use my real name for fear of retaliation, either against me, or against members of my family.
I always try to route my e-mail communications so that they appear to come from another source, usually from one somewhere within the government.
Sometimes I use the internet resources of the public library - whatever it takes to hide my true identity and confuse those who don't want the sort of information I possess to fall into the public's hands.
I have a small circle of friends who are, or were, in key positions within our military and several government agencies.
These are not the very top level personnel, but mid to upper mid-level people, scientists and analysts, who are in positions where they can see the day-to-day activities of what's going on, who are charged with implementing the details, but who are never quite privy to the schemes behind the work they do.
Each of my contacts has been able to supply me with a portion of the puzzle, but separately, none of them understands the whole story. I'll tell you what I've pieced together so far.
But I have to admit that this information frightens me because there is no place I can go with it. What am I supposed to do - write my congressman? I believe that would be like signing my own death warrant.
This whole chemtrail issue is related to the plan for decreasing the world population to around 450-500 million -- and starting with the US first.
Why? The people of the US are the only ones with even the remotest chance of stopping this. That is, if they knew about it. That's why the US has to be the first to go. You have to understand that the world's elite covet the US for its geographic diversity - and they would love to return this country to its condition as it existed prior to Columbus setting foot here, but without the Native Americans this time of course.
You may have already heard how several national parks have been designated as world biospheres - that's the plan for all of North America, a giant nature park and playground that will be devoid of annoying human beings (that would be us).
And the people actually involved in doing the spraying, as well as those who will take part in the rest of the plans, are being duped into believing they will be spared, that is, permitted to live and remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this vast nature preserve.
I understand that about 150 to 200 thousand people are projected as necessary for maintenance purposes. But it's likely these people will not be Americans.
Those in charge wouldn't want to risk the possibility of some sort of revolt, so the workers will probably be brought in from Europe and Asia.
There are rumors floating about the internet that the chemtrails are part of some sort of secret program the government is doing to protect the US from future biological attacks.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The plan is to sensitize, or condition, the US population to being wiped out by influenza A.
Over the past few years, people have been encouraged to get flu shots to protect them against the generally non-lethal strains that circulate through the population during flu season.
Each year the US government has guessed which strains were most likely to spread. They seem to always guess right - don't they?
This flu season, the government protected people with a trivalent vaccine that included the A/Beijing/262/95-like (H1N1) and the A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N2). It also contained the B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens.
For those not familiar with virology, the H and N refer to proteins on the outside of the virus, the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which are responsible for the virus attaching to, and then invading, a host cell.
The public has been quite pleased with the success of the vaccines offered so far. But that will change in the future.
Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD have reconstructed and modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus, making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US.
Consider that it could have killed many more, but back then, people couldn't hop on a jet and travel from New York to L.A. in five hours. Now, our ability to travel will increase the spread and will be our downfall.
The flu vaccines contain killed virus and protect the body well against challenge by that particular strain, but work poorly against other strains not included in the inoculation.
At some point, the vaccine stockpile will include the more lethal modification of the 1918 H1N1 in its live form. Most people receiving this vaccine will simply be renewing their annual flu shot, and the vaccine will still include the inactivated version of the more benign form of H1N1 (as was included in this year's vaccine).
The presence of the milder strain in the inoculum will slow down the progression of the more lethal H1N1 form, so people will become sick more slowly - but they will still eventually die. It will just take a few weeks longer.
In the meantime, they will be carriers for the lethal form of the virus, passing it on to everyone with whom they make contact. And as people hear that others are dropping dead from the flu, they will flock to get their own vaccination. And the entire population will be more receptive to infection because their lungs will have been pre-conditioned to guarantee it.
If you will remember back to 1968 and '69, the Hong Kong flu, which was influenza A type H3N2, killed over 30,000 people in the U.S. alone. That was a fortuitous learning event for some because it taught them that the flu could still conceivably be used to wipe out a population. But at the same time, it pointed out the need to precondition the populace so that those who might normally be resistant could be rendered susceptible.
Hence the development of the vaccine program and the aerial spraying procedures to condition the population. The purpose of the chemicals in the chemtrails is to help the viral envelope fuse with lung cells, permitting easier penetration and infection.
But what about those few individuals who don't succumb to the flu? Probability alone demands that there will be some who survive - pockets of the population that are either not reached or somehow (and this is less likely) are resistant to the lethal H1N1 strain. At this point you must also remember that our military personnel have been immunized against a variety of pathogens, including the anthrax bacillus.
For those geographically isolated areas where the flu doesn't do its job, it's a fairly simple matter to lay down anthrax spores and then send in what's left of the military to take care of anyone still breathing. The anthrax spraying will probably come under the guise of a flu protection program to save those still alive after the epidemic.
And the military, having been exposed to civilians with the flu, will eagerly await their own flu shots. I should emphasize that this is a last resort scenario.
Those orchestrating the plan will not want to use anthrax until all other possibilities are exhausted - this because of the long-term viability of anthrax spores. To scatter them over the countryside would mean the area would be dangerous for use by humans, at least those not vaccinated against the bacteria.
And think about this for a moment. Why do you suppose agencies like Fish and Wildlife are so eager to reintroduce wolves and other species into areas of the country which haven't seen these animals for generations.
It's all part of the plan to restore this land to what the elite envision as its early paradise-like state, with wild animals freely roaming the uninhabited plains and forests.
Granted, it will take some time to clean up the place and to maybe destroy a lot of small towns that might otherwise be considered a blight on the landscape. But for the global elite it will be a small price for us to pay for their enjoyment.
Date: January 17, 2003 at 14:44:45
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Doom Report, Outta left Field...
Hi All,
I'd like to preface the following text. If any of the readers of this post believe not a whit of my past analysis and observations, then I would suggest that you drop away here and now.
Past analysis has been confined to visceral and palpable phenomenon, whereever and whenever possible associated with as much fact as can be derived under the circumstances. While my methods are sometimes extrapolative and slap-dash, I stand behind them in lieu of anything better. As I have often said before, I have an open invitation to anyone that can disprove the validity of any of the phenomena upon which I have based my analysis.
So, here is where we "jump off of the deep end".
Past prophetic texts (Cayce, Nostradamus, Revelations, etc.) are usually vague. Occasionally this veil is lifted with descriptions of specific events and behavior.
Nostradamus traditionally uses astromonical conjunctions to predict future dates. Two or three calendar dates are called out in specific values. July of 1999 is one of note. (Century 10, Quatrain 72) Several scholars have attributed this date to the interdiction of an American reconnaissance aircraft by the Chinese.
Question: Exactly when was it that Bush Junior announced his candidacy? Was this at a news conference held at the tarmac of an airfield? I cannot remember with detail...
Just an observation, mind you...
Consider this:
Century 3, Quatrain 34
"When the eclipse of the sun will then be,
In broad daylight the monster will be seen,
Quite the otherwise will it then be interpreted,
High price unguarded, none will have considered it."
The last total Solar Eclipse was in the first week of December '02, one month past. Another will not be seen globally for twenty plus years. Two weeks later, Just before Christmas, the Bush administration announces that Saddam will uses chem and biological weapons on his own people if the U.S. invades Iraq, then blame them on the U.S. As always, the surrounding mantra is: "He's used chemical weapons on his own people before. He will do it again."
Every time Bush makes any form of announcement, this mantra crops up again.
Who's side are "we" on?
Let us back up a bit and establish a remarkable time line and several coincidental quatrains. I find them ominous, and as such deserve consideration...
Century 10, Quatrain 89:
"From brick to marble the walls will be converted,
Seven and fifty peaceful years,
Joy to mankind, the aqueduct renewed,
Health, abundant fruits, joy and honey-making times."
According to David Montaigne, the first line refers to the re-building of Paris and the rest of France after the German occupation of WWII. The Armistice was signed in May of '45. 57 years brings us up to June of 2002, PRECISELY. The quatrain infers that the times of peace will end. BTW, France has not seen 57 continuous years of peace since before it had a king. At least not until 1945!
Century 6, Quatrain 24:
"Mars and the sceptre are found conjoined,
Under Cancer calamitous war,
A little later a new king annointed,
Who for a long time pacifies the Earth."
According to Dr. Christian Wollner, the alignments in Cancer only occur on June 21st, 2002. No other alignment is known to fulfill this quatrain.
Now the biggie...
Century 9, Quatrain 55:
"The dreadful war which is prepared in the west,
The following year, the pestilence will come,
So very dreadful that young nor old nor animal (will survive),
Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France."
This quatrain has traditionally been attributed to the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. It is therefore considered by many scholars to have been a fulfilled (and accurate) prophecy. I believe otherwise, and not a single "scholar" will support me in this analysis.
According to Cheetham, the alignment described in the last line did not occur at any time during the early years of the 20th century. It did occur, however, in 9/93, 12/95, 2/98, ***7/02*** and lastly on 9/04. This analysis was done by Dan Oldenburg with further refinement by John Hogue.
So, here we have THREE quatrains written nearly five hundred years ago that coincide within five weeks (worst case!) from each other. One calls for the beginning of hostilities, a huge war of biblical proportions. Another calls for a globe-sweeping plague from a war started in the west. (America?) Another infers that France will become a battlefield within the next six months.
July of last year... Let me see... Gee, wasn't that when Mr. Bush began talking about invading Iraq, seemingly out of nowhere, much to the confusion of almost every strategist on the international stage?
Is it just me, or is something fishy going on here? It must also be noted that June 21st was when that missionary in the Phillipines was assassinated and his wife freed, and the escalation of attacks against Christian missionaries in Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Yemen, Afghanistan and other places began.
According to 9:55, the plague begins the next year. That is 2003, right now. The 58th year after the armistice in Europe is 2003, right now. The U.S. is going to invade Iraq in the first weeks of February of 2003, right now...
Now for my Fave, the HAARP connection. Let me remind all of you that have been following my posts for the last month or so. This next connection is not supported in any way by any single scholar of the Quatrains. It is my "madness" alone. From here on out, you decide...
Century 6, Quatrain 5:
"A great famine through a pestilent wave,
(It) will extend its "RAIN" over the length of the Arctic Pole,
Samarobrin, one hundred leagues (270 miles) from the hemisphere,
They shall live without laws, exempt from politics."
So, let's see here. "Sama Robrin" in Russian translates fairly accurately as "self-guided wanderer". Possibly a robotic voyager, or some sort of aircraft. Global in reach. Starting 270 miles from the edge of the hemisphere. Most confortable operating near the northern artic zones.
Anyone familiar with Clear Alaska? Used to be the site of the OTHB radar system (Over The Horizon - Backscatter) used to reach deep into Siberia looking for Soviet ICBMs "on the wing". The Air Force "gave up" the site to the University of Alaska. Guess what they have up there now? Yep, that's the HAARP station.
(If any of you still won't believe me about the nature of the HAARP driven aircraft, better sign out now...)
Is this emplacement about 270 miles from the international date line on the Seward Peninsula, just south of the Artic Circle, what Nostradamus was talkin' about?
Lawless promulgators of a global pandemic, above conventional politics, and untouchable by the masses. Who does that sound like? Some people have elaborate conspiracy theories about the "Shadow Government". This is not to infer that this entity does not exist. Even the Bush Administration acknowledges it's existence.
Let me fill in a few gaps here. The ultra-light HAARP electric aircraft can stay "on station" for many days at a time. If a fully laden plane at 125,000 feet in elevation has a sink rate of 1,000 feet per hour, then it can circle overhead, invisible to the naked eye or conventional radar for AT LEAST 3 days. 72 X 1,000 = 72,000 feet, or still more than 50,000 feet in altitude after a three day mission.
The "rain" mentioned above is very telling. A discharge of aerosol biologicals might be a good description of a rain of some sort. This would infer that one of these craft could linger over a battlefield for days silently and almost invisibly spraying the area for several days, all under satellite-updated robotic control.
There are more Quatrains worth mentioning. I shall with a later post. Please remember my take on this whole sordid affair. I have been a card-carrying Republican since I was a child. I can no longer consider myself such. After the corrupt election of 2000 and the character assassination of John McCain, my stomach has been turned. Now it appears that some group of planners deep within the upper reaches of the military-industrial complex have decided amongst themselves to start WWIII, and have been on this path since the early nineties.
Any comments or observations?
In the mean time, keep your heads down...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 17, 2003 at 23:45:42
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Doom Report, Reply...
Hi All!
As far as your questions:
(Remember, these are just speculations!)
1. Why are all our troops being taken out of country?
I suspect as much theater as anything else, A grand fake-out, if you will. Of special interest are the large numbers of engineers and re-building crews that have already been stationed in Kuwait and Qatar. I further expect that the large number of troops are intended to "grab" special tactical spoils of war (Oil fields, munition stores, power plants and reactors, etc...) I suspect that once it all cuts loose, and the remaining forces in Iraq are fleeing in terror from a pathogen they cannot see, we will see other opportunists, notably Iran, China and the Russians, plus possibly a few other rogue factions like in "Three Kings" attempting to grab as much booty as they can hold onto. This is what the Bible tell us in specific terms. The Quatrains are somewhat more vague on one hand, but far more detailed on the other. The "Blue Turban" and his forces head west via Byzantium (Turkey) into Greece.
2. I think the path has been going on much longer than the 90s.
If some of the older exposes' of this sort of doom and gloom are in the slightest bit accurate, you are on the money. The connection between Bush 41 and Bush 43 should not have been let to happen in any way shape or form. The whole "Gulf War Syndrome", and the resultant massive cover-up is what I suspect gave some select group of knot-heads the moral "excuse" to try and pull this one off. Furthermore, if "Behold a Pale Horse" is accurate, then the Bilderburgers/Illuminati have been lusting after their own version of a "Perfect World" (aka New World Order) for at least fifty years.
3. Have you done any looking into possible space causes for the quantrains?
Huh? I read Ickes' book "The Biggest Secret", but I just can't stomach space aliens cross-breeding with us chattering bald apes, then giving us the ability to shape-shift from reptilians to quasi-human/alien hybrids.
Come on.... We don't need any alien scapegoats to blame for man's inhumanity to man. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and a host of others could get truly nasty on their little ol' lonesomes quite well, thank you very much. No little green men needed after all...
Furthermore, I don't believe alien trailer-trash would be allowed suitable technologies to come down and hose the poor human folk. Somebody up there would put a stop to that, but quick. I suspect that the Roswell incident was a couple of little green yahoos that broke the rules and were in too close to Earth when they had a malfunction, either due to bad luck and circumstances, or because one of our flyboys got off a lucky shot, and brought 'em down. Of all the legends, the Roswell incident was perhaps the most likely. A friend of mine has himself seen chunks from one of the ships. But THAT is a whole 'nother story....
4. Can you say Crustal Avalanche?
I can say it, although for the first time. I am unfamiliar with the term, but I can well imagine what it's cause and effect might be. Does not sound "healthy". Sounds like a domino effect at one of the tectonic boundary zones, like a cascading subduction event with all kinds of long term, hyper-nasty effects. Do I get a booby prize for that one?
5. If all this stuff is true and the world is going to be devastated from war (yes), space objects (probably no, Planet X theories be damned!), crazy dictators (most definately yes), my feeling is I would not want to survive it. Dealing with the problems of disposing of millions of bodies (Not as bad as it might seem. High variability due to atmospheric effects and biospheric health), growing food (lot of stored foodstuffs to get the left-overs through the worst times), staying safe from roaming bands (now, THIS one is a true nasty. Yikes...), more than this old lady cares to deal with. I know there will be survivors and I pray they will continue strong and able to deal with the repopulation, reestablishing of the Earth.
Well, somebody's got to do it. I suspect it will be "come as you are", and the ones who expect to come out the other side in one piece probably won't, the unlikely and apparently frail probably will get through just fine, and a whole lot of Mom n' Pop action will get by just by dumb luck and circumstances. This is Mother Nature's way. Sheer numbers overlaid by myriad reinforcing variables. None of us really gets to chose, do we?
Have we ever, when you really get down to it?
Besides, the wishbone has NEVER replaced the backbone, despite any spoon-fed delusions of prayer and special treatment from whatever deity-du-jour might happen to be in vogue.
Trust me on this one, just as Einstein was credited with saying that God does not play craps with the universe, the "answer" is far more than any of us could ever even begin to grasp, despite layer upon layer of self-appointed shamen that might claim otherwise. I am comfortable in my ignorance....
Keep your head down...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 18, 2003 at 00:45:19
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Ah, yes, Sam O'Brien../Doom
Just re-read the post. Left out a WAY important item, one that I did cover many, many posts ago. One that bears repeating.
Why was Nostradamus' use of a Russian phrase so important?
Because we purchased the technology of an electric powered, by a steerable beam of R.F. energy, ultra-light aircraft from the RUSSIANS in 1992. All existing stories concerning other functions of HAARP are just cover stories, WHICH does NOT mean that some of the published research from HAARP effects are totally bogus. The best cover story is one that maintains PLAUSIBILITY. Whether or not there is any useful science to be derived from "cover" activities of the HAARP device remains to be seen, but I can assure you, if anybody REALLY wanted to study upper-atmospheric auroral discharges, then the chosen frequencies of 3 and 10 megahertz would perhaps be the WORST choices. Either higher or lower frequencies would acheive ionization with less power applied, and shorter wavelengths are SO much easier to point.
Also of note: If this apparatus is actually designed to study an effect in the ionosphere, then WHY is there a oh-so-costly need to steer the beam in both X and Y deflections via a massive phased array able to scan plus or minus 30 degrees from boresight deployment. Also, the polarization flexibility the device does have, by their own admission, would be another costly capability that just would not be worth the expense.
Both of these capabilities are CRUCIAL if one was planning to use the array to track an aircraft spiralling upwards overhead, and concentrate energy onto the lower surfaces of its massive transparent wings. The polarization business is especially needed. As the plane banks in a shallow circle, the fixed antenna arrays on the wing surface need to have the upwardly radiated wave alignment "jibe" with the heading of the plane. All so simple...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 18, 2003 at 13:07:02
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Doom Report, 'Nother Reply
Hi Ya!
Thanx for the feedback. As far as the meds, you are not the first to pose the question.
Tell you the truth, just about NOBODY wants to hear bad news. About the best I get from friends is "Don't worry, there isn't anything you can do about it anyhow."
Looking at the whole mess from a larger viewpoint, it is this mentality that allowed our home-made, hand-built country to run so profoundly off course. What I see as I look into the immediate future, as a possible outcome, will be nothing less that the dissolution of the U.S. as we know it. And if you think we will be in a pickle, I can't begin to imagine how bad off the rest of the world will be...
I think that Western Canada will form with Northern Ca. and Wash/Oregon plus Alaska into the Pacific Northwest States of America. California south of the wine country will secede along with Ariz. West Tx and New Mex. back into Mexico. The Mormons are probably already in the planning stages for a re-organization of the Prairie States into a stand-alone nation in conjunction with central Canada. Florida south of Orlando will probably side with the New Caribbean States of America, entailing the Bahamas, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the rest of the islands in the stream. Georgia to Va., then west to the central Texas will become the Bible-thumping Christian States of America, and the beltway north to the Canadian Maritimes will probably still call themselves the United States of America, if not the Federation Of American States, a "larger" name for something so much less. This is the type of arrogance that mid-Atlantic States have had for the rest of the country for half a century or more. I can't see it ever ceasing in our lifetimes. I haven't a clue what will happen to French speaking Canada.
Actually, what I think needs to happen for the preservation of anything American that would be worth saving, is to get the word out what is about to go down. There is NO religion that I have knowledge of, save for the Satanists, who would find mass genocide acceptable in any shape or form. That said, who is in control right now? The current Bushies are all "bible-thumping born-again Christians", but it seems pretty obvious to me that somebody has gotten brainwashed. If any group is capable of believing that engaging in military campaigns, with or without un-conventional weapons, in order to hasten the apocalypse spoken of in Revelations, then some significant group of people have gone mad....
Now the interesting quandary... Will the U.S. military continue to support the Federal Gov. during the collapse, or will they abdicate the use of open agression against their fellow citizens as did happen during the fall of the Soviet state in the early nineties. That question wakes me up at night....
Enough for now...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 18, 2003 at 13:19:45
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Doom Report, Reply...
The "Build-up" at the shipyard is a farce. I had a bad experience with the HR office over in Silverdale behind the Red Lobster. I have worked for the Navy on and off for many, many years. I was told off of the record, by a lady there who came outside into the parking lot and went around the corner of the building so that she would be out of camera range when she told me, that I stood zero chance of being hired. I am obviously over 34, and a civilian. As she told me then, the Navy would hire a postman who couldn't tell the right end of a hammer before they would hire me, and I was on the team that designed the MK 48 Torpedo. This sort of off-the-record conduct that this lady told me of was absolutely illegal, but the Navy really couldn't give a sh*t. PC and overwhelming greed has invaded every possible corner of this country, and will hasten its demise. Along with this collapse, hand-in-hand, will come the death of the middle class. Then Ameri-Business will be satisfied: Nothing left but insider rich-sh*ts and peons... Nice and easy to control, like a herd of milk cows.
I'm not in an "up" mood today...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 18, 2003 at 22:21:23
From: Doc Doom,
Hi There!
Tell you what. This business of being overheard by our version of boogeyman has caused me to question the sanity of writing A SINGLE WORD, much less my often meandering monologs.
I did learn a few things during the times I was involved with Internet Router design. It's a matter of volume. The internet is expanding at a rate of more than a million pages a month. I can't quite remember the exact number, but as it was from a couple of years ago, it wouldn't represent the current trend anyway.
The way I see it, and I am playing on a hunch here, is that the sheer volume of data to be intercepted makes even automated computers balk. This said, these computer resources need to be carefully utilized. My suspicion is that Jim's site has long ago been classified as a "fringe" sort of operation by the spooks that do these things. There is little traffic between this site and foreign concerns. That will take it down a long way on the "hit list". Next comes the nature of the Gov. Consp. board in particular. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that "somebody" has probably already auditted it in years past. As such, I suspect that it has been filed under C (for Crackpot).
I don't place ANY of my stuff anywhere else. I don't even send a word of it to my kids in Scandinavia (the two older kids). They aren't entirely sure I'm not a candidate for a rubber room, anyways. No need to remove any doubt from their little heads, eh?
There is yet ANOTHER reason that I believe that interception is a little less likely than it would first appear.
Remember what I have speculated upon concerning two tiers of classification. The vast majority of "cleared" persons working on this IMMENSE program have been told what they need to know, and nothing else. If you are "Cleared for Weird", as the spooks jokingly call it, one learns but quick to NEVER ask further questions. So those on the first tier of classification, likely to account for 99.99% of all that have any knowledge whatsoever, have been told that this innoculation program is to protect American citizens, as well as chosen countries overseas. The exact nature of the pathogen that the program is attempting to protect us against is not an item that the vast majority needs to know a thing about. The message is: Climb aboard your plane, grab the nozzle and valve, and spray away. Then shut th' f*ck up about it...
The other double (or perhaps triple) spooks that make up the other .01% are fully "in the know". I suspect that they are all members of some ultra-rightwing evengelical sect. I can only speculate here. Myriad conspiracy report abound about Bilderbergers and the Illuminati and so forth. This specific I don't really need to know at this point, and likely never will. I'm too grey already.
These guys are SUPER valuable, and are not wasted on snooping on chat room boards. The snoops that do this "lowly" job are probably laughin' at this whole mess I have written, and are snickering about the outlandishness of the whole affair.
What further remains a strong possibility is that one of these snoops will ACTUALLY READ this whole pile of "bones", and will get to thinking. Possibly even realize the strong possibility that this whole theory is on the button. From here, this person will either:
1) Snoop around somewhere else and either confirm or deny the whole business to fulfill their curiosity, and just maybe later provide a valuable "leak" back to the rest of us,
2) Go way "upstairs" and squeal long and loud. Well I'm still on the keyboard, so I suspect that the latter hasn't happened, and probably won't, as the trained spooks are way too busy watching other "hot" traffic for real boogeymen, especially this close to "The Ultimate Spray/Zero Hour" in Iraq.
So how about it, all you spooks out there in cyberspace. Whatcha know, anyways? Got anything worth leaking? We be all ears...
We shall see, shant we...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 19, 2003 at 22:07:39
From: The Doc Again,
Aw, Shucks...
I was out in town today. Jawin' with the locals. There is a common thread that I hear now that would have been unthinkable as little as a year ago.
What I am beginning to hear is the common man, of which I believe I am one myself, dreading the actions of our common government, and the fact that our global opinion is now WORSE that Hitler's was in 1936. That was AFTER the Reichstag was burned to the ground, and few in Deutchland believed that Hitler and his brownshirts were responsible, although doubt outside the country was beginning to grow. In 1936, Germany had no apparent military force, so that the rest of Europe was not terribly worried.
In three years, how things changed.
If and when this country is caught using a BioWeapon, then all Hell will surely break loose, putting us "gnats" in unimaginable peril.
I can believably foresee a time in the not too distant future where us common folks will need to face an unthinkable choice. Internally de-throne our own government rather than face a determined and united globe that intends to see to our ultimate and complete destruction, as did so much of the world concerning Hitler by 1944.
Not a pleasant thought, eh?
Doc Doom...
Date: January 21, 2003 at 00:11:47
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: HAARP Poses Global Threat , article
Talk about dis-information...
Well, the Russians and Pravda most notably, have long been the world leaders of spin and deception. This particular article was written with the intent of muddying already murky waters. During my years in Europe, I was at all times amazed what the Voice of Moscow would broadcast as fact. An operative friend of mine explained it to me. These releases are not intended for the average American's consumption. About the only persons that believe this sort of stuff has already made their minds up, and are looking for another reason to bash American interests. One particular program I worked on had a release associated with it, on their radio, in English. All of us in the program laughed at it at the time. Our Norwegian friends, ones we worked with, grinned and sort of laughed more at us than the Russians. From the Norsk point of view, EVERYBODY knew that Pravda was 100% propaganda, especially those transmissions made in English. And we Americans were SO gullible to even BEGIN to listen to their stories.
What is intensely telling is that there is no "meat" to this article. Not only that, but there is also a vague description of the technical specifications of the HAARP station, even though their web site has absolute reams of data on line. Notice also that HAARP and geophysical weapon are not mentioned in the same sentence, and not often in the same paragraph. Read it again. HAARP is not DIRECTLY accused of weather manipulation or other nasty behavior. The geophysical weapon is. Notice also that the station in the Andes is not mentioned, nor the other installations scattered around the globe. I was also under the impression that the site in Scandinavia was in Finland, not Norway, but I might be way off base here.
In any case, the locale IS way, way up north, in that tiny little spit of land where Norway, Sweden and Finland come together. Of all places I have set foot, this is one of the MOST desolate places on Earth. I have a few reindeer skins here around the house I purchased from the Laplanders that eek out a living up there. High plateau, lichen crusted boulders and stunted shrubs as far as one can see. Twofeet down, and its permafrost. In the summer, everything is damp and soggy. The winds are so nasty that the asphalt is regularly blown loose and away from the 6 foot thick, tapered and elevated road beds. The roads are anything but level as the frost heaves under the roadbed make the road surface squirm and buckle like a crazed snake. 50 MPH is a workout for the driver and car both. I had to duck to keep my head from getting pounded by the roof of the car. Mix that with a hangover, and this was a weird road trip, indeed...
Back to HAARP. The facility in Alaska is rated at 3.5 megawatts. This isn't anywhere near as powerful as it might sound. While the HAARP transmitter is CW (continuous wave), radar transmitters used for search applications, scattered all around the US and Europe are commonly from 3 to 10 megawatts. The French produced a radar system in the fifties that they called the MPR, for medium powered radar. It was 22 megawatts, and just going in the transmitter room was a scary experience. Every metal object in the room "sang" at the PRF (pulse repetition frequency) of this massive beast. And I do mean sang. Fingers in the ears, as fast as your arms can move.
If this HAARP system were to be capable of tweaking the weather, it would take GIGAWATTS to come anywhere close to the energy dissipated in the ionosphere by the solar wind, a natural phenomenon. Consider also that the HAARP beam is only capable of sweeping in a shallow ring directly overhead. Artic weather does not directly control other terrestrial weather patterns. While all things global are related in some way or other, a station capable of affecting weather patterns would be SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE if it was operated at latitudes where weather systems have much more critical influences on human interests. Remember, the elevations where the ionizations will have the greatest effect run between 100,000 and 250,000 feet high. A sweep of +/- 30 degrees means a spread of not more than 25 to 75 miles in diameter, directly over the station. This by Alaskan standards is truly piddly.
So ask yourself this question. Why concentrate this kind of weird power at this high lattitude, and in a small area, and so remote from most human habitation? Why also near such a well known "jump-off" zone for access to foreign countries commonly used by traditional reconnaissance vehicles and weapons such as aircraft and missiles?
Think also of this point:
The winds aloft are greatly minimized at higher lattitudes. The jet streams don't really get cranking until you get into the more temperate lattitudes. BUT... If one wanted to get an aircraft aloft, and keep it from getting blown away while you were trying to keep it directly overhead, for, say, the purpose of zapping raw electrical power at it for many, many hours, or even days, as the slow and willowy, ungainly floating aerial platform slowly "chugs" its way into the extreme upper atmosphere in a slow spiralling flight. Then it heads south into the trade winds, and catches a ride to whereever in the world it chooses to fly.
See what I mean. The HAARP story as a "geophysical weapon" (what a term!) is way yummy for conspiracy theorists, but gets so silly once one tries to reverse engineer it. Perhaps the greatest irony of all is that the technology was purchased by the U.S.A.F. from the Russians in the first place. I bet you diamonds to doughnuts that there were a few good cackles deep underground at Wright Patterson when they read the Pravda article. As a matter of fact, I would not be at all surprised to find out that they wrote the damn thing in the first place, and paid the Russians cash money to publish it. Now THAT'S a believable story....
Remember also, Fox news got a picture of the aircraft on videotape. I know. I saw it. They called it a UFO, and the banner said as much.
Who ya gonna believe, anyhow. Somebody with ANY government?
OK, fine....
Doc Doom...
Date: January 21, 2003 at 12:59:30
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: HAARP Poses Global Threat , article
Good question. Glad to see somebody is thinking, questioning, and best of all, not taking things directly at face value, just because somebody "sez zo", even if it's me.
Look at all the data the site provides. I can also "call" from an inside source. The reason that the OTHB site was re-configured for HAARP had to do with location, and infra-structure, which is a huge nuisance in Alaska. Conversion efficiency from mains power, (from a power station of any fashion) to usable Radio Frequencies, will be in the order of perhaps as good as 40% efficient. That means we multiply 3.5 megawatts by 2.5, for an input power of 8.75 megawatts.
This is a significant number to generate out in Tooleysville, Alaska. On a 440 volt Delta power trunk, we are talking some 20 THOUSAND amperes of line power. That takes a four inch thick solid copper shaft to carry this kind of current. This is a great deal. Big enough to involve some of the best engineering that this country or any other can squeeze into any building.
If we just suppose that the actual number might be 35 megawatts rather than the quoted number, then the whole affair gets into the sort of power that a hydroelectric station would produce. Just can't do that on diesel back-up generators.
Now I know from past history of the Spooks that have personally told be about the original radar at that site, that the biggest problem to run that earlier radar had to do with cooling. The original designers used a pond to dissipate the excess heat. During the Cold War, the site crew used to take swims in that pond in the middle of winter, which ain't exactly chopped liver in that portion of Alaska. Rather than two feet or more of ice, it was a steamy bathtub.
I'm also gonna throw in my own spin here. For the size of the installation, 3.5 megawatts just "smells" about right. Believe me, 3.5 megawatts out in the wilderness is a pretty significant piece of work. NOT child's play. Not just because of the raw power, whether it be mains power or the R.F. in the beam, its all the OTHER stuff it takes to run such a station out in the woods. This stuff really adds up. Trust me on this one. I have friends at Bechtel and Parsons. It ain't an easy gig...
Now let's go back to another sort of reality check. All of these silly claims of making drastic changes to the ecosystem and weather patterns. There are 746 watts in one horsepower, (it's a given, don't fight it...) then 3.5 megawatts is equivalent to some 5,000 horsepower. It sounds like a lot, I will agree, but that is about equivalent to two dragsters on a quarter mile strip, thundering away. Makes a good crowd pleaser, but just doesn't have the sort of power levels that can change the global weather patterns.
Let's plug in another "sanity check". Sunlight equivalent in lumens is roughly the same as a 150 watt spotlight 1 foot over a surface. This is for bright sun, at 30 degrees lattitude on a clear day. NASA quoted figures for solar panels run between 500 and 1,000 watts per square meter. Since we are way up in Alaska, with bad weather, gloomy skies and a very high lattitude, we will de-rate this figure down to 10%, or 100 watts per square meter.
In a patch of dirt, even up there over the permafrost, that means that sunlight soaks in over 100 MEGAWATTS of heat per square kilometer. That's three times LESS than a square mile. And some THIRTY times more than the HAARP array will dissipate, even if ALL the "juice" was to be absorbed by the atmosphere as ionization, which I guarantee it won't. Not at 3 or 10 Megahertz. Those frequencies will just zoom right on through into outer space. At a glancing angle, the ionosphere is known to allow a "bounce", called "skip", which allowed GIs during the second world war in the Pacific theater to hear radio stations from Los Angeles when the weather was right. But the HAARP array produces NO shallow angles whatsoever. The array configuration all but guarantees that. It's a matter of "sidelobe suppression"... (We won't EVEN begin to address this analysis right here. It's equivalent to a full college course...)
In other words, again when you compare puny mankind to Mother Earth's often raging fury, there just isn't much to compare. Weather systems are enormously powerful. Abso-friggin'-lutely enormous. An Apollo Saturn 5 moon rocket makes only a blip on her "screens".
The one variable I have never heard addressed is whether or not this kind of power station could be used in conjunction with an aerosol dispersant. In other words, keying a photo-chemical ionospheric reaction with R.F. excitation. Now THIS could do a number on the weather. BUT, it would be VERY localized, and very temporary. So why this all the way up in Alaska? It makes no sense at all.
But the power station for an aircraft concept CERTAINLY makes sense. Especially these odd frequencies. Look here...
3.5 megahertz is a famous radio frequency. It's a well known amateur band, and has been so since the 1930s. It's also known as 80 meters, the wavelength. A quarter wave antenna, one of the simplest methods to couple energy into the ethers, would be 20 meters long. That's about 70 feet. Place one antenna per wing, for a half wave, or "dipole" antenna. Now that's 140 feet from wingtip to wingtip. Which is about the claimed and witnessed size of the HAARP plane. See..... Going to 10 megahertz allows the wing to be either shrunken down to one third of this size, (a "hot rod" plane) or it allows a tighter beam for the same size transmission array, which causes a more efficient coupling of this power to the "bird". BTW, the best efficiency of this approach might be as good as 3%, but I suspect that 1/2% is probably more reasonable, especially at high altitude.
Now does the "official" HAARP story start to sound a bit bogus?
I thought so...
Keep your head down...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 21, 2003 at 18:49:32
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Greetings Doc! Is this the craft???
Woman, You is AWESOME!
I had no luck finding this obscure bit of video. Notice the description made by the interviewer, and the "Good cop/Bad cop" ritual they stuck this guy through. This was a BIG hush-em-up, alright.
Sure doesn't look even a little bit like any of the typical UFO from all of the archival photos of the last fifty years, does it?
Let's talk about the structure. A center "backbone" of girders runs down the middle, I suspect from a rearwardly located control surface, probably of mylar, that acts like a verticle stabilizer or "taileron" like in the F-22 raptor, or perhaps splittable "wedgie" controls like a B-2. It appears to be a biplane, not of the more typical stacked wings like the Sopwith Camel (Yeah, git 'em Snoopy!) but rather with one shortened co-planar control surface immediately behind the other. I also find it to be so telling as there is obvious visual distortion surrounding each of these pair of wings, Like maybe mylar or polycarbonate (Lexan) construction.
I suspect that the end of each of these wings has an electric motor at the extreme end, facing to a common forward. Either the fuselage/girder has the power receiving antenna array, or the two wings do. Can't begin to tell from this picture. Don't really need to.
Just look at how huge this thing is. It is massive and lengthy, but I bet as fragile as a glider. This is a PERFECT configuration for an electric powered glider/platform that is designed to loiter over an area due to its low "sink rate" and extreme operating ceiling.
What a find!!!!
This is your HAARP aircraft. But I'll also bet you that this is only one of several designs. The station costs the bucks. The planes are way cheap by comparison.
"Sama robin" means Self guided wanderer in Russian. This was their idea, and originally their design before Unc Sam's Fly Boys worked it over.
Century 6, Quatrain 5 just might be one of Nostradamus' most accurate predictions...
What do YOU think???
Doc Doom...
Date: January 22, 2003 at 00:47:25
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Question for the Board
Hmmmmm. Me thinks my name may have come now and a gain...
I wrote a somewhat lengthy dissertation (Imagine that!) about the subject. Is the net monitored. You bet. The hardware to do so was something I used to design on a professional basis. Yep, No Such Agency, Never Say Anything, whatever you choose to call 'em. I worked for them...
Do they monitor everything? Nope. Can't. Not enough machine nor "human" (sets of eyes) bandwidth. Would they like to? You betcha bippy...
Have they checked out this particular site or board? About sure of it.
Are they now? Big maybe, but not a big likelihood. I suspect that we are in the "C" column, for cranks, crackpots and charlatans.
Dis-information? Now THAT'S a fine question? I really can't say for sure. Some guy by the handle "mh" did seem to try and de-rail somethings I was spewing. But that certainly wasn't the first or last time anybody with a chip or grudge might have chosen to spout off...
I personally believe that they don't need to "spray and pray" on every site. Some of the most insidious sites, like the Univ. of Alaska/HAARP site is fully legitimate looking, and apparently operated from the University. It might even be that the sitemaster is on the up n' up.
But the data is fake... That I can be sure of, although most other things I can only speculate about.
Why do I keep coming back to this Silly-assed HAARP thing? Because I have been privvy to the "inside" story, so I know what it IS all about, not to mention that the whole thing is just so wickedly clever and sort of cool, in a morbid train-wreck-on-live-TV sort of way.
See, I design radar systems. I own the patent on a "Quadristatic, interferometric radar mouse", (a true three dimensional, waggle-your-hand-around-in-free-space, type of computer mouse.) as well as having done one of the early "passes" at the self-registration radar we were putting aboard the Army's "Crusader" heavyweight self-propelled Howitzer. (SPH) Rummy killed it a few months back. I can understand why, and can understand why not, but it WAS gonna be a BADASS gun. BTW, I hear my old radar will be retrofitted aboard the Palladin SPH, a somewhat smaller and less Badassed gun. (155 mm vs. 105 mm)
By their own web site's admission, the HAARP base station is more like a radar than anything else. The ionization story is such a sneaky way to describe it. It ALMOST makes sense. Now other posts on this and other websites, especially conspiracy theories about G-men zapping the weather and zapping the feebleminds out there in TV land, this is all intentional, professionally placed dis-information. I don't know who, or when, but the Why I have down cold.
See, Das plane ist uber-secret, Mein Fraulein. Which is I suppose a good enough thing, if all it is intended to do is eavesdrop over "hostile" skies. If it stays in this theater, I have no beefs with it. (If they start spraying Cocktails-O-Death with one of the birds, well, then I'll draw th' line...)
It is a fairly easy thing to keep a tranparent plane under wraps, provided some goofball at FOX News doesn't get some "leakage" by accident. They are the experts at this kind of logistics.
But it is all but IMPOSSIBLE to hide that base station up in Alaska. So they call it something very different. Spread some rumors. Arrange "leaks" of their own. This is what they do. It's a matter of how one wins at war.
Are there other plants of intentional dis-information here on this site? Don't know... I haven't the background in enough areas to be sure. Planet X and THAT whole hoopla makes me wonder more than a little. I'm waiting on that one, waiting with a suspicious mind...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 23, 2003 at 13:22:37
From: The Doc,
Subject: Dr. Doom
Excellent questions. Glad that some serious thinking is the result of my tirades.
The Israeli question: Who's side it the U.S. on? Traditionally, the Israeli side. Probably so still. Hillary and Billary talked about a Palestinian state. That was probably some of their famous spin. No serious basis. Israel is a special condition. The country is small, internally divided and incredibly organized along these lines. Direct innoculation, via hypodermic, is not only workable, but all but guaranteed to be the M.O. This gives the Israeli Gov. DIRECT control of who stays and who doesn't. Spraying would allow some resident arabs to survive the coming onslaught, which is a big no-no from their point of view.
If the direct approach was numerically workable, I am all but sure that our government would be using that too. That would allow them to hand-select "undesirables" rather than jailing them. (I wonder how well penetentiaries are being covered by chemtrails? Now THERE is a nasty question...)
So chemtrails have been seen over every country EXCEPT China and Russia. Doesn't that seen a little - shall we say - convenient! I will go on a hunch here by saying that the dominant pattern of discharges in otherwise unaligned third world nations will be over strategically important area. In other words, deltas of rivers that form a breadbasket, important built-up manufacturing areas, vital mining areas or oil fields. Things the U.S. depends on. This would make a lot of sense.
As far as Iraq goes, were the discharges over Baghdad, or were they over Kurdish controlled areas? We are going like hell and have been so for several years to build a re-occupying force under Kurdish control. There are now literally thousands of officers that have been trained by Unc Sam to establish a new Government in Iraq once Sadam goes away. I haven't seen any pictures from satellite that might show a pattern of these clouds over Iraq, so I am only speculating here.
Another factor that hasn't been discussed. Just because this program is being used stateside to innoculate, which has been confirmed as a top secret but now fairly well known inside our military, does not mean that this is always the case.
Once a method has been established to import a biological entity into a populace, then this "doorway" can be used for all manner of nefarious reasons. Read the playbook of nasty military operations. Producing a non-lethal pathogen that is actually deleterious to the populace-under-spray, or compromises their immune systems on a long term basis, would be an excellent one-two punch to acheive ultimate lethality and near surgical control of another pathogen's deployment.
If I am bring up this stuff here, you can be sure that some committee somewhere has already discussed it at length, and have done feasibility studies, cost estimates and counter measure analysis LONG AGO....
There is also the possibility that the chemtrail system CAN be used to dis-allow transmission of hostile pathogens WHILE it is still airborne, sort of like a vaporous shield. Like a bug that causes harmless, but nuisance, flows of mucous, in the bronchia and lungs. It would seriously diminish the body's susceptibility to other airborne nasties as the body would already be sloughing off and out anything it was inhaling before it settled into lung or bronchial tissue. Remember, I have no direct knowledge of this technology, but I can make a reasonably well though out extrapolation.
Your issue of extra-U.S. elites being aware of these chemtrail programs is a great quandary to me, and has been so since I started to see patterns of sickness and discharges. As I was saying the other day on a post, 99.99% of all folks knowledgeable about the program know only what they have been told. The mantra would likely be: "It's an innoculation. You will be safe. We got it from somewhere, but cannot reveal our sources. It is secret. You haven't a need-to-know. Trust us. Now shut up..."
For the vast majority of people, this is enough. Whole governments can be held in confidence with this ploy, and ironically, it is **totally accurate** - as far as it goes.
This is the scary part, the "why" of how this has been so successful. Most of the operatives that support this MASSIVE program know only the mantra. They have no reason to question further. I will bet you diamonds to doughnuts that the briefing also entailed horror pictures, stories and documents to support the need for mass innoculations, on a global scale. You can also bet that here were pictures of "baddies" like Sadam, bin Laden and Yasser Arafat in the mix.
We are under no requirement to protect the Chinese or Russians against somebody else's weapon. Or at least this would be the internal story. Furthermore, the total number of persons who know for fact the origination of these pathogens being innoculated against, can and MUST be, incredibly small.
The site has a list of 14 or so world-class biologists that have worked for Unc Sam recently, and have fallen victim to a series of questionable and convenient lethal "accidents" between 10/01 and 04/02. Somebody cleaning up "loose ends" as it were?
Who is behind this ultimate insider operation? I haven't a good clue. I suspect that there are retired members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and their associated house organ, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) I have not a shred of proof. I only say this because the DIA always has had a knack for being able to keep a secret, and have been known in past years to selectively tell presidents about certain military secrets on their own "need to know" basis. The CIA, for all their bluster, cannot keep a secret, never have and probably never will. Jimminy Cricket, the are a division of the STATE DEPARTMENT! What do you expect?
So, here is more to ruminate on. Happy chewing!...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 23, 2003 at 21:14:41
From: The Doc,
Subject: Different SPIN maybe...
Good point. Good point. Very VALID point...
JOB noticed the weather aspect long ago, long before it dawned on me. I've watched the weather correllation myself. And there indeed is a weather correllation.
I suspect that this isn't exactly what it seems.
First, a weather "doctoring" angle would be far less inflammatory than one concerning a BioWeapon. Period. End of story. Factoid. If the U.S. gov. was CAUGHT using any biological component on ANYONE, especially its OWN citizens, then all hell would break loose. There ain't NOBODY out there in cyberland that can dispute this.
The discharges DO presage changing weather phenomenon. They also coincide with wonderful, wanna-die-its-so-gorgeous-outside weather episodes. What is interesting, and I believe JOB will concurr, is that when a discharge precedes an incoming front, which is frequent, then the discharges tend NOT to be very thick and obscurring, as ones in dry skies tend to be.
Follow me here: One of the well and often quoted bugaboos associated with the spread of bioterror components, as claimed by those who do know, on a professional basis, like Dr. Ken Alibeck, is that maintaining viability of a biological pathogen is very, very tricky. The pathogens are notoriously affected by:
1) U.V.B. radiation, from 150 to 330 nanometers in wavelength (Tis the nasty that causes sunburns and skincancer!)
2) Lack of moisture, especially in the upper atmosphere, above 25K feet. This dessication is called freeze-drying or freezer burn. Ask anyone with a deep freezer. Another $10.00 term for the effect is sublimation. First the pathogen freezes, then it dries out in situ. Dead as the Proverbial doornail. No good as a vector, either for innoculation - or attack...
How to fix this?
Spray on the leading edge of a storm front. The incoming front guarantees an ample supply of moisture, and furthermore, people tend to scurry around before a rain squall comes in, as said in the proverb, "Making hay while the Sun shines..." They're out in the stuff, giving a better chance that they will inhale it...
Believe me, whoever cooked up this mess is one BRILLIANT son-of-a-gun. (I'm being WAY, WAY polite here...) They covered ALL the bases. Another aspect of "riding" the incoming front is that the changing dewpoint all but guarantees that the vector will tend to fall out of the sky at an accellerated rate. Water isn't the only thing to precipitate from clear skies... Like I said, somebody was thinking about this long and hard.
As far as the discharges in the 1980s, I suspect that it was experimentation.
Look also at this: If they were dicking with the weather, wouldn't you expect that they would try to IMPROVE ours, rather than screwing it up so bad. If they were having really, really bad luck with their goofing around, then don't you think that SOMEBODY high up and well behind "the green door" would do a MAJOR cease and desist order. C'mon, get real... SOMEBODY infernally connected would bitch and scream, for sure...
BTW, (I hate cyber-abbrevs...) Our bunny died...
I thought it was because she might have missed a few feedings, which I know she did. But this isn't particularly unusual. When I buried her, she was surprising solid and plump. Her water level was up, but one odd thing triggered suspicions on my part:
She had been licking her fur frantically before she died. She was very wet and disheveled looking. At three, with a decent hutch, and no exposure to parasites, she should have lived for 5 - 10 years. Something doesn't completely add up. Then I was talking with a local yokel down in town today. Seems there has been a rash of small animals and whole flocks of birds that have been croaking for no good reason.
Ratfall, anyone???
While I respect the observations concerning weather effects and discharges, the biological implications are OVERWHELMING. Too many people sick simultaneously. Just too many to be chance.
Planes spray, and people get sick...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 23, 2003 at 21:35:11
From: The Doc...,
Subject: one more thing
Give the dude that stuffed giraffe from the back row...
If you follow the WHOLE pattern, you start to see an intentional random pattern, at least this was true until recently. Lately they have been throwing everything 'cept th' Kitchen Sink at us, all but concurrently.
For much of the past year, if one was to go "polling" to find a particular symptom, say rumbly tummy, like the one that happened in October of '02 on the west coast, then one might find outbreaks that sort of wandered around the country, sort of willy-nilly. Or let's say it first looked willy-nilly...
Then it sort of takes on a different character. Fill in the "blanks" long enough, and you see a pattern... Complete nationwide coverage. Not obvious at first, it takes a while to see it. In the mean time, other people around the country are getting sick with ANOTHER symptom. Maybe Portland Maine won't see the tummy thing for 6 weeks. Instead the Down-Easter Trick-or-treaters are coming home with splittin' headaches. Portland Oregon won't get the headaches until Thanksgiving, thank you. The Lobster munchers from the extreme Nor'East won't get nauseous until Christmas...
See what I have been saying. Some Mother******s have been so insidiously clever with this mess.... I don't think I could have thought up all the angles they have been working.
What did they put in the "cocktails" that went over Iraq?
I haven't the foggiest....
But I can imagine... What would I do if I was being truly nasty...
Not a nice thought!
Doc Doom...
Date: January 24, 2003 at 04:08:30
From: The Doc...,
Subject: Hey SJ
Sorry to disapoint you in this, but I don't read other people's conspiracies. Well, I do get some after people pass me books to read, usually with the warning that I'm starting to sound like so-and-so.
I'm not normally steeped into this sort of (potential) self delusion. It's bad for the head, spoils happier times, keeps you up at night, etc, etc... Not fun at all.
As some readers will remember, I did not get into this mess, did not choose to steep myself in it, did not ask for the burden, anywhere along this past nightmarish last year or so. "It" came after me...
I got sick. That was three years ago. February of 2000. A sunny Sunday afternoon, Santa Ana wind blowing the smog way out to sea. I was prying a Carter AFB carb off of a beat-up Dodge van in a junk yard. I was on the road doing contract work for a firm in Anaheim. I got sprayed. I started to feel sick that evening, and thought it must have been the carb cleaner. Nasty stuff, on a good day.
By morning I was incapacitated, in a flea bag hotel run by Indians (Curry type, not No. Amer. natives) I couldn't get up to even eat until Tuesday. I lost a whole weeks pay, couldn't work. Could not sit down. Swollen scrotum. Grapefruit sized. NAS-TY. Well, I got over it.
Then a year later in Costa Mesa, it happened again, 'cept this time 60% of the firm I worked for were ALL sick at EXACTLY the same time. It was mid February. There was a Santa Ana wind blowing. I talked to JOB about something else, I think it was EQ weather. He told me that there had been one of the greatest recorded Chemtrail sprayings of all time out at Lancaster-Palmdale, which just happens to be where Edwards AFB is located. It is also the source of all of the winds that pour down through the gap in the Coastal mountains, hence the name Santa Anas, or Santanas by some...
Well, this time the swelling and fever wasn't quite as bad. Two days without pay. Lay in my flea bag hotel room and shivered from an incapacitating head-to-foot fever. Like once before, and twice since, but never before nor after these few times.
This isn't anybody else's madness, strictly my own. I don't swap stories or yarns with other people about planetary plagues. I have tried to stay away from all knowledge about this upcoming one. But I got sick again last May, after a ring-around-the-sun episode that was so clear and bizarre that people were coming out of stores to see the weird phenomenon.
I don't harbor this sort of crap for fun. I'm an engineer. If people think you are wiggin' out, there goes the paycheck. I can't afford this kind of sh*t, I have bills to pay.
So when **I** tell you there is something huge, unthinkable, and undisputably evil afoot, then buddy, YOU DAMN STRAIGHT OUGHT TO LISTEN....
Doc Doom...
(That name was given to me by friends that have bothered to listen to the totality of my observations, and conclusions. I have scared 'em all half to death...)
Date: January 25, 2003 at 12:31:54
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Doom Report: Last Brick?
Hi All!
After reading several posts critical to my theories, a pattern has developed.
A few of my neighbors and friends have always pegged their doubts and disbeliefs on the fact that for any entity, be it shadow government or just a limited cabal of an inner circle, to pull off what has to be the most massive conspiracy since the Manhattan Project, the logistical nightmares associated would sooner or later all but guarantee security compromise.
In simpler words, the jig would be up...
It is an extremely valid rationale. Al Qaeda has proven the well known addage of distributed and laterally connected cells to thwart the unravelling and subsequent compromise of a covert network. Every cell, and every link mathematically multiplies the chances of disclosure, and the multiplication factor for each addition is steep. Bigger is NOT better if one needs to keep it all on the QT.
Perhaps the best attitude I have received from the vast majority of skeptics, (of whom I would normally consider myself one...) is "we'll see..."
I have news for everybody. This mindset won't work anymore. Pardon me, "won't work" is the wrong term now. Irrelevant is the accurate term.
It's over. Completed. Successful. Accomplished. Finito.
Our boogeymen got the job done, right under our noses. The nation is ready, on schedule and about as innoculated as it will get. Does this mean that the chemtrails will stop? I suspect not for a while yet. There is still the matter of the second and third "sigma", or the stragglers that haven't been successfully exposed to the total cocktail, and all of its sub-strains.
But if the current chronology holds to pattern, there won't be any added symptoms from here on out. Aside from the "normal" maladies, (headaches, upset stomach, swollen eyes, sore back, etc.) no additional "nasties" will be added to the witch's brew already in play.
In other words, the whole secret thing has been finished. And successfully so. Do the "other" boogeymen know about it? Well, there's the $64,000 question. I also believe we won't know that one until some really dramatic things start to transpire. At that point, we will see whether or not their network was fully compromised during our preparation phase. If it hasn't been, and cells are still present on North American soil, then their retaliation will be horrific.
So, for all of you that have wanted to see a little more data before you can prove in your own minds whether this "thing" is real, well, you may not ever get your chance now.
Lately, Chemtrail activity has been at an all time high, and many of the sub-strains have been experienced simultaneously, JUST AS I HAD PREDICTED six months ago... This was an obvious prediction, (provided that it wasn't a huge delusion in the first place!) as any program with an established timetable spread over many years will need to hit "milestones" before all the elements come together, which appears to have happened. There is little reason to keep adding new stuff if the invasion will be occurring in the next few weeks. It is "come as you are" now.
So I have to tip my hat to the spooks that pulled this one off. Their skill is evident, along with their coal black hearts...
So... Now we move to free fall phase.
Waiting for the next milestone: Invasion and deployment.
Hang on... It's gonna be a bumpy planet for a while!
Doc Doom...
Date: January 25, 2003 at 15:54:48
From: The Doc...,
Subject: Bones.....Nova ,bioterror
Saw this or another similar show about the time this came around, in November of 2001.
The interview with Popov I remember a little differently. On the live show, there were more details about one particular hybrid the Russians cooked up, sort of by accident. It was an appendation of Legionaires disease and the protein Myelin (sic).
This description went on to detail how the rabbits that had been exposed came down with the frank disease, and many of them survived. Several weeks later and the survivors started getting tremors and convulsions and were all dead within a few days of one another.
The composite virus caused the immune system to attack any disease with its protein "footprint". The sad thing was that the body killed off the Legionaire's Disease, it thereafter started to recognize the Myelin as a foreign pathogen, and started to attack the body's own neural "jacket", the Myelin sheath that protects the electrical properties of the nervous system. According to my recollection, the Russians got so scared about the outcome, that they stopped research in this area.
The area of the program that dealt with the hybrid virus attempts was informative. It seems that a whole lot is known about how to combine multiple symptomatic properties of various viruses into a super-devious monster strain.
Which is what I have been theorizing....
Thanks for the research. It seems everything you manage to dig up tends to support my wild-eyed theory.
Kinda scary?
Doc Doom...
Date: January 25, 2003 at 16:20:50
From: Doctor Doom, Esq,
Subject: Greetings Kate, Bones too if you're around.
Somebody stuck their presto-change-o thinking cap onto the "warpdrive" setting!
Well, I wanted to get a discussion goin'. Looks like its working...
So, here we go:
1.If we’re being aerially inoculated, it has to be viral in nature.
I believe so. To my understanding, bacterial innoculations are far more difficult, produce many more side effects, are dangerous and don't work very well to boot..
2.Naturally occurring? Genetically engineered?
I suspect a pseudo-synthetic. Probably more like hand-selected from a whole series of slightly mutated common viruses. That would be easiest, safest and most rational.
3.If it’s genetically engineered, my understanding is that there aren’t vaccines for those.
Naw, I can get behind that one. At least if the genetic engineering is being done on a derivative of a natural bug. If the thing is a true "Q" strain, hostile to all life forms within a certain window, then this is probably right. Remember, if its ours, it won't be a suicidal concoction. Now Al Qaeda's, I don't know... Crazy bastards...
In that case Docs theories would make sense..gradual exposure over time.
Yeeeessss....Somebody finally is getting the picture (on rabbit ears, yet)...
4.Could the smallpox vaccine contain additional agents we might need protection against?
Sure. But I suspect it won't be a matter of things IN THE VACCINE that need to be protected against, but more likely extra stuff for other strains of other bugs or completely different stuff like bacteria as well as the Smallpox virus. All in the same syringe. All very "do-able".
Who keeps track of those contents?
The CDC I believe, and the WHO thereafter.
I watched the recent CNN report on the engineered Russian smallpox strain, then tracked down and read the report on the accidental Russian epidemic. There is no vaccine. It was contracted from a distance 10 miles way from its source....carried on the breeze.
Yeah, that strain was hand-selected just for those "qualities". Appears to have worked a little too well....
5.If there’s no vaccine for the genetically engineered strain, and that’s the one we’re worried about…Why the push to vaccinate everyone for the most common variety of smallpox?
Do you see why this whole thing makes no sense. The only thing I am sure of is that the official story is the MOST inaccurate, if not outright lies.
(There are also lots of strains.) This has bugged me (excuse the pun) since the vaccination campaign was first mentioned. Within the same week or two news came out of fears of the Russian strain finding its’ way to Iraq via a now deceased woman Russian scientist.
Don't know who to believe anymore. Was this a real deal, or just some way to force us all into a mandatory program? Your guess is as good a mine...
Gradual innoculation, followed by a booster???
Makes sense to me. Are we going through a "booster" phase right now? It would also appear so to me...
Great questions... Keep itup. SQUEEEEEZE that brain.
Doc Doom...
Date: January 25, 2003 at 21:24:10
From: The Doc,
Subject: Doom Report: Last Brick?
I agree with perhaps every single point you have made. And I do mean everyone of them - save one...
Remember that old poster, showed up in the late sixties. Had some shadowy character peering over a fence while looking out of the corner of his eye. The Caption read: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you"....
Global-scale systemic ecological degradation is a serious problem. No doubt about it. Mankind's arrogance is his weakest suit. Personally, my biggest beef is de-forestation. Any trend that is obvious from satellite photos should be obvious to all. And all should act accordingly. Several other "scares" like the ozone layer "hole" have been manufactured for profit. The bulk of the research into the "O hole" was funded through a dummy corporation by DuPont, who was about to have their global patent for freon super-annuate. The vast majority of Chlorofluorocarbons are so vastly heavy on a molecular basis as to be all but impossible to find in the upper atmosphere. As far as chlorine radicals, and their "catastrophic" damage on the atmosphere, Mt. Pinintubo went off a few years ago, releasing SO much chlorine into the air that it far surpassed mankinds total historic production, from all artificial or man-made causes, by at least an order of magnitude. During the period, the "hole" was seen to shrink...
My point is that science has become a tool for manipulators to abuse. (Just get me talking about the REAL history of LENR/"Cold Fusion" if you want to hear horror stories!)
As I have stated countless times before, I had zero faith in the whole chemtrails situation for the first couple of years. It seemed to be just so much bunk. It took a while to change my mind. The "cover" stories, Like "Deep Skies", just smelled so bad that it was pretty obvious that something else was afoot.
Now if you really have been following these series of posts, then you are aware that I received direct confirmation of these Chemtrail discharges as part of an innoculation program. An inside military source, headed for Iraq in the next few weeks.
I have sat for a large portion of a day at a time, and observed the behavior. Believe me, there is a pattern to their application, and it distinctly differs from naturally occurring vapor trails. Several pilots have chimed in with their experiences, which they have freely said diverged from anything that used to be typical just a few years ago.
When they first started to show up, vast arrays of discharges were witnessed over open ocean, in great orthogonal quadrilles covering vast areas. These over-water discharges are all but unknown now. Most chentrail discharges are now concentrated over built up areas. The linkage between their changing behavior patterns directly correllates with political/military situations. Remember also this sobering fact: When almost every single aircraft was grounded immediately after 9/11, there were military aircraft laying down these trails even when no civilian aircraft, normally the overwhelming majority of all aircraft in the air globally, were flying.
No, I'm sorry... I out-grew the fiction that these things are a matter of happenstance or accumulation of particulate in the upper atmosphere some time ago. THIS is dis-information, and it appears that you have swallowed the proverbial hook, line and sinker.
I am sorry, I cannot help you. You must help yourself. Try doing what so many others have done, and spend some time watching the skies. Really study them. Believe no one else's "take" on it. Not even mine.
Then you may return to the fray. In the mean time, be very suspicious of "bad" science. I feel it to be the ultimate betrayal. I speak here as an engineer, not a kook. You can't build a system that will function correctly if it is based upon bad science, no matter how politically correct or "spun" it may be.
Doc Doom...
Date: January 27, 2003 at 00:24:23
From: The Doc...,
Subject: Another point of view?
Nice piece of deduction. As I have said before, if this is real, it will stand up to scrutiny.
A couple of factors worthy of dissection before we de-construct your post:
1) I don't work in Air Traffic Control anymore, although I spent YEARS in Europe building/up-grading the best of these systems worldwide, including those in Israel, which tend to be THE best. For a quarter century, if you were to talk about Air Defense Ground Environment (ADGE), the name Hughes Aircraft, along with Selenia, Thompson CSF, Elekluft or Marconi, will come up as "the best".
I was told verbatim by a past colleague that airtraffic control installations, both in the U.S. and Canada, are so knowledgeable about these Chemtrail programs, which substantially change atmospheric radar reflectivity enough to either generate false track histories or mask existing aircraft inflight, that they are issued CHARGE NUMBERS to bill the FAA for re-payment, when these applications cause air traffic to be routed AROUND the discharges, causing delays in arrivals, extra expenditure of fuel and higher levels of care and concern resulting in increased chatter from ATC staffs to flight crews.
Please de-bunk this one for me. I have no idea how to bash the words of friends that are so knowledgeable of the business that they have been able to guide aircraft down using only a heighth-finder radar when the main search radar was down in a storm.
2) I never claimed all odd looking contrails were artificial constructs. This would be ludicrous. The maddening correllation between some odd behavior and other symptoms has NEVER been cut and dried. This is a "big ticket", secret military program. OF COURSE it isn't obvious...
This said, there HAVE been episodes that friends and acquaintances as well as myself cannot explain by any other phenomena. Such as a series of discharges, very localized, that are so thick as to actually cause the sky's color to shift from fleecy white cumulus clouds, to pale orange sheets that spread to the horizon over the course of a few hours.
Thereafter, within less than 6 hours, several persons, including myself, became violently ill, ran life threatening fevers (102-104) and were all but incoherent for a day or so. If you follow the Sensitives and Phenomenon boards, there are posts of people with these EXACT SAME BIZARRE symptoms, in the LAST WEEK!
As I have claimed before: Planes spray, the sky behaves oddly, and shortly thereafter, within less than 24 hours, people get sick with strange flu-like, but non-transmissable maladies.
Again, and again, and again... Follow these boards.
Remember also, I have done the "Cleared for Weird" thing before. The efforts to cloak military enterprises with plausibly deniable excuses is legendary. I may not give you any first hand examples. I don't dare...
So, let's deal with your arguments:
Well, I won't say it could never be. But here are the problems with it Kate. No one on this sight EVER sees a contrail anymore.
This is a lie. Just that simple. A lie. MANY postings detail the differences that observers HAVE documented, often with photos, of two distinctly differing trails, one set conforming to the behavior of "normal" effects, similar to those of our childhood's, and another radically different set of thick, turbulent, textured and off-color discharges.
Here is what is so telling. Contrails are all but unknown at 10,000 ft. elevations. Chemtrails are the dominant item at this elevation. I have sat under the approach path to major airports, looked up, and saw both contrails at high altitude, which DO dissipate as you have described, and ones LOWER, that spread and do not dissipate.
Two clearly different items in the same stretch of sky. Answer me also this. The higher trail dissipates first, and completely, at 20,000 - 35,000 feet. This is without a doubt a colder section of the atmosphere. The lower trail produces a far thicker, almost smoke-like persistant trail, in a portion of sky that in no way should support the condensation, especially since the temperature variable overtakes the humidity variable under almost all circumstances.
As elevation increases, temperature drops, along with dew point. There should be no circumstance, except for wholesale thermal inversion, like in the L.A. basin, which can overwhelm this truism. The higher the trail, the more persistant it ought to be, not the converse. You need to spend some time skywatching.
The skies SHOULD BE full of contrails, since air traffic has drastically increased over the last decade. However, every sighting in the sky is now a CHEMTRAIL.
This is factually incorrect, as I described above. Follow also past posts which witnessed Chemtrail discharges immediately after 9/11, when air traffic was all but non-existant.
Where did the contrails go? Well, the problem may be that these same folks never looked up and paid attention till someone told them it was the government trying to kill them.
Nobody that I know of has claimed that our Government is trying to kill us directly. Every leak that has surfaced concerning chemtrails has said the same. This is to protect Americans...
2. The minute we have a cold front and very cold air above everyone on here starts reporting Chemtrails. These are the conditions when normal contrails are particularly plentiful.
Yes. Agreed. And discussed above. BUT... There have been circumstances that have been witnessed by knowledgeable folks with avaition backgrounds that totally refute the normalcy of some of these sightings.
3. Contrails form X's in the sky ALL THE TIME! I'm near an airport and the sky is often full of X's. Planes go N and plains go S. They make X's. The X's start and stop, depending upon micro climate above. Micro currents of warm air move through the atmosphere, cutting through the colder levels and creating stop and go contrails. This has occured since jets were invented.
Agreed on most points, save for one... Since WHEN does ANY airtraffic control CROSS FLIGHT PATHS OVER **ANY** major airport? What in hell are you trying to claim here? Incoming and departing airflights in a TCA (Terminal Control Airspace) are not allowed to cross other traffic paths in TCA-controlled airspace. Routed through airflights are routed AROUND airports for safety reasons. An "X" over a major airport should never be allowed
4. It is natural for contrails to stay in the sky for very long periods of time, contrary to the chemtrail conspiracy site.
No. This is an out and out lie. Sit in a field. Watch normal contrails. They DO dissipate, without filling the sky from horizon to horizon.
Can't get anyone to believe the reality of the science of it, but my husband is particularly versed in this as his past activities lead him to pay special attention (fighter tactics - contrails make you very easy to find in the sky)
Correct. That is why borate additives are frequently added to the exhaust of military aircraft to squelch this effect.
These contrails will often stay long enough to actually become clouds and to get larger and spread out.
Yes, to some extent, and under the right circumstances. BUT... These spreading trails become very wispy and thin. As they spread, they become all but transparent as would be typical of the altocirrus clouds you describe.
Check weather books.
Yes. Check weather books.
5. I showed my husband pictures of the "chemtrails" on one of the sites that hosts a bunch of them. He laughed. Said, that was normal everyday crap over, say, a city like Phoenix, given the right weather conditions. Showed him pictures of a jet spraying out of the back of it. He said, they wouldn't be spraying out of that area (I believe it was the wheel well)...the photo was computer generated... he has a friend where he works can do that for me if I want.
I don't make any claims about a single shred of veracity of typical conspiracy websites. I give **scant** credit to many that appear here... I only am willing to make claims about that which I know the source of, in most cases myself. Whether I may be delusional is up for grabs, but being a liar under these circumstances is not in my cards.
6. Clouds in the sky accumlate the particles of pollution and the water droplets form around them. Therefore, clouds, and CONTRAILS will test to be full of a variety of atmospheric polutants, particularly around cities which spew them into the atmosphere.
I agree totally. But this is a double-edged sword. My own particular "private" airspace is not affected by these accumulations. There are zero built-up areas upwind from where I live, only unbroken, freshly imported prevailing winds that have been essentially undisturbed for at least three thousand miles. The great circle route routes almost all airtraffic north or south from our location. No non-military air traffic heads upwind from our latitude directly out over the North Pacific. Yet, locals in my area have witnesses hairpin chemtrail discharges that defy ANY of your arguments. Ask "David@Bremerton" if you choose... He wrote the first posting of the effect, even though he does not take the Chemtrail theories I have delineated at face value.
7. It all could all might be...but no one here has ever given an ounce of proof that is ever even verifiable.
This is incorrect. There have been leaks from military sources that confirm the innoculation objective of this program. The only way to dismiss this fact is to nullify the source of the leak. Which is NOT to say that this isn't the standard M.O. Remember the O.J. trial? Anything is "bashable" now-a-days...
Some folks do tend to get sick the minute they look up and see the "chemtrails", but (I) guess that could be understandable, if they are very convinced.
PLEASE CALL ME A HYPOCHONDRIAC! My dead grandmother, who was such a devout Christian Scientist that she named my mother Mary after Mary Baker Eddy, would be doing roto-tiller motions in her grave if she had an inkling that I was feinting head-to-foot fevers for some twisted reason... Yeah, go ahead with that one...
Folks, listen, I'm not calling anybody a hick, nincompoop or wham-brain. We all are subject to our own "smell" test. To infer that such a program would be going on FOR ANY REASON is serious business. I don't make these observations for naught. The business I am in often takes extra gumption than many others. You see, scientists can spout any theory, write a paper, send it out for review, and even if it isn't quite correct, they get paid. Somebody else shoots holes in their theory, and that's that. Try again next time. If I do that, and the basis of what I design, analyse or fabricate is flawed, it is my NECK, not to mention paycheck. Where theory meets reality is where I live. I have had to stick to my guns on numerous occasions in my life, sometimes in politically charged situations where my answer was Politically Incorrect - and although I was proven right in subsequent weeks, in the mean time, I was "reassigned". So I am used to all manner of hysteria. And bashing. And dissection.
If this is the "real deal", it will bear my analysis out in the long run, despite any "official" indications to the contrary.
Any more thoughts?
Doc Doom...
Date: January 27, 2003 at 23:37:56
From: The Doctor...,
Subject: Some NEEDED Corrections...
You are espousing data without support, are failing to read in totality what has been written and posted before, and then get on your high horse, drop names and then guffaw at the rest of us.
If you're gonna be serious and **disciplined**, then shape up and fly right.
For instance:
jackson, if they were doing a mass inoculation as per Doc's "inside military source," why wouldn't they use a more efficient, clandestine method? You know, like mounting an aerial sprayer on a UAV, blimp, police or news helicopter, or to a low-flying advertising plane?
Sheer numbers, tonnage, total number of available platforms, etc.
For these aerosol vaccines to even be theoretically effective, they must be administered at a low altitude,
Not true... The discharges in San Francisco were from high altitude, and this was back in the fifties...
in stable wind speeds, not at the altitude in which these Contrail/Chemtrail's are seen.
As a matter of fact, most are laid down between 10,000 - 20,000 ft. in elevation. And they are strategically discharges based upon current windage patterns. In Los Angeles, the vast majority are laid down off of the coast, in early mornings or at sunset. My brother has a slip in Huntington harbor. I receive frequent status reports.
The conditions for such an endeavor would have to be, essentially the same as those for successful bio-attack.
Correct. Innoculation is actually more stringent, due to its higher coverage factor. A live pathogen will spread by its own will. A killed virus, even with a piggyback, needs to be much more widely spread to acheive acceptable coverage.
As far as that goes, why not just secretly piggyback the agent to the vaccines and flu-shots that are given routinely anyway?
You have NOT been reading all that has been posted. From DAY ONE, it has been my claim that the Chemtrails are a TERTIARY phase of a far larger innoculation program. This was specifically spelled out in detail in the first few posts I placed here. The Primary phase is a direct innoculation, used on Military, Diplomatic and Defense Contracting personnel. It is mixed in with the "normal" components injected before most Americans take trips to potentially infectious areas of the globe. The Secondary Phase does include Flu shots, as well as other common immunizations, like those children are FORCED to have before they are allowed to enroll in school. My past, and present observations, and therefore claims, are that persons already immunized by either Primary or Secondary phases are NOT AFFECTED by Chemtrail discharges. I have heard of perhaps two or three persons that have had flu shots, and then had a reaction from a discharge, but their symptoms were greatly attenuated and did not last long. I suppose that as is typical with biological systems, these people's shot did not "take", as discharges themselves are sometimes known to do. Most of the symptoms that I have suffered through came exactly and precisely once, although friends and neighbors came down with symptoms at later time and I did not. My only exclusion to this rule dealt with The Big Kahuna fever, which it appears that I took four "tries" before a successful "take". I am no longer affected by The Big Kahuna, even during an intense discharge...(thank God for small blessings...)
For that matter why not just come straight out and say, take this or you're going to die? The people would be lined up for months.
This is a military program, and very, very secret. Telling the enemy, which you must BE SURE is monitoring all things transpiring in the U.S. right now, that we are being immunized against ANYTHING, will destroy the element of surprise and void incredible amounts of planning. This is the ditziest thing you have said... Shame on you...
Why not just infect x-number of carrier hosts to go hang out in public places? That way they could spread the "cure" as the people contract the agent, and develop the immune response.
As has been discussed here before at great length, the only way to acheive innoculation without wiping out the populace, or at least totally disrupting the normal flow of commerce (you just KNOW that this was a prerequisite...)is to use a killed viral concoction. Which will not spread of its own volition. No propagation, no benefit. So it must be imported into the body via an assured contact, and a biological carrier to allow the dead virus to penetrate bronchial and lung tissue, and enter the blood stream.
It only takes one to infect many...remember Typhoid Mary?
That is what is intended in the final "cocktail", but not in the innoculation phase, for all of the reasons listed above.
This whole scenario is just not logical.
I beg your pardon... My extrapolations may be extreme, but logical deductions have always been the cornerstone of all these theories. If you cannot perceive the logic, evil though it may be, behind this insidiously clever program, then perhaps you need further remedial education...
I'm sorry, and I don't know about the rest of you, but, I need legitimate, verifiable sources.
As do we all. I suppose just snapping our fingers will cause them to magically appear? Do you expect to get ANY kind of a straight answer during wartime? From ANY source... Get real!!!
I need some sort of a viable lead, or data that I can chase down before I buy the whole enchilada, any enchilada. If you're going to believe every conspiracy tale out there, what makes you so different from the sheeple? What happened to critical thinking?
I don't believe the rest of the conspiracies that clog the web and so, so, so many chatrooms. Most are hooey at best, and frequently insulting to my intelligence. My theories are my own, based upon my own observations, and those additional few I place faith with. I make no concession to other's viewpoints. Nor do I intend to change any time soon.
Now, you say you've never heard of the inoculation theory until he posted it? Dude, where have you been? That theory has been floating around since the beginning. In fact back in '99, Will Thomas, Cliff Carnicom and Zeta-Talk were blasting that theory as dis-info by the chemtrail debunkers.
Hmmmm... Who is dis-informing whom. Not the folks that have gotten sick. This is too real for them to ignore.
If you don't trust anything from a military or science site, why are you so quick to trust nameless, faceless, "inside military sources," posted by an equally nameless, faceless poster?
They aren't nameless or faceless to me.. . And to my mind, this is all that counts. As far a "official" sources, I do use them, but only after carefully sifting through their choice of verbiage. Just like deciphering Bill Clinton, and what "is" is. I learned long ago that the best way to acheive a lie is to tell the truth, but be selective about which portion of the "truth" you choose to tell. Then when you are caught, you cannot be held accountable for a direct lie.
What makes them so credible? Has the military never participated in a deliberate dis-info campaign? I think we know better.
At this point in time, I think you need to get all that has been written concerning Chemtrails from AK Trapper, and study it all. I think there are something like 50 or 60 pages by now. I haven't the time to continously re-iterate. You claim that you have been following these posts for a long time. It appears your claim is baseless, or at least very overstated.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and not believe that your posting are part of a larger effort, of whose instigation I cannot tell. But you have taken a close-minded bent from the get go, and are still attempting to disprove by lambast, a poor method at best, and one that will not work in this case.
Go back and do your homework. Then we can discuss this further, and in greater detail. In the mean time, you are wasting mine...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 28, 2003 at 11:57:46
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Some NEEDED Corrections...You're damn right!
The tests in San Francisco were much broader than what has been disclosed. There were facets of aerosol applications. Why do I know? My father was a navigator at the time. Used to fly with Flying Tigers on contract with the Agency. They also tried wandering personnel to spread the vector, but not in San Francisco. That never got in the papers...
As far as your lack of frank symptoms, this is not a surprise at all, although it used to be more puzzling. There are outliers on every curve, in both areas of increased and decreased susceptibility to any pathogen. Just as the vast majority of West Nile exposures are not noticed by the victim, so it seems happens with chemtrail discharges.
I suspect, but as with so many other related things, cannot prove that the initial designers of this program chose various components such that most victims are unaware of their symptoms, if they have any at all. I also suspect that once their witch's brew was put into service, the incidence of bad reactions skyrocketed beyond their initial analysis. Even the most severely affected are either unaware or unwilling (as is yourself) to connect what they perceive as a random, naturally occurring episode of some un-named flu with nefarious enterprise. The spooks did their job very well. They relied heavily on persons such as yourself to dismiss away the transient episodes as something other than what they are. You are just part of their plan, whether or not you choose to admit it to yourself. Why is this obvious to me? Because when I look deep into that nasty recess that we all keep hidden from the light of day, I realize that this was what **I** would have planned, if I chose to let my own "Mr. Hyde" come to the surface.
Don't argue with myself only. Argue with all of the folks on this site who have gotten bizarrely sick over the last two or three years. Or am I just guilty of putting seeds in their gullible heads? This would infer that they are mentals feebs. Puppets. Sheeple. (Your words, not mine...)
Certainly not MY viewpoint. What are YOU implying?
Please don't attempt to wrap yourself in the Flag, the Bible, Truth, Justice, Goodness or Light... We have heard this all before. Spoonfed is perhaps the most accurate verb here.
Remember, it has been people we were expected to trust, people that have used these self-same terms, that have hoodwinked the nation, and have gotten us to the brink of World War III against our wishes. (Possibly on the loosing side...) I don't consider myself to be in any way "enlightened". I'm just your normal, mean-spirited, vindictive, self-serving, chattering bald ape, with corrective lenses. I am just not afraid to admit it. And not afraid to try and be aware of how this internal propensity can screw up all it comes in contact with. Such is our human condition...
Doc Doom...
Date: January 29, 2003 at 01:22:28
From: Bones,
Subject: Controll the weather, Controll the 'Market$$$'
The weather manipulation angle is certainly valid. There is a tremendous wealth of programs that have been done both by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. many years ago. There ARE treaties in place since the late seventies between us and "Ivan", largely because experiments in the sixties got out of control, and really gummed up th' works. Are we back at it now? Maybe.
It doesn't take Einstein's brain to realize that the fishiness that is smelling up the skies has another, more immediate and sinister purpose.
Has anybody else out there been coming down with swollen lymph nodes in their neck, without any obvious source of infection or injury? It seems to last a few days, then disappears just as quickly as it arrives.
Doc Doom...
Date: January 29, 2003 at 01:56:55
From: The Doc Again...,
Subject: Spin Control, The wowzone
My, my, but you are a busy lady...
You keep diggin' up this stuff! There are a couple of other similar sites I have seen before, but Chemtrails Central seems to take the cake.
After reading several posts, I am feeling a little better. And perhaps a little less shell-shocked from this day's barrages.
It seems to me that all of these theories are as likely dis-information as anything. (Aw, Hell, now I'm starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist!)
Remember a prime rule of military intelligence. "Coincidence is a null concept.." Were these episodes to be happening in a vacuum, say without a covered-up series of terrorist strikes going on since before Oklahoma City or the Missile Shootdown of TWA 800, then I would tend to be more evenhanded in my regards for the whole spectrum of theories.
I cannot dismiss the time-domain correllation of the increasing frequency of Chemtrail discharges, the mysterious pre-occupation with Iraq and the impending invasion, the "fixing" of the Bush Election and bizarre sets of influenza-like outbreaks nation wide. Add to that global overpopulation, and an American Society that has been all but enslaved by a corrupt Elitist class whose arrogance has to be experienced to be believed.
So I'm a pig-headed Irish/Norwegian hybrid. I am still convinced that somebody is gonna do something horrid, biological, and soon...
Keep your head down...
Doc Doom...
Date: February 01, 2003 at 22:53:57
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: 'Nother Domino falls...
Hi All!
Sad day for the country, our space endeavors and especially for seven extended families.
I will keep this post brief, as so many seem to feel that a few extra paragraphs are SO objectionable.
I have on several past posts shown an interest, if not an out-and-out fascination, with prophetic texts, and while it might be "slightly" more politically correct to relegate anything pertaining to them onto another location/board, I shant, as the root cause is (what appears to me) linked to current arrays of national malfeasance by our own government. Therefore, I shall deal with the issue here.
In my "Left Field" rant, I linked three time-domain specific quatrains from Nostradamus, and noted the peculiar, and somewhat terrifying, implications for the next few months.
I hate to bring this up so soon after a national tragedy, such as what happened this morning, but in the interests of opening eyes to the immediate situation we find outselves in, I shall begin forthwith.
My sincere apologies to any who might take offense, but there is a war going on...
Century 2: Quatrain 46:
"After great misery for mankind, an even greater one approaches,
When the great cycle of the Centuries is renewed.
It will rain blood, milk: famine, war and disease.
In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks."
Let us dissect this one with care...
The great cycle of the centuries is widely, and I believe correctly, attributed to the years immediately before and after the change of the millenia, say from '98 to '04. I do not believe that this is a stretch for anyone's imagination.
The first lines pertain to the string of world wars, starting with the blow up in the Balkans in 1914, resulting in Europe's most horrific bloodbath up to that point in time, followed shortly thereafter by Hitler's rise and fall, a direct result of the treaty of Versailles, plus economic excesses of the American System that produced the Great Depression.
Hitler caused an otherwise unsupportable tyrant like Stalin to successfully seize and hold onto absolute power in the name of defeating the Fascists. Even though the Second World War officially ended in August of '45, it is not a stretch to realize that had the first two wars not occurred, there would have been no Cold War. That said, it is fairly easy to give credence to the first line of the quatrain, in complete literal fact.
Line three is a given at face value. Especially the part about war and plagues. The war is ongoing, and the plagues, if my past analysis and hunches are correct, are just about to happen.
Now look at line four, while keeping in mind the videos of today, the first of February, 2003. Recent edicts from inside the current regime state that American Forces will be ready for invasion by (get this!) Valentine's Day, the 14th of this month. (How sweet, something "red" for my Valentine, someone's head on a platter!)
To my way of thinking, the fire in the sky, with a tail of sparks, is an almost perfect description of the loss of the Columbia at 200 thousand feet, and 12,000 MPH.
Consider this:
The most famous guest aboard this mission was an Israeli War Hero, whose greatest claim to fame was the successful raid on one of Saddam's first breeder reactors in 1981, resulting in it's total destruction, and setback of Saddam's quest for fissionable bomb fuel by more than a decade.
Already throughout the Middle East there is rejoicing and feasting as it is clear to these folks that Allah has seen fit to destroy one of their arch enemies, one who was beyond their best reach, and all but immune to direct attack or assassination.
If there ever was any doubt throughout the world of Islam that Allah was on "their" side, it has been completely and forevermore dispelled. Will Saddam hereafter consider exile or capitulation? After today, there isn't a chance on this green Earth that this will transpire.
There is now NOTHING in Bush's way to stop the impending invasion. Whether or not the resulting plagues will occur as has been foretold remains to be seen...
I, for one, no longer harbor any doubts...
Keep your heads down...
Doc Doom...
Date: February 02, 2003 at 03:02:44
From: The Doc...,
Subject: Hey DH
Same here. Prettiest day in quite a while. Totally clear, blue skies and puffy white clouds. NORMAL looking clouds.
I'm gonna go on record here... We may be seeing the last of these infernal Chemtrails. I believe that they are finished. If my hunch is correct, the "planners" had the situation in place for several years, with a tight schedule that had the "final strokes" planned to be finished by Feb. 1st. Jackson would know about these kinds of long term plans. Unc Sam is famous for them. I also suspect that there may be a few "catch-ups" in some areas, due to weather effects and other unforeseeable delays.
But if I am right about the sordidness of the whole affair, the innoculation is completed, or at least as complete as it will get.
We shall see, shant we?
Doc Doom...
Date: February 03, 2003 at 00:04:25
From: The Doc,
Subject: Hey Doc
Well, you KNOW I have an opinion on this one.
Was there some collusion in '91 at the end of the Gulf War? Probably...
Do you know the real reason why Schwarzkopf stopped before chasing the Republican Guard all the was to Baghdad? You won't believe this. It's so dumb, especially if you know the history of the Battle of the Bulge.
Our boys over-ran their fuel supplies. No Sh*t... Our most modern heavy armor moved in so fast that their fuel supplies were decimated but quick, well past predictions, and the re-supply "mules" were just too few and far between. The "Highway of Death" was laid down, using mostly airpower, and Saddam was told by Bush Senior that Nukes were on the way, ABC or no ABC. Then there was this matter of pin-point "Boutique" bombs, real ground penetrators based on surplus 155mm naval gun barrels equipped with wings and laser target finders. One had Saddam's "name" on it...
Even though The Republican Guard was still intact, it was decided that placing our forces at the far end of a tenuous re-supply line from Kuwait clear into Baghdad was foolhardy. (Duhh!!)
So Bush told Saddam to cool it, which it appears he did, but oh-so-briefly, and concessions appear to have been made to Saddam to keep him pinned down along with Iran, with the Kurds as a "bargaining chip" that was considered expendable by the Bush team. The extent of Saddam's liquidation of these Kurds exceeded the agreement, but by then the whole exchange between Bush and Clinton was afoot, and Saddam sort of slipped through the cracks. Schwarzkopf was pissed sh*tless. (Listen to his recent comments on NPR. He claims that Rummy "is having a little too much fun"!)
I suspect that we will never know the true nature of these agreements. But we can be pretty sure that they existed. Furthermore, if Saddam is currently under the impression that this is a huge charade, with him in a starring role, he has been set up for a double cross, and ultimately a patsy. At this point in time, he has fulfilled his role, and is WAY expendable. Using him as a "placekeeper" against Iran won't be needed any longer. Plus, somebody needs to "shut him up". He knows too much...
Listen, SOMEBODY (besides Unc Sam) needs to take the blame for the BioWeapon's impending release that these chemtrails have been innoculaing us all against. So once "it" gets out of the test tube, Iran and the rest of these "inconvenient" Middle Easterners will cease to be. Wanna talk about unbridled access to Oil?
Question: Why else would our forces be mobilizing these enormously dis-proportionate quantities of Engineers, bridge builders and other repairmen? Wouldn't you think that these guys ought to be coming in AFTER the war is over? Doesn't sound like any conventional military exchange that I have ever heard of. How about you? Weird Sh*t going down...
I wonder exactly how the Russians fit into this whole scheme. I have several theories, but nothing that seems to "click" as well as the rest of these arrogant schenanigans.
Like you said, it will all be going down very, very soon...
Doc Doom...
Date: February 03, 2003 at 12:15:45
From: Doc here..,
Subject: to Doc
Big maybe...
IF - this is the case, which it could be, I would more suspect that the cessation would be due to trying to keep people from noticing them during the search phase. There also is the possibility that they are terminated during re-entry as a matter of overall safety, but NASA has been showing us for years that bureaucratic political correctness is FAR more important that ANYBODY'S safety.
You heard that 5 of the 9 member panel on NASA safety were "released" after their report came out last year with a scathing accusation of safety and engineering lapses?
Same thing with Feynmann's report in the 80s. This time there was a red flag two days before re-entry, that appears to have been suppressed again. The term "disaster" was used in print.
This draws a disturbing parallel for me. If there has been analysis concerning the Chemtrails program that concluded that it was poorly thought out and far more dangerous and foolhardy on technical grounds, say perhaps due to spontaneous mutations, then if this behavior holds true to past form, these people would also have been "released". In this case, I suspect release = dead. 'Member those 14 biologists that mysteriously died between 9/11/01 and 4/01/02 last year? Hmmmm...
Doc Doom...
Date: February 03, 2003 at 16:03:48
From: The Doc...,
Subject: Hi Again
Go hit up AKTrapper, who cruises this board on a regular basis, for a full string of my posts. I mean ALL of them. I have NEVER made a copy for myself. I just sit down and write, re-read it once, and click th' mouse.
If you haven't read my "take" on HAARP, then that just might be an eye-opener. "Samarobrin" according to my take on Nostradamus.
BTW, to the rest of you reading. I was reviewing my notes and old files. I, me, myself, may have worked on HAARP. Really, really...
It was code named "Project Alaska" or maybe "Alaska Radar Project." If my memory serves me, Georgia Tech Research Inst. was running it. (Don't quote me too tight on this fact. We also bid on a radar mapper with these folks, but didn't get the job. I may be cross-wired here...)
My little corner was that I was brought in as a consultant, sort of. The program needed a video frame grabber so that the radar system could optically track a target and then illuminate it with the beam. This was really weird. Bass Ackwards. See, normally, the radar has MUCH more accuracy to track a target than an optical tracker has. To dissect a video image and produce a tight tracking algorithm is much less common that practically any kind of radar tracker. It has to do with centroid computation of a multi-cell radar return compared with an optical edge-detecting, scaling and target recognition software package. This is pretty common now days, but in 1992/93, when this thing was going into business, it was very different. That's why I got called in. To select an analog video to captured digital snapshot converter.
Anyways, this job was initially slightly-black, and later it got much blacker. That also was odd. This camera stared at some kind of target, and controlled a servo-system that pointed the camera, and ran the radar's phase shifter-controller to track the target. The optics had to be low maintenance, even up in Alaska.
Which is where the HAARP base station is built...
Remember what I have said about the system being used PRIMARILY to illuminate an ultra-light electric aircraft circling overhead with a beam of radio energy for remote power coupling to the plane, ala Star Trek, to get it into high parking flights overhead and then charge its batteries.
This infers that Hughes had a fairly large slice of the program. Which isn't at all surprising. We had our fingers in all sorts of pies in those days...
Doc Doom...
Small world, huhhhh...
Date: February 04, 2003 at 12:21:22
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Thoughts about the Columbia disaster
Hi!The key word concerning the Shuttle is "re-useable". The Mercury/Gemini/Apollo capsules were taken from technology developed for ICBMs. Especially the Mercury shots.Missiles see an actually WORSE situation upon re-entry than do shuttle or Manned-capsule space shots. Nukes from on high come in **relatively** straight up-'n-down, while manned shots bring the capsule in on a gently sloping curve from near Earth orbit. ICBMs are thrown "higher" in their trajectories. Makes 'em harder to intercept. Missiles used/still use "ablative" coatings. I had a chunk of one of their "heat shields" back in the 60s. It consisted of an epoxy based fiber-reinforced honeycomb, with cells a half inch (1 cm) across, and 6 inches (15 cm) thick/deep. This was back-filled with an epoxy foam, to make a solid "bat" of material, which was laid up into a curved dish, the diameter of the capsule/missile, and a half foot thick uniformly covering the slightly dished surface.As the projectile, manned or not, re-entered, it was oriented with the flattest/dished surface aligned into the "wind" at mach 15-20, whereupon the epoxy foam went ape-sh*t in the heat, and began to char. The surface, as it charred, "ablated", or sloughed off its surface. This made for quite a light show. This ablation was not uniform, but still smooth enough to be predictable, as microscopic chunks shed themselves when the object came in from on high. The system worked very well, but ONLY ONCE! The shield was 80% or more gone when the capsule splashed down. As far as a missile is concerned, by that time, it should have gone "boom" so it mattered not that the shield was history.This ceramic tile technology was an extreme breakthrough both as far as weight and survivability, and was a key ingredient in conceiving the shuttle in the first place.That said, these tiles are SUPER-CRITICAL. Here is what pisses me off... The first shuttle missions used the remote arm to examine the lower surface of the ship for damaged tiles. They even carried a repair kit, so that if one or two were non-op, or missing, the crew could do a space walk, and patch the surface. The idea was, any fix is better than no fix.Now, as of late, in these "faster, cheaper, better" days that have lost so many missions due to cutting corners, the shuttles no longer carry their repair kits, plus have lost their ability to inspect their critical re-entry surfaces.It's almost like Mission Control has made a decision that it's better to not let the crew know if something is amiss, and Houston just crosses their fingers, without letting the Astronauts have any idea. This is what blew up the Challenger from an O-Ring mess that was an explosion waiting to happen.My point of view: Everybody associated with either the Challenger's mission critical decision to launch in below normal temperatures, when NASA's and Morton Thiokol's own engineers said not to, or in the case of the Columbia's latest debacle, being brought in with obvious, although not fully analyzed tile damage despite a warning memo two days previous that clearly used the word "disaster", should do time in Federal Prison for depraved indifference, a version of manslaughter. (Murder)BUT:This latest episode is a perfect indicator of how overwhelmingly corrupt our system has become. It's all about money now, and to HELL with everything and everybody else. Nobody gets in trouble, it just gets spun into something akin to a lie, JUST LIKE THE SOVIETS used to do...The number IS the beast. The all mighty buck reigns supreme. And for this reason alone, this once great country is doomed. Every past civilization/empire over the past three thousand years has fallen after corruption so poisoned their systems as has ours. To believe that this will not be our path to destruction is beyond naive.Why else to you think my friends gave me the moniker,Doctor Doom...?
Date: February 04, 2003 at 21:54:20
From: The Doc..,
Subject: My suspicions about the Columbia disaster
Hi!Here is my "take" on the tragedy:1) Tiles are damaged during liftoff. The patch of insulation, was analyzed at 2.67 pounds DRY. That says nothing about it saturated in ice. It was a January day when the launch occurred. The shuttle had been on the pad all night, waiting with fueled tanks. (I believe) Condensation generated from the LOX and LH2 permeated the foam, filling the pores with ice, adding mass and MUCH GREATER STIFFNESS. The high velocity of the launch at the altitude when the chunk came loose caused the piece to rapidly accellerate in the airstream, turning sideways, catching the wind, with great added punch when it struck the underside, causing a plume of ice and shattered tiles, both WHITE in color, not the orange of the insulation. You can see this on the video tape. The cloud of debris upon impact is far greater in volume that merely the foam could account for...2) NASA's analysis was made by personnel that knew that if their numbers showed an "unacceptable" danger, they would be fired for their message, as were 5 of the 9 persons on the safety review board of the past year. Bad news travels fast. "Good" numbers let you keep your job. Don't the Emperor's new clothes look snazzy today?3) Upon re-entry, a series of tiles began to erode at an excessive rate. This started over the Pacific. It was obvious enough by the time the shuttle was over California to be observed by amateur astronomers. As soon as one of the tiles had eroded to the skin, further erosion began from the leading edge of the "aperature" of damage. Erosion began to multiply. As the erosion spread, it began to speed up UNDER the leading edge of the aperature. Huge turbulences began to be felt by the navigation system, under automatic control. During descent, the shuttle is "fly by wire". The crew was out of the loop, and largely unaware. 4) As the increased drag grew, the nav computer used up all of the dynamic range available from the rudder and other control surfaces. At hypersonic speeds, these "conventional" control surfaces have a very subtle effect, far, far less than what they would have a sub-mach numbers. The correction and maneuvering jets began to fire, to keep the nose "into the wind". These jets also ran out of operating room as the aperature from the increasing number of tiles grew larger, making much greater drag on only one wing, twisting the craft on its lateral axis. 5) At some point, the exceeded dynamic range of control surfaces could no longer keep the nose pointed straight ahead. The craft QUICKLY, OH SO QUICKLY, SNAPPED ***SIDEWAYS*** at mach 20 or so. First the vertical stabilizer (the tail) snapped off at the root. This flipped the craft on its length axis until the RIGHT wing and LEFT wing were broadside to the airflow. They snapped off in fractions of seconds. As soon as this happened, the craft came apart first from the aft end, which is not capable of standing direct face-on stresses, especially around the engine nozzles and the surrounding nacelle. The cargo bay doors blew apart next. Then the bulkhead exploded between the crew compartment, and the payload unit. Finally the nose eroded in fits and starts from the wind blast of 12,000+ MPH. I suspect the crew was sucked out of their seats from the turbulence, most of them not in one piece due to their seat belts, when the bulkhead blew.6) The Explosion was an artifact of the ship rotating sideways at mach 20, generating the most ENORMOUS sonic boom ever caused by a man-made object. Each piece that came under attack from the windblast of 12,000 MPH began to erode and burn, as shown on the video tapes. 7) When the craft went sideways, the twisting "G" forces were so extreme that the crew had their necks snapped. This probably explains why communications were cut off so quickly. But I further expect to find out that the mission was on a "tape delay" so that if a horrible emergency happened, the audio could be cut out before the public heard the stomach churning truth.So, perhaps we shall see what happened. But perhaps we shall only hear what "they" think we should hear. After all, the space program has become a huge show to the taxpayers, and a bad show looses its audiences. Gotta keep them sheeple happy, eh?Doc Doom...
Date: February 05, 2003 at 03:08:44
From: Doc here...,
Subject: For Doc
HiYa,Did I ever tell you I have the key to making LENR (aka "Cold Fusion") work? Los Alamos did already, but you're not supposed to know about that. Then there's Dr. McKubre at Stanford, and the successful laser ignition experiment that I sent his way from Texas... (Look up Dr McKubre. An interesting Kiwi to be sure...)It has to do with the Hagelstein ladder decay process at 8 teraHertz, or 37 micron wavelength. I don't normally talk about this because people will think I'm nuts...I'd love to talk to your buddy. Tell him to bring a tape recorder. He won't be able to take notes fast enough otherwise. I tend to wear people out fairly quickly. Perhaps you can bounce me over a contact number for this gentleman. Heck, I'll even come into th' Emerald City for it. Haven't been north of Kent in over a year.See ya...Doc Doom...
Date: February 05, 2003 at 20:30:36
From: The Doc is in...,
Subject: To Doc
Hi!Wise soul? Yeah, that and fifty cents will put a down-payment on a cup of coffee. But I do appreciate your opinion, however flawed.Let's see here:As you well know "IT" may not be a war?? rather Mom earth burping and moving?Nope, I can't see that. I'm SURE it will be both... Probably simultaneously. The same forces that are stirring up the planet's crust are making the chattering apes berserk and maniacal. All linked together - of course...Yep the skies are clearing... The chemtrails DO SEEM to be at a minimum. But it will take a while before this becomes more than a pip on the data base.Your thoughts as to why the "greenies" do not want to allow logging of burned , but useable timber?Well, be careful when you use that term attached to that statement. The "GREENS" I know AREN'T democrats. Some are republicans, but MOST are libertarians. I live out in the forest. Fire scares the sh*t out of us. MOST people that are blocking Bush's latest end-run around common sense are deadset against the way the legislation is written.I don't know ANYBODY against selective forestation, selective logging or culling of squaws, snags, dead-standers, or the "nuisnace" trees that tend to re-fill an area that has been clear cut. Most of these, like aspen or alder, make dense thickets in open areas after a cut. When the season is unusually dry, these stands are a NIGHTMARE for fire mitigation. WHOOSH, and your home is history.The Bush legislation gives timber companies the right to take the BIG stuff, where the bucks are, without cleaning up or pruning back these thickets and proliferations of smaller, overly dense new growth. See, the natural fire cycle burns this stuff out of the taller stands of fire-immune and forest-anchoring older trees. When you see how fire-resistant these big guys are, you start to see how all the whining about thinning forest leads to clear cutting. I lived in Scandanavia for several years. They practice clear cutting, and have for 800-1,000 years, in the same forests. BUT - they only clear cut "pockets" of trees no more that 500 meters (yards) by 500 meters, leaving somewhat-less mature stands of intact forest bordering these cleared patches. The wildlife loves it, the patches re-seed very quickly from the surrounding timbered areas, and the open sky breaks up an otherwise overly sun-free forest floor. Actually, naturally occurring fire-cycled forest LOOK JUST LIKE these forests. What just pisses me off is people that claim that massive clear cut areas, miles upon miles on a side are GOOD. Or stable. Or even profitable - in the long run. They are not... Smaller patchwork makes a healthier forest, but it costs more to harvest this way, and the logger has to be a little bit more careful, and basically, somebody needs to care about what they are doing. The maximum profit angle makes me sick. So many twisted lies.Flooding will be a fact!! along with Erosion!Certainly, for all of the above reasons. But selective cutting and clearing of underbrush ISN'T what will happen, if the greedy one-shot profiteers have their way. Burnt-to-the-ground forests are almost indistinguishable from massively-clear-cut forests in their instability to soil damage and unsupportable regrowth.I value your Input and wise comments!!Tend to think You are in the NE? and have in place "protection"??? and perhaps "hardened"???PNW, three hours from the Canadian border by either car or ferry, or both. On a pseudo-island. (A unique geographical feature of the Puget Sound area.) High on a ridge, with many miles of winding, two lane county road between us and the closest stop sign. Lots of retired cops and military around us. Lots of home-schooled kids. Lots of deer, bear and cougar. EVERYBODY is armed. The ultimate Conspiracy?? is USGS, and what is ongoing off the West Coast re: Volcanic Activity, off shore, Magma Plumes are a fact! watch Mammoth and Yellowstone for changes, esp Yellowstone if Old Faithful changes from the" Normal" eruptive "blow off" Hang On!!Mammoth is the biggie right now. I don't get any kind of urgency from the huge caldera under Yellowstone and the Tetons like I do from the backside of the Sierras. The San Andreas is the big wildcard there. Younger mountains too...I call It Mid-- North American stress!! Uplift? or Spreading??Note the posts about the Bridges around KC?I'm not convinced just yet. Cascadia and the Sierras are my "hot" zone.Doc Doom...
Date: February 06, 2003 at 16:30:47
From: Doc here...,
Subject: For Doc
Hi!Remember the Cold Fusion craze of '89? Well, this may sound a little far fetched, but a series of breakthroughs have occurred in the past two years that have unlocked the big "why" of the reaction, and why nobody can repeat their experiments. There are perhaps four or five persons in the world who know the following details, but don't fully understand all of the intricacies of how it all "goes together".As soon as this mess in the Middle East is over, and by this I mean all of the settling out that will have to occur stateside with the "New Economy", (the old one will be HISTORY by then...) I hope to get a few entrepreneurs together and get the process reduced to practice. I don't imagine that the Patent system will be around by then, so there isn't much point in filing a disclosure on my Mag TorVex design in the mean time. (Magnetic Torsional Vortex Generator) This is a design based upon an obscure effect of super-conductivity, called the Meissner effect. This can be manipulated to cause "flux pinning", which allows magnetic lines of force to be "strung" over a frame like bowstrings. Then we excite the resonant micro-cavity (1.5 mils in diameter, formed in a vapor deposited diamond substrate) at the nutational resonant frequency of the Deuterium Ion of 81.92 MegaHertz, with an ultrasonically excited micro-cavitational "bubble" to provide the phononic interface mismatch, to double focus the reaction environment near the pulse-excited Thoriated Tungsten Primary Electrode.Sounds like B.S., huh?You wait...We'll get rid of these dirty, smelly petrochemicals yet!Keep your head down...Doc Doom...
Date: February 06, 2003 at 20:30:49
From: The Doc Again...,
Subject: Calling Doc, Whassa Plan?
HiYa!I suspect that you haven't heard all of my screwball theories, have you? All of these nonsensical things going on CAN (at least according to my holistic theory) be explained.Here's how it goes: (Bear with me, I'll go as fast as possible)Too many people on planet. American economy needs room to grow. WTO has met resistance from the third world, as we rip them off left and right. Long range planning showed long ago that Islamic resurgence would "challenge" American Empire. Chinese also have threatened, and continue to do so. Population is exploding in third world. Especially Indonesia, all Islamic. Planet is in trouble with existing population. Saddam used biological weapons on U.S. troops in 1991. U.S. covered up the whole thing, called "Gulf War Syndrome", destroys credibility of anybody that investigates problem. Several successful terrorist strikes against the U.S. are also covered up, or at least "re-named/spun" into something else. (TWA 800, Oklahoma City, AA 587 over Long Island) Huge effort to hide magnitude of danger posed by Islamic Fundamentalists. Appears to be attempt to "buy time". After '91 gulf war, several super-black programs come into place, like Chemtrails and HAARP. Huge dis-information campaigns used to protect true nature of these and other programs. Chemtrails make people sick, with assorted symptoms, but ONLY ONCE. (usually) All symptoms are viral or flu-like. Chemtrails seen over most of Christian countries, selectively over areas of third world, but NOT over China or Russia. 9/11 strikes are not described as to what really happened. (Missile caught on film heading towards second plane, but plane hits tower first, missile goes between towers and lands in sea. Flight 93 has engine nacelle fall to Earth three miles from body of aircraft, even though plaane went straight in. Actually, plane is shot down by OUR F-16. Huge media cover-up. This is all fact...)Last summer, out of nowhere Saddam becomes root of all evil, despite any logic to the contrary. Chemtrail discharges build to almost daily occurrence, but taper off steeply just before invasion (two weeks from now.) Huge effort and Dog 'n Pony show to convince UN to allow invasion, despite woefully too few American Troops in region, with most being Engineers and repairmen, as if the war will be over in NO TIME. Saddam is "groomed" in media with saturation coverage, with "WMD" in every sentence. In December, front page article nationwide says "Saddam will use bioweapons ON OWN PEOPLE if U.S. invades. American policy changes for first time since 1945, allowing President to "strike first" if nation threatened.My conclusion: We built an influenza based BioWeapon to wipe out the excess population, especially China and all Islamic nations, and have SUCCESSFULLY framed Saddam for the nasty deed beforehand. Chemtrails are an innoculation program (verified by inside source in Army) to protect "chosen" people before planetary plague does our dirty work. HAARP is actually the ultimate stealth aircraft, transparent, electric and super high altitude, perfect for loitering over biological drop zone, discharging pathogen from on high wherer U.S. cannot be caught in the act. I further believe that the charade will be caught by the rest of the world, causing global disgust, and total collapse of American and European economies. Possible retribution from remnants of Russia or China fulfills biblical prophecies. What is scary is that I have hard facts that support roughly 80% of these situations. Now do you know why people call me Doctor Doom?Sleep tight. Wish I could. I don't sleep very well anymore.Wonder why?
Date: February 06, 2003 at 20:39:05
From: Doc...,
Subject: Calling Doc Again...
Fella, they have so hosed over the Bible as to make it almost disconnected from what the disciples first wrote.Everytime I turn around, somebody uses the Bible to explain or justify some nasty deed that you JUST KNOW was never part of the real story. Of course, the same thing has been done to the Koran. It's all a business, ones going on for so long that HUGE empires have been the result of manipulation of these texts. The stuff that the Catholic church, supposedly THE high church of Christianity, has done in the name of Jesus is truly disgusting. Do you know how many books of the original Bible have been conveniently "lost"? I know it is more than three, but not exactly sure. And these "born again" jokers are running the White House!!!!Pulll-eeeeze, make it all go awaaaaayyy...Doc Doom...
Date: February 07, 2003 at 11:52:41
From: The Doc...,
Subject: Doc, a link you may want to browse.
Hi!A couple of folks over on the Sensitives Board have complained of the EXACT same symptoms that mysteriously killed two kids in the northern midwest. The big kicker is "soreness above the calves and knees". Last month, and especially during the Christmas holidays, there were SO many people with these sorts of weird symptoms, myself included, that I ran a thread "Oh my acheing..." to try and correllate them on an informal basis.I will extrapolate a bit here. If this pathogen, "flu-like" as decribed, is "synthetic" (from a discharge, in a killed viral format) then it would be safe to assume that there will be "outliers" on the bell curve of afflicted persons. The most extreme of these outliers will succumb, due to combinations of factors, both environmental and genetic pre-dispositions, but in very small numbers. The press stories are VERY quick to announce that there is "no connection" between the cases as reported. Except for the Chemtrail connection...A flu that makes sore knees and kills suddenly...Tell ME that this isn't engineered!Doc Doom...
Date: February 07, 2003 at 13:29:06
From: Doc Here...,
Subject: Doc, elaborate please
ALERT ALERT ALERT...Since I posted my reply, the articles from the above referenced web site disappeared. Similar articles are listed through Yahoo News.HOWEVER:They make ZERO mention of the word "calves" as had been stated on the reports that vanished. CONCLUSION:THIS SITE is being monitored and "shut out". I kid you not...The remaining articles are:Girl Dies From Mysterious IllnessMon Feb 3, 9:09 AM ET A 7-year-old Ann Arbor girl is the second child to recently die from a mysterious flu-like illness in the area. The girl died Friday night, Local 4 reported. The Wayne County Medical Examiner is conducting an autopsy on the girl's body to determine the cause of death. A 14-year-old boy died last week in Ypsilanti from what health officials called an "overwhelming infection." A preliminary autopsy report shows that there were no visible signs of bacterial meningitis in the body of David Tripp. Officials now believe that Tripp died from some type of viral infection. He was discovered Jan. 25 unconscious in the bathtub by his brother and sister, according to the Ann Arbor News. Officials said the cases are not related. Doctors Release Symptoms Of Child's Fatal Illness Officials Say Case Not Related To Ypsilanti Teen Posted: 8:24 a.m. EST February 3, 2003 Updated: 9:29 p.m. EST February 3, 2003A 7-year-old Ann Arbor girl is the second student in the area to recently die from a mysterious flu-like illness. Meghan Spieles (pictured, left) died Friday night at Children's Hospital, Local 4 reported. She had been home sick from King Elementary School with symptoms of a sore throat and fever. She was rushed to the hospital after having trouble breathing and reporting soreness in her legs. The Wayne County medical examiner is conducting an autopsy on the girl's body to determine the exact cause of death. Spieles' death comes just a week after the death of David Tripp, 14, of Ypsilanti, who died from what health officials called an "overwhelming infection." A preliminary autopsy report shows that there were no visible signs of bacterial meningitis in the body of Tripp. Officials now believe that Tripp died from some type of viral infection. He was discovered Jan. 25 unconscious in the bathtub by his brother and sister, according to the Ann Arbor News. Officials said the cases are not related. In another article, the report on the boy is that the preliminary autopsy has been done, leading to the results you see above, but the full autopsy will be released in about a week. "some type of viral infection". Sure have been alot of school kids just dropping dead since last spring. here there scattered about.So, the "volume" has just been turned up...I stand by my analysis. Bad reactions from Chemtrails Innoculations. I have seen several other similar deaths over the past half year. We had a little girl in our area that died mysteriously under otherwise normal circumstances. It was "officially" blamed on toxic mold...Doc Doom...
Date: February 09, 2003 at 19:14:41
From: Doctor Doom,
Subject: HAARP destroyed the Columbia
Hi!I am embarrased to share the same planet with anyone that would give a shred of credibility to this pile of rot.I don't know if this is intentional dis-information, or merely somebody with the tiniest glimmer of scientific understanding trying to cram his silly astrolo-conspiratorial theories into something else that they hope will make give it credibility.Nobody seems to care that 3.5 megawatts over Alaska will wind up being so dimished over the tropics, where the shuttle spends all of its time, that I surmise that it would not even be capable of goofing up radio communication, much less physical damage to the craft. Remember also that 3 MegaHertz is such a long wavelength, 100+ meters) that the proportionally small footprint of the HAARP base-station array could not possibly effect a tight enough focus as to be able to concentrate more than a few fractions of a percent of emitted power onto an object the size of the shuttle.This isn't flawed science, or bad science or even questionable science.This is %¤#&!§-science.Doc Doom...
Date: February 09, 2003 at 19:33:35
From: The Doc,
Subject: Dr.Doom, I presume?...
Hi!Interesting theory: Can the introduction of another otherwise generally benigh virus cause spontaneous clotting of blood donations? Also note that this apparent clotting only completed a portion of the full complex clotting response. The clotting factor in the damaged samples caused WHITE lumps, containing no red blood cells, which would otherwise tend to make these "lumps" appear red as the rest of the whole blood.While it bears further study for the outside chance that this bizarre behavior for a virus would be possible, especially in refrigerated blood, I suspect that the theory of "improperly warmed or otherwise mishandled blood donations" will probably hold greater validity.Just my take on it...Doc Doom...
Date: February 10, 2003 at 11:41:58
From: The Doomster...,
Subject: Another piece of Dr. Doom's puzzle?
HiYa!Well, I was kinda hoping I was wrong about this whole sordid mess..Life would have been easier for us all if I was as nutty as the proverbial fruitcake.This isn't to say I am not.But it does appear that I have been correct on this one item (at least). The U.S. government IS gonna do something nasty...How come that ZERO mainstream media outlets are covering this angle. And if this is true, and real, then WHAT ELSE ARE WE NOT HEARING?Retribution will be unthinkable - and I believe almost certain.Circle your "wagons" folks. Keep your heads down in the mean time. I told you it was gonna get nasty...I hate being right about this kind of stuff...Doc Doom...
Date: February 10, 2003 at 14:14:39
From: Doc Here!,
Subject: Doc!
Good question...Impedance Mismatch Theory - 101:Radar works because of a reflection principle. The target to be detected must cause a reflection of the projected incoming beam. How this bounced/reflected re-emission is received, detected and thereafter processed, is of small consequence for the purposes of this description. We shall concentrate on the physical properties of the target, and how it relates to reflectivity.Any reflection is caused by an impedance discontinuity, when one really gets right down to it. We see the reflection of a setting sun on the lake surface because while most of the sun's light is absorbed through its surface into the water, and everything beneath, a percentage skips off of the surface due to a change in opticlal density - water/air. The more severe this difference, the more the reflection. This is why diamonds sparkle more than glass rhinestones. More reflections from the much higher optical density of the diamond crystal. The reason that an airplane shows up on a radar screen is because the (mostly) metal skin of the plane is a **perfect** mismatch with air, as far as radio waves are concerned. The aluminum is so electrically conductive, while the air around it is not at all. Therefore, the waves "bounce" off of the surface. They "hit the wall", so to speak. To my understanding, NO biological organism is terribly conductive of either radio frequencies or direct current. If the organism WAS very conductive, Its nervous system would be "shorted out". As far as detecting a biological component in a volume of space, the possible sensitivity to a target composed of a cloud of a "normal" kind of organism, would be much, much less than a conductive target would produce. The mismatch between the radio wave densities of the biological entity and the air surrounding it just isn't very great. Weather radar can determine the rough shape of a cloud, but the cloud is very wet, often charged with ionizing electrostatic potentials, which significantly improve the reflectivity of the involved gasses, while the cloud of biological "stuff" will have a much lower particle density than that of a hypersaturated rain cloud. Yes, you can detect a cloud of "stuff", but I suspect you won't be able to tell too much about it. BUT:If you want to know EVERYTHING about what's in "the cloud", use infra-red. The absorption profiles for various organic molecules, compounds and proteins are legendary. This is how the War on Drugs gets away with the whole corrupt "testing" industry. The best instrument in the business for evaluating a substance or compound is the Gas Chromatograph, or GC. It works by plotting the absorption (or reflectance) of a substance throughout the entire infra-red spectrum. A company I once consulted for made a miniature spectrometer, that could be placed in a pilot-less drone, and flown over a battle field. This gadget could "sniff" the air remotely for a whole range of chemicals. That was in the late eighties. I can only imagine how good our best sensors must be today. Doc Doom...
Date: February 10, 2003 at 18:53:11
From: Doc Here!,
Subject: article's provenance
Hi!You and Deborah from Vashon Island are inspirational. This site (Sunshine Project) is only getting a "shave" of what appears to have been going on. There is NO MENTION anywhere in their voluminous texts concerning aerosol distribution via chemtrails. BUT: There are numerous mentions of 81 mm mortar shells, with localized dispersal of aqueous biological and chemical components.Here's what scares me to death. If this is what these folks could dig up through FOIA actions, then the super-black stuff is way, way underground. And that said, such programs would be relegated to the "unthinkable" stuff. Think also along this line of reasoning:Would a discharge of an incapacitating agent, such as those described on this site, induce another state or military force to respond in kind, but not with a non-lethal component, instead whatever they had, most likely unthinkably nasty?Think also along this path:If the previous rationale is valid, (which appears to be a "no-brainer" to me) then what if it can be "spun" via media saturation that "our" friendly (non-lethal) bug caused "them" to release a totally lethal one. Of course "we" are still the good guys, we didn't plan to KILL anyone (According to their/"our" analysis, a 0.5 - 1% death rate is "acceptable" for "non-lethal" weapons.) But then "they" responded, as all bad guys do, and didn't play by our "good guy" rules. This means that if the good guys released a non-lethal, followed some time later by a lethal (or worse) pathogen, well then, wouldn't it be "obvious" that the "bad guys" must have released the second, lethal bug. I mean, "we" wouldn't do something like that, would we? It HAD to be from the bad guys. Net result:Plausible deniability...If this has come to the surface, what must still be buried?I think the Bilderburgers are still after that ol' bugaboo of "Lebensraum", just like their past hero, Adolph. The three Bush generations, and their past links to the Third Reich, take on a new and far more terrifying aspect. What makes this so much more dangerous?It's starting to make some weird, horrid logical sense. And this infers that the veil of "unthinkability" is falling. Keep up the fine research work. Gold Plated Kudos...Doc Doom...
Date: February 11, 2003 at 21:05:28
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Doom Report: Out on a limb...
Hi All...I am gonna say a few things here that are so far beyond the pale that I am certain that they will be met with ridicule, scorn and derision...So be it...Here's how I see it.. (Well, the likelihood of the following scenario is somewhat less than 25%, to be honest.)Israel's Mosad is all but guaranteed to have "plants" inside Al Qaeda cells throughout the Middle East and Europe. To give credit where credit is due, the Israelis are SUPERB at gettin' "inside" in these areas. They are cunning, cautious, patient, and very, very, very dedicated. From their point of view, (and deservedly so...) their nation's survival is at stake. Now, whether or not their beligerence might be the cause of their problems in the first place shall not be discussed here. There isn't enough bandwidth...So, I believe that there stands a strong chance that a "message" will go out in the next few days to one particular cell, via their internal plant. (Which cell is unimportant at this time, and it additionally would be impossible to discern without being on the inside anyhow.) If my nasty, underhanded and diabolical spin on the present situation is correct, this message will be to co-opt the cell, essentially short-circuiting the Al Qaeda Command 'n Control network, telling this cell to mobilize and strike inside either Germany or France. Possibly Belgium or the Hague in the Netherlands.The strike will be either Chemical or Biological, large, very visible, but by its very nature, suicidal. The Plant may or may not be caught up in the strike. I suspect that he would no longer be a viable operative after the fact, but good agents are valuable, so I can see the need to keep him alive by convenient diversion, even though his value inside Al Qaeda will thereafter be zero. Why the Israelis? Because the U.S. doesn't have the skill or operatives or inside familiarity to accomplish this mission. Plus there are issues of deniability, and not getting "one's hands dirty". Why the strike? Because NATO, Germany and France, along with Russia, are "falling out of line". From the point of view of the present Amerikan Regime, it is imperative that the U.S. continue with the upcoming invasion at any cost. From their viewpoint, the fickle Europeans aren't "smart" enough to realize that the planet needs to get swept, and there is SO MUCH PLANNING involved over the past decade to have gotten the situation to the exact status it now enjoys. The most expedient method of bringing "the Fear of God" to these "misguided" Europeans, is to arrange to have them "hit" on their own soil, and in a big way. To be sure, there will be all sorts of American Spin, conveniently linking Bin Laden's communique' of today 2/11/03, stating that all Muslims need to rise up against the "Infidels" everywhere. Therefore, the strike needs to be Bio or Chemical to instill the proper fear into them, insuring that the invasion continues unopposed and on time, because Saddam is "the bad guy", and this fact cannot be diminished at any cost. The frame is in place, the innoculations are all completed, and the troops are completing their training on schedule.Does this sound impossible? I think not...Is it inconceivable that any agent of the American or Israeli government might consider this to be a worthwhile "sacrifice" to acheive their final objective? I don't think so...Here is why...In 1967, the Israelis attacked one of America's premier intelligence gathering platforms in the Mediterranean, the day before the Arab "sneak attack" that resulted in the seven day war, which the Israelis "won". The Israelis knew for several months that the attack was on the way. They lay in wait, with a massive secret counterattack that caught the Arabs and the Russians completely off guard.Our platform was a boat called The Liberty, a sister ship of the Pueblo that was boarded by the North Koreans in 1968, and both were built by LTV E-Systems in Greeneville Texas, now owned by Raytheon. The Israelis destroyed our ship because we KNEW, with ABSOLUTE certainty, that the Israelis were lying in wait for the Arabs. The issue was so sensitive that it was decided by the Mosad that the ship and crew, the best and brightest that we had to offer, were expendable in their eyes.After many years of contention and bitterness, the Israelis (sort of) apologized and paid a few bucks to the surviving families. The whole issue was hushed up. Read "Deep Black" by Bamford (I believe) if you want more details. I know well of this incident. I worked with a fellow assigned to the "other" ship... So, if the Mosad believes that the French or Germans are in their way, watch out. Remember, they are the "chosen" people, just like the Amerikan Regime.Am I sounding a little cynical? You better believe it...Will there be an attack in Europe in the next two weeks. I'd make a wager on it. (with beneficial odds, mind you!)I think things are about to get real, real nasty...Keep your heads down...Doc Doom...
Date: February 11, 2003 at 23:09:26
From: The Doc..,
Subject: Doom Report: Out on a limb...
Then you probably know Charles Suslavage (I think that's the spelling) As far as the Belmont/Liberty vs. Pueblo, you are 100% correct, as the Pueblo was kindred, but not identical.The Liberty/Belmont were absolutely cutting edge technologies. The Daylight moonbounce method they used to keep in com with Washington are still a marvel, nearly forty years later. I can only imagine the size of the transmitters. Talk about some mains power!!!What is your take on the convenience of a Bin Laden tape at this point in time? I can't help but notice that NO SINGLE PERSON OR ENTITY has said in any way that this tape might be a fake or a plant, unlike the past several releases of months past.Doesn't this alone sound suspicious?Doc Doom...
Date: February 15, 2003 at 01:10:41
From: The Doc is in...,
Subject: Doc??
Hi All!I shall start here with a preface. This is an important issue, so I HAVE NOT read any other of the "Peanut Gallery's" responses. (This is a term of endearment, as I often identify myself as a member of this group) I believe that my best judgement will be felt if I make up my mind for myself.The Letter... From a friend?.. (With friends like these...)My opinion: Brilliantly crafted bunk.Here is why:1) If I had run this by a dear old friend, a college professor, Alumni of the Whittier College Poets (No kiddin', that's their mascot...), and an Elder in the Quaker Church, he would have flagged it for plagiarism. Immediately...Why?Colons and Semi-colons. The author's use of the semi-colon is erratic. FEW PEOPLE know how to use a semi-colon correctly. This author sometimes does, and other times doesn't. Bad Business... Dead giveaway, to a sharp eyed editor. Why is this important? Because in most other ways, his grammar is decent, even in tricky passages. BUT:2) This does not explain the "tidbit" mis-spellings. Dumbassed stuff. Like the word To and Too. Always used incorrectly by the author. AND the word Dying, not dieing. Convenient, but perfectly delightful when one is trying to make a passage look like it came from a Joe- or Jane-America source. Nice touch, like the signature marks left behind by the world's best art forgers. Ya gotta know what t' look fer, hombre. 3) Factually incorrect, and massively so. Spouts off bad science left and right. But, these mis-statements are conforming to current "conventional wisdom". Like the Ozone hole.The author forgot to mention that the Ozone hole DISSAPPEARED three years ago. Gone, gone, gone... I kid you not. As soon as the Earth entered this current episode of high sunspot flux, it went away, just like it has for several billion years past. Who funded the scientist that wrote the original Ozone Hole theory several years ago? Why, Dow Corning, the original holder of the global patent for "Freon" (tm), which oh-so-inconveniently expired a few years before the study was funded. If you have the time, try and study the presence of chlorine radicals in the upper atmosphere. And as far as the Fluorine radical, a true NASTY bugger to be sure, it has SUCH an affinity for WHATEVER it comes in contact with, like the calcium in teeth, bones, and nervous tissues (ARE YOU LISTENING Trapper?), that it is all but impossible to get it to breakdown. Plus it is heavy. The vast majority of chloro-fluorocarbons are HEAVY molecules. WAY heavy. Try this experiment, I did and it ain't too tough. Take a metal Office-style tapered "round file" garbage can. Pour in a little Trichlorethane (old style brake de-greaser, or electronics cleaner, usually considered to be a Baddy, and quite hard to find nowadays.) Pour in just a splash, so the increased vapor pressure doesn't displace ALL of the atmosphere in the can as it reaches equilibrium due to partiar evaporation. Place a THIN sheet of open-celled foam rubber of some kind over the top of the can. Place in a still, cool place. Do not disturb. Come back in a few days. See how much of the liquid is still in the can. Now tell me how this heavy stuff gets into the upper atmosphere. (I'm not talking about R-9 or R-11 refrigerant. That stuff IS very light, and as I haven't done this experiment, I suspect that it will all be gone in a few minutes. This does not explain why the common super-inert solvents based on CFCs have been banned...)Also the quotations concerning UV at sealevel. I have NEVER seen ANY data that has shown a incontrovertible study concerning increasing UV-B at sealevel. The UV-B is the critical component here. Another factoid: How long would the Ozone layer, roughly 1/4 inch thick were it at 15 PSI/sealevel, rather than 100 miles straight up, last if the sun were to blink out tomorrow? Answer: At sealevel, the Ozone would re-combine from O3 to O2 in perhaps 5 minutes. In the super thin environment of the upper atmosphere, this will take far longer, due to the decreasing partial pressures of various gasseous components of the upper atmosphere. Simply put, thin gasses behave like billiard balls. (The techy term is "Mean Free Path") Fewer "balls" means fewer collisions in the great 3D "pool table" that is the upper atmosphere. How long for the Ozone to "go away" if the sun went "poof"?A couple of days, more or less. CONCLUSION: There is no such thing as "Permanent damage" to the Ozone layer. If it was this fragile, all life on Earth would have been history a billion or so years ago. Listen folks. Mother Earth ABIDES by her own rules of conduct (Laws of Physics) She had PERFECTED things long, long before our first terapod ancestors dragged their suitably slimy ass out of the muck from whence they came...4) The **unmistakable** stench of a confidence man...Oh, it is SO MUCH WORSE than you know. Don't worry, the "good guys" are going to fix it. Shhhhh... Keep it a secret. Now we both know, so you can go BACK TO SLEEP. Big Brother wouldn't do ANYTHING to hurt his little brothers and sisters, would he?And the part about Clinton.... HOE LEEE SH*T.(I sure hope nobody reading this board actually bought into this portion. If you even gave it a thought, SHAME ON YOU. This crack was "tuned" for all of you loyal democrats. Don'tcha know it? Loyal Republicans won't listen to a whit of it anyways, so there ain't too much worry it will "offend" them.) Go back over the Juanita Broderick incident, complete with the color photos from the emergency room, where the ER doctors had to sew her LIP BACK ON, because ol' Slick Willie (a name given too him at Cambridge not from his cunning, but rather because his schwanz-stucker was so often "friction free" and shiny due to a recent "conquest".) had BITTEN through it while he was raping her, because the uppity bitch refused to hold still until he "got his". (NOT my personal choice of colorful adjectives concerning females of our species, mind you!) Don't EVER try to 'splain away that man to me. This man is why carpet baggers and travelling salesmen are villified worldwide... He is the poster boy for ALL the ills that afflict this once-great nation of ours. In Websters, under the word venal, there is his picture.As far as the letter is concerned, if one only could trace this thing back to its source, they would finally find their way back to the initiating program office that has administrated the Chemtrail program from the inception. Pure Dis-information, ala "Black Ops" style. Too bad, huh...I have MUCH more to say, but this post is way too long already, and good tube is on...Gotta hop!Doc Doom...
Date: February 15, 2003 at 03:43:50
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: Ring around the sun
Hi!Are you sick yet?It wasn't bad enough on Wednwsday afternoon to cause a full-on halo in our neck of the woods. I started to get achey and painey about 6 in the evening. by 9 PM i was running a 104 temperature, seeing "yellow" from the toxins, and half delusional.Truly, I was misearble, but as I have had this THREE TIMES BEFORE, I was not scared, just despondent and miserable.Now my seven year old daughter, who's 1 inch short of five foot tall, blue eyed and blonde haired, has her left eye swollen to golf ball size. I named this nasty fever "The Big Kahuna", and while some people laugh at me, those that have really gotten a full taste of this muther cease to laugh.If my analysis is correct, which does several leaks from inside sources to back it up, then this is ONLY the INNOCULATION, meaning the virulence of this pathogen is astronomical. It also infers that my unique genetic disposition has doomed myself and my children to a possibly horrible death if this leaks back to the North American hemisphere, which is all but guaranteed.So, was the halo pretty? I find that the missing sharp yellows and blues make this spectrum look muddy and dull. I also noticed your excellent description took note of the darkening in the center of the halo.Last year, late in summer, we had an actual sun dog PLUS a Chem Trail halo. The dog was farther from the sun than was the CT halo, implying a lower index of refraction that that of naturally occuring water. This effect CANNOT jibe with particulate of Barium of Aluminum. Their surfaces are reflective, but not refractive, meaning that there is something else in the "Witches Brew" from on high.Keep posting, these reports are invaluable...Doc Doom...
Date: February 15, 2003 at 04:20:13
From: Doc Doom Here!,
Subject: Cascadia Fault.....
Hi!I had my EQ dream back in November. The last time I had an EQ nightmare was in spring of '86.I was living in Uptown Whittier, California. I took it seriously then, as I do now, but between my apparition and the 1st of October, 1987, I borrowed a bunch of money, jacked my grand old Victorian Mansion with the coved ten foot ceilings, unique doorknobs, a wrap-around steamed wood curved porch, and registered-pattern leaded glass windows, up in the air, poured 60 YARDS of concrete under the old lady, and built her the foundation she always so richly deserved. When I set out to do it, the city thought I was daft. They nit-picked my drawings, got in my face, and generally laughed under their breath, "Dumb-assed Engineers".Then the first of October forevermore ruined my little slice of peace, tranquility and security. The old girl was fine. Tossed a sink off of the service porch wall. Knocked a thermos off of the 'fridge. Cracked MASSIVE amounts of plaster. My little town never came back from the episode. I grieve it still...Did you ever see that famous shot of the Black '65 Mustang coupe that was crushed to the frame when a chunk of brick wall fell two stories on top of the car? That was on my block. A parking lot now stands where the "Emporium" building once stood. Two days later a building inspector came around to "check out" the house. He crawled under the crawlspace, took one look at the massive footings and distributed plywood gussetts that framed all the stantions, and exclaimed "This place looks like a bunker!!! What ever made you do all this work BEFORE the quake?" I just said that I received a celestial phone call late one night... He looked at me like I had three heads...(Which isn't true, I only have two.) I take these tightly correllated EQ dreams VERY seriously, as does JOB. Ask him sometime. Last November, I awoke late one night to a brief apparition. Possibly ten seconds. At first there was lateral motion, building quickly as the P wave led to the S wave, with its more dramatic, but less abrupt motion. At this point in time, the motion was pretty normal. Possibly two to three feet laterally, with a vertical component of perhaps 6 - 10 inches in a complex elipsoid.Then all hell broke loose.The room, I believe it was our living room with its deep green carpet (Forest green - matches our roof and forest. Natch!) all of the sudden TWISTED on its axis, I believe it was 90 degrees Counter Clockwise, very quickly. NEVER, EVER had this sensation before.This woke me up Muy Pronto! End of Celestial Phone Call!Everybody has been circling March 10 - 13 on their calendar.How about your hunches? Stare at a calendar for a half hour before you go to bed. Have somebody wake you up between 1 and 3 in the early AM and have them ask you when will the ground move...I suspect you may be shocked by the results. Remember, you must be SOUND asleep for this stunt to pay off...Works for me!Doc Doom...
Date: February 15, 2003 at 13:30:28
From: Doc Dee,
Subject: Doc??
Wow!!!You found "The Source" alright. This entire site is a huge spin machine. I hear the tromp of Unc Sam's dirty combat boots coming down the corridor. Does anybody know a **good** hacker out there that could do a blind poke at this site and find out where its IP is located? I'll bet it is somewhere near the beltway, but also possibly near a base or other Gov. facility. I'll also bet it ain't actually AT the facility, the provider will be off site, but I'll bet the dial-up to access the files will **mysteriously** go on-base or on-facility.Betcha, betcha, betcha...Super work though, kiddoo. Keep it up. The murk gets lighter and lighter.BTW, I don't EVER plan to access this site again with my own box. 'Member when Han Solo said, in his inimitable, blank staring style, "I have a bad feeling about this..."You gots it...Doc Doom...
Date: February 15, 2003 at 21:36:46
From: Doctor Doom..,
Subject: Theory - Amended
The word for your hypothesis is:Likely...But, as the oft perceived arrogant bastard that has infuriated several along the way, I will hereby amend your theory with a simple caveat.If a strike happens in the next few days, on American soil, it was us...If the strike, while within the same time window, occurs on European soil, most notably Germany or France, then there is a larger possibility that the Israelis will have their finger in the "pie", but not to the absolute exclusion of American involvement. I can see it going either way.As far as your initial theory, I can add to it with a few observations. You know the old expression, "What's sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander"? Here is my "spin" on the current "orange" shenanigans.TWA 800, witnessed as a missile strike, hushed up at immense cost.AA 587, an early and terribly successful shoe bomber on the day after Veterans day, 2001, hushed up at great expense.Six total cruise ships, 5 on the Atlantic seaboard, one in the Pacific, have huge numbers of passengers with projectile vomiting, attributed to "Norwalk-like virus", ignored and spun into inconsequence.Numerous freight trains, mostly laden with cargoes of industrial chemicals, in one case a hasardous waste disposal train, derailed and burned, one in a tunnel that made extinguishment a technical nightmare, all officially declared "accidents".McVeigh and Nichols have established contacts with Al Qaeda and other hostile organizations, but "official" claim is for independent planning of Oklahoma City attack, even though documents unearthed in Kabul safehouse shows plan intricate details of publicly non-disclosed truck bomb.Nuclear device headed into Disneyland, tracked up the Pacific coast from Columbia into Los Angeles, with the help of German Luftwaffe sniffer planes, intercepted just before Halloween 2001, officially "never happened", and concurrent "bridge scare" is declared without merit.Al Qaeda "mule" dies in American captivity from anemia and radiation sickness, most likely from handling bomb components, promptly hushed up.Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania cornfield, after being "de-engined" by missile fired by U.S. F-16, is attributed to "heroic" passengers overpowering 4 terrorists in route to Washington. Impact site of engine nacelle, two miles from site of near-vertical fuselage impact, is secured and hushed up.Now, just before an invasion that has been in the planning stages for at least five years, American citizens are taken to Orange alert, even though "source" is worthless under scrutiny, alert remains in effect, leaving interception teams, and near-martial law conditions in effect to counteract the expected backlash from the invasion. Why hasn't this been hushed up? Because it's all bad theater. Magnificent, underhanded, craven, cynical media manipulation designed to afford maximum flexibility to military planners through deception and deceit of citizens. Will there be a "convenient" strike on U.S. soil before the month is up? A good bet for a gamblin' man, unless of course the Mossad beats us to it with a strike in Europe, essentially accomplishing the same objective, but with a Gaulic/Germanic focus.See how this starts to make such rational sense?Doc Doom...
Date: February 16, 2003 at 04:28:10
From: The Doc,
Subject: Theory - Amended
Hi!I agree.Much more likely in those countries, rather than on home turf. But:There is so much past evidence of similar misconduct by some of Unc Sam's more wayward minions. Look at the data from the seismograph after the Ok City bombing. Two impacts. Not one, two. Then there was the live interview with the deputy fire marshall that found two UNEXPLODED military style demolition munitions still strapped to columns in the basement, INSIDE the Murrah building. McVeigh had been under surveillance by FBI ops for three months before the blast.The rumor going around was that "somebody used too much dynamite". The Ryder truck blast was distant enough from the face of the building to not have had enough force to do the necessary buckling of the support columns. ATF has been implicated, as a surveillance video tape from the building taken a day or two before the blast showed a team of "inspectors" looking at these same columns. No record exists to explain their presence. Look to under the heading "cooled off topics" for complete details.Clinton wanted his anti-terrorism bill through congress, as it had stalled for months. After the blast, it was signed in a matter of days.We have plenty of blackhearts in this country, whether or not anybody chooses to accept the fact...Doc Doom...
Date: February 17, 2003 at 21:12:44
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Hey Shar!! - Important Update!!
Hi!Just thought all of you that have been following the "FBI Alert" from lower down on the board ought to know what has "gone down". My wife did another scan later on last night. (BTW, "scrying" isn't quite the correct term for this type of divination. Scrying has to do with using a crystal sphereoid or such as a focussing locus...)The "target" in Glenwood Springs Colorado had not moved. No apparent motion towards the Utah border, and the apparent final destination of the Colorado River watershed, or bridges, or dams, or WHATEVER the bogeyman was attempting to lay waste to...This morning, the target was GONE. Not a "hot spot" nationwide. None... Zero... Nada... All saints be praised! (And you know who you are! - You - look - MAAARVELOUS...)No response from our contact in the Denver office of the FBI. BUT:There has been this sort of disavowal, like "well, maybe the sources that told us there was going to be a terror strike never were credible", and THAT is all over the news. Not another word of the gypsy Canuck 18 wheeler with the two wham-brained ragheads behind the gear shift. Just like it never even happened...Folks, this isn't the first time this has happened to us. I can list several cases wherein we have contacted the FBI with input concerning the motions of Al Qaeda operations, and there has been something in the media sort of confirming that something we provided to the agency as a free "service" has prompted a shift of policy or actions. I could give you a list of perhaps a dozen cases of such. We are so irritated that in EACH and EVERY case, the FBI promised to get back with us as to whether or not our "tip" yielded any merit whatsoever, and has NEVER had the decency to say "well, we got a little taste from your tip" or the converse, "You crazy freaks must be smokin' Wacky Backy! Blow it out your tailpipe, and don't waste our time again..."One particular case: The flight of OBL from Afghanistan. My wife tracked the motion of a "target" leaving Kabul via western Pakistan along the Iranian border, to flee by night in a motorsailer, tacking dead south, then shifting from sail to power with the rising sun, heading dead west to landfall on the tip of the Saudi/Yemeni peninsula.Two days after out heads up, the news announced that ALL ships in the Indian ocean were being boarded and searched. Then in the following days, we gave them input again that the Ramadan period of '01 had OBL (or some sort of target) in Djibouti/Somaliland, attempting to re-start the Al Qaeda network via encoded internet transmissions from the mountainous northeastern Somalia (aka Somaliland). Two days later, British newsservices announced that they, the Brits, had shut down their subsidized "feed" to the country of Somalia, putting the entire nation "offline". In both of these cases, we received NOT A WORD from the FBI. But they do listen when they call.We did have one sort-of confirmation, but the FBI was not involved in any way whatsoever. My wife had done a nationwide scan for hot sppots. This was in the first week of November, 01. The country was clear after the "bridges" episode of Halloween. Exactly one target surfaced. Slightly west of Fire Island, on Long Island's southern rim. We thought little of it. Seemed a strange place for Al Qaeda to hit with their limited resources. So, we did nothing...The day after Veteran's Day of 01, American Airlines Flight 587, headed to the Dominican Republic from JFK exploded shortly after takeoff (according to solid eyewitnesses who have since been agressively discredited!) from some sort of explosion starting under the root of the right wing. (See for numerous details.) The plane came down in a flaming hulk in Outer Rockaway Beach, and Jamaica Bay, which was ***twenty miles*** west from where my wife had her "hit" on the atlas. My wife had never been to New York in her life, and had no idea of the significance of her hit until I explained it to her...A month later, Richard Reid, a doofus and a half at best, tries to bring down a trans-Atlantic flight with a shoe bomb that didn't work solely because this dumbassed knothead had spent the previous day walking around Paris in the rain, with the goddamned bomb STILL IN HIS SHOE! No wonder he couldn't get the fuse lit...His seat assignment: Directly over a wing, with a window seat. Where the center body fuel cell resides..........We have NO IDEA whether we are delusional and whacked-to-the-max, or there might really have been something goin' on. We don't know... It's all ambiguous. Sure would be nice if these ***holes would give us a little feedback!In the mean time, the phantom truck incident NEVER HAPPENED.What do you think?Doc Doom...
Date: February 20, 2003 at 12:51:50
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: can I ask a dumb question?
Hi!This is **MY** corner. Simultaneous cell phone operation with an incoming EMP: No significant interaction, aside from the fact that the cell phone will be history, but this has nothing to do with it being in proximity with the user.BUT:Anything the cell phone industry tell you about the "insignificance" of cell phone radiation is a lie. Period. Cell phones (mostly) operate in the low gigahertz region. Tissue penetration at this frequency is minimal, but not immeasurable. Radiation effects are almost directly linked to penetration depth. In other words, lesions are far more likely on the surface. This phenomenon is more pronounced than what "the industry" will admit. FACT: military personnel that operate high power radar systems are NOTORIOULY more likely to develope cataracts. I know of NOT A SINGLE old timer in the radar business that has not had a cataract surgery. Placing a later generation analog cell phone up against the side of your head is silly. The Motorola unit I used briefly had the antenna angled sharply away from the user's head. This is marginally acceptable. The ultra-compacts that lay the antenna nearly flush up against the side of the head should be avoided at all costs.Remember, the danger from lesions (unlikely to be cancerous, believe it or not...) is directly proportional to: 1) proximity to head, 2) Length of calls/total number of calls, and 3) distance of phone from cell tower.Yes, this IS an effect. The reason: Newer cell phone limit their transmit power, as a function of extension of battery life, when not needed; I.E. the closer the phone is to the tower, the longer the battery lasts, and the less radiation your head receives. No magic here, just hard science.The earphone suggestion should be a mandatory for anyone that yaks long and hard on their box. If your useage is incidental, then the effect will probably not ever make itself known.Act accordingly...Doc Doom...
Date: February 22, 2003 at 13:59:13
From: Doc Doom..,
Subject: Smallpox vacinations in the offing
Jackson,I just (Wednesday) had a bizarre encounter with the medical "establishment". I asked this doctor, after he had taken $100 in cash for 15 minutes, if there was a discrete "warning" out there to not say things about other things...His Answer: "Well, doctors belong to various organizations and attend seminars and conferences, etc. They talk..."That was as good as I could get. Totally ambiguous...Can you "lean" on your friend a little. OK, perhaps more than a little... What is the medical establishment being told to keep quiet? I believe that after my run-in last week, that there are a NUMBER of things that are being hushed up. The smallpox issue just happens to be a "hot button" topic. It further appears that Chemtrail Syndrome is FAR MORE common and frequently dealt with by the ME than we are being told. I further suspect that there is an ongoing "erosion" of faith in Gov. strictures, and perhaps people that have been unwilling to talk in the past, are having a change of heart.See what you can find out. I "smell" potential leakage...Doc Doom...
Date: February 22, 2003 at 16:13:17
From: Doc Again...,
Subject: Smallpox vacinations in the offing
Hi!A friend of mine and myself made up a codename for the spray birds. "Rivet Hypo". If you know your -135s, you will understand the humor. Well, I share your amazement that more hasn't leaked out. I have only had one personal, confirmed leak as to the innoculation aspect of Chemtrails. The Christian Science Monitor, perhaps the World's Most Evenhanded newspaper, had an issue last week on the impending invasion and that the underlying strategy is relying heavily on "Bio-Chemical Weapons" to minimize American casualties. I HAVE heard all sorts of rumors from doctors, but never too directly, and always very cryptic, like "Something is up, but we can't say a thing about it. Don't worry, things are being done for your benefit." Which makes ME even more suspicious than ever!Other doctors have been very negative on the mass vaccination issue, and will occasionally infer that there is much worse around the corner, but are always careful not to say a thing about it.What gives? Somebody HAS to say something significant...Perhaps, there is only a suspicion of larger, darker programs on the part of many, with no hard evidence to back it up. Essentially, while professionally involved, not much more "enlightened" than we are, out in our chosen slices of Tooleyville.The ambiguity is driving me to distraction...Doc Doom...
Date: February 23, 2003 at 23:40:40
From: Doc Again!!!,
Subject: Doc, give some more info?
I suppose that the "fair use" quotation will work here, but if it doesn't, then I suppose that the good folks at the Christian Science Monitor will be a little pissed at me. I hope they will excuse the lift. All done in respect and fair journalism. Perhaps the fact that my own mother was named Mary after Mary Baker Eddy might hold some sway. Yes, my grandmother was a devout Christian Scientist, and this may be the single greatest reason I tend to say away from doctors, unless I bust something up myself (which I have done on a few occasions, and on a few instances, with some level of gusto...)Here goes:The fuzzy ethics of nonlethal weapons.Pentagon wants to use riot-control agents in Iraq, but critics say it's chemical warfare.By Brad Knickerbocker | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor February 14, 2003 edition.As the world waits to hear more from UN weapons inspectors about Iraq's potential for producing chemical weapons, the US itself is pondering the use of chemicals in any conflict there. Defense officials would like to be able to use nonlethal chemicals to take the fight out of Iraqi soldiers who may be holed up in caves or buildings or mixed in with innocent civilians. But as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged in Congressional testimony the other day, the use of riot-control agents and other substances designed to incapacitate people without causing death or lasting injury violates international law - specifically, the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. In many instances, our forces are allowed to shoot somebody and kill them, but they're not allowed to use a nonlethal riot-control agent," Mr. Rumsfeld complained to lawmakers. Some find it ironic, if not incomprehensible, that under the Chemical Weapons Convention, civilian police forces may use chemicals to put down riots but military units may not fire them at enemy soldiers.“On its face, this would seem to be a problem that even arms-control advocates and those opposed to war would like to see rectified. Especially, as President Bush told religious broadcasters this week, because "Saddam Hussein is positioning his military forces within civilian populations in order to shield his military and blame coalition forces for civilian casualties that he has caused."In an audio broadcast Tuesday, chief terrorist Osama bin Laden seemed to encourage Iraqi civilians to join the fight against a US-led invasion. Bin Laden spoke of "the importance of drawing the enemy into long, close, and tiring fighting, taking advantage of camouflaged positions in plains, farms, mountains, and cities." Hussein reportedly has armed one million Iraqi civilians with rifles and grenade launchers.Such combat - at close quarters and with civilians and perhaps hostages part of the mix - could call for nonlethal chemical weapons to sort out the real "bad guys" from noncombatants, human shields, and those forced to take up arms.But others see big problems. For one thing, US allies in the fight - and certainly many in the Arab world - would be opposed to anything that smacks of chemical warfare. "Special Forces no doubt have knockout gas to neutralize bunkers," says Stephen Baker, a retired US Navy rear admiral and senior fellow at the Center for Defense Information in Washington. "But my feeling is that the sensitivities are way too great to use [it]."Others fear that the use of chemicals to incapacitate enemy troops while saving nearby civilians could be the slippery slope toward the use of more lethal chemicals. They point out that the two major uses of chemical weapons in the 20th century - World War I and the Iran-Iraq War - started out with tear gas and escalated to deadly chemicals.Also, "nonlethal" weapons can kill people, as Russia found out when it used a gaseous opiate to knock out Chechen hostage takers in Moscow and killed more than 120 hostages in the process. Still, the US military - bolstered by a recent report by the National Research Council urging the military to give greater priority to such devices - continues to push for the development of nonlethal weapons. Research paid for by the Pentagon is under way.Critics say this already violates international law, including the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention as well as the Chemical Weapons Convention. They worry that in an age of dangerous peacekeeping missions plus unconventional warfare involving armed militias and terrorists, there may be greater pressure to use chemicals and other nonlethal weapons.The US experience in Somalia in 1993, when a failed peacekeeping mission saw 29 American servicemen (and hundreds of Somalis) killed in violent urban combat, is a case in point."After Mogadishu, the Pentagon decided that it was morally, militarily, and legally acceptable to arm itself with supposedly nonlethal biochemical weapons for the purpose of attacking civilians that, in the Pentagon's view, pose a threat to US forces," says Edward Hammond of the Sunshine Project in Austin, Texas, a nongovernmental organization that works on biological-weapons issues.Mr. Rumsfeld sees the situation in less sinister terms. "There are times when the use of nonlethal riot agents is perfectly appropriate," he says, although legal constraints make for "a very awkward situation."In order for US troops to use incapacitating chemicals, the president would have to sign a waiver of longstanding restrictions. When US troops pulled out of Vietnam in 1975, then-president Gerald Ford issued an executive order "renouncing" the use of herbicides like the infamous Agent Orange as well as riot-control agents. Such agents can be used in wartime to control prisoners, protect civilians, and carry out rescue missions, but the president must preapprove such use.My note again: The site states unequivocably that there are plans afoot for the use of these "incapacitating agents". This has been confirmed to me by a tight acquaintance of my stepdaughter, a paratrooper. My personal "take" is that there are further plans to intentionally "escalate" the application to an even more dire end, perhaps using Saddam hisself as the scapegoat/patsy (actually should be spelled "Pazzy" from the ignominious Italian that lost his bowels in the process. Nasty bit of business, that...)This would explain the entirety of the Chemtrails Program, in a form that dovetails into EVERY SINGLE ASPECT that I am aware of...Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 00:17:17
From: Doc Doom, Esq.,
Subject: A homework assignment, if you dare!!!
Hi!I have mentioned in past posts, for all of you that can remember amongst the reams and reams of diffuse verbiage, that there are "funny" things going on in the metals market.Please do the following and report back. The wider the geographic spread this task encompasses, the better the results will be. Call a local coin dealer. They are in "the book". Get a quote for a "bag" of "junk" or "90%" coinage of older U.S. silver coins. Accept Quarters and dimes, or perhaps half dollars, which will possibly entail a 5-10% surcharge/premium over the smaller denominations. Stay away from Silver Dollars, which can sometimes go for double, or 1 ounce "rounds", not exactly coins, and as such, their market tends to be weirder and not driven by the same forces.A "bag" will entail $1,000.00 face value of U.S. coins, (53 pounds of metal!) mostly (or at least traditionally) so worn down as to have no collectable value as an old coin. The going rate should be about 4 times face value, with the current market. So a bag will go for $4,000 plus shipping. Now the weird part. Try and nail down a confirmation of shipping date. You won't get it. The shop will demand your cash up front, but if you lean on them, they will make some calls to their wholesalers and get a confirmation.If you experience what I have, they WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FILL THE ORDER FOR ***MANY*** MONTHS, if at all... As far as coins on hand, I suspect that there will be NONE!!!!Pick up any of several books written by survivalists. Read the common wisdom on the value of older Silver Coins. All of these coins have utterly disappeared in the past three months, for the first time in my lifetime. Honest!!! Check it out yourself...My take: Some "well connected" folks out there know for fact that an economic collapse is imminent. Whether inflation or deflation, the system is on the skids, and if all goes according to somebody's evil plans, YOU FOLKS WILL BE THE LAST TO KNOW. Stay alert and keep your heads down. It's gonna get way nasty, and soon...Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 00:57:01
From: Doctor Doom,
Subject: kemokae, here's a website for you
Hi!For the umteenth time, I will try to make this brief.The quoted web site is bunk. Period.First, all of these assertions and claimed linkages between HAARP and these many and several past and present military programs are WILDLY misrepresented. To the point of being ludicrous.Second, The HAARP array, 15 miles from Eileson AFB in Alaska, produces 3.6 megawatts of RF power, NOT 3.6 GIGAWATTS. That would be more than most of the dams on the Columbia River produce, simultaneously.Trust me, I design radar systems for a living. (Hughes Aircraft, 18+ years, a half dozen patents) 3.6 megawatts is a whopping amount of raw power. 3.6 GIGAWATTS is all but unfathomable. Really, really wacky... ESPECIALLY in Alaska!!!I know something that WILL NOT BE FOUND ON A WEB SITE. I was offered a chance to work on this beast. It is NOT an energy beam weapon. It is NOT capable of mind control. Although if you spent time in the beam, a headache would be likely...What this thing IS, is a power station to provide electrical power to an ultra-light electrically powered reconnaissance aircraft, from a design that the U.S. BOUGHT from the old USSR. It is TOP SECRET, but not the station, only the aircraft.This bird is transparent, made of mylars and polycarbonates, and has ZERO radar signature (on conventional radar. I could pick it up on a custom designed unit, but that's quite another story...) and is designed to fly at 125,000 feet or thereabouts. This plane can stay aloft for DAYS without refueling by re-entering the steerable beam directly over the station. The proximity to the AFB is critical, so they can launch this bird in the middle of the night, and enter the beam without detection. Then they spiral this thing into the stratosphere, to "catch a ride" on the winds aloft, to then be carried to whereever on the globe Unc Sam wants to watch. Satellites have become too predictable, and the conventional reconnaissance birds have huge radar signatures. I further suspect that there exists a payload version of this technology, possibly adept for the dissemination of biological agents in an environment where utter stealth is mandatory.As an interesting point, if you have the patience, and can spend the time contacting the folks responsible for writing this money-making drivel that they sell so much airtime and cassettes books about, and bother to ask them about what I am tell you now, these people will cut the conversation very short, or go to EXTREMES to discredit this explanation.I am the ONLY one making these claims. The ONLY one...Doesn't that smack of a VAST dis-information campaign?If you can't see this, you aren't thinking straight...Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 02:09:53
From: Doc Again!!!,
Subject: A homework assignment, if you dare!!!
Hi!I did too... Didn't lose too much money, about 20%, which was FAR less than most of my friends.BUT:It DID give me a feel for the issue, and that made the 400 or 500 I lost seem like a pretty small investment. Enough familiarity so that I started to deal with this old time dealer in Bremerton. At first he though I was daft. He and more than a few others.Then silver and gold went up 10% in less than one month. SHortly after that, the silver coins "went away". Every time I pop in to his shop, he keeps tellin' me "You was right!! How did you know it? I wasn't expecting this stuff to go on. Nobody did". Actually, I did what I always seem to do - I jumped the gun. I thought the panics would set in last fall or late summer. I was very wrong, but it DID get me off of my ass. In the mean time, silver went down a few percent, so actually I did a little better by procrastinating. I always jump the gun. I can't help it. I get stirred up, and see a pattern long before everybody else does. People think I'm high strung. Wonder why?Well, just because I jump the gun doesn't mean that I am wrong. My success with this sort of wild-assed prediction EVENTUALLY runs in the 80% range. The wilder the prediction, It seems the more likely I will be right. This disturbs me... My long term friends call it pullin' a ****** (can't use my real name here!), and they shake their heads and marvel at my "luck", like the proverbial fallin' to the ol' bucket of sh*t and come out smellin' like a rose. Been doing it all my life. Drives friends to distraction. What I have learned is that most of the time I don't bother to tell most folks (my wife included) that there IS a very well thought out reason behind EVERYTHING I do. But nobody will believe it before the fact, so I let them think I'm a little wacky, and that usually explains it enough for them. Then, when I come out in one piece, and everybody else is hurtin', they scratch their heads, and attribute it to dumb luck. Plus I have a notorious habit of having secondary, tertiary and quaternary back-up plans for most things. A " p 0 r n o g r a p h i c" (eidetic) memory helps with this...Enough of the mad ramblings....Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 02:28:37
From: The Doc is in...,
Subject: Okay, Doc. So now what?!
Lady, I have zip ideas. I'm just trying to hang on myself. In a year, all of my money will be gone, and me and the wife and kids will be livin' out of the back of a station wagon. I've owned my own house since I was twenty. I have NEVER lived through such a time where there was NO work. And I mean NO work. Times were bad in the mid-nineties for this old wire nut. Engineers couldn't get a job in the L.A. Basin for love nor money. I got lucky, I did a days work framing a wall just before a mandated inspection for the owner of a building that was in the process of being converted into a super deluxe up-scale pool hall (Qs Billiards, Of Old Towne Pasadena fame). I wound up workin' for them for the next five months. I did everything. Framed. Finish carpentry. Plumbing. Designed their sound system. Ran wires and cables. Built whole rooms. Sawed masonry walls. Built wheel chair ramps. Built staircases and hand railings. Wrestled HUGE potted trees off of flat bed trucks. Fabricated a laser light show. Painted and painted and painted...All this for $7 an hour. 12 hours a day. Seven days a week. Five months straight. Had Christmas Day off. Half of New Years day also. I mean five months STRAIGHT. $700 a week. We barely got by.But that was then. This is worse. I can't get a slot at McDonalds. They want kids... I designed a whole lot of the gear they use over at Bangor, but they wouldn't consider hiring me. Too old, even though it's BLATANTLY against the law... (They told me to my face, believe it or not!!!)Come on out our way and I'll get our local coffee lady to do you a brew. At the Seabeck Espresso. Where folks laugh at Doc Doom... But politely. Where the sheer beauty of this idyllic bump-on-the-map will take your mind off of the human world. Plan our place after the "fall". Works for me...We'll talk about cold fusion, and other impossibilities...Eh?The Doc...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 02:48:27
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: still say DEflation .......
Hi!Right EEE OHHH...(Thanx Felix) The deflation thing has been documented for AT LEAST three years. I have an article I would LOVE to post, but I can't link it, so the whole copyright bugaboo rears its ugly head.This economist was dialed in, alright. Only one of my friends would read this particular writing on the wall. He's the ONLY one that predicted the dips in October and last/this month. I have another one for you. One that the "Big Boys" are hiding.Here goes:More than 50% of the American Households have their money in the market. As a matter of fact, people have their money in the market, but nothing in conventional savings accounts. More layoff ensue... (This is a guarantee. The Fat Cats will take care of "Their Own" and leave the little guys like us to starve.) People got to pay their bills. No jobs. No money. Gotta sell their stocks. Got to. No choice. So, they sell, at reduced prices. The "fire sale" mentality causes the market to drop, causing more contractions, fewer jobs. So more stock gets sold. Prices drop further. On and On and On....I hate to say this, but we are f***ing doomed....I can't see a way out of this mess. This "war" will NOT cause an uptick in ANY production. No lost tanks, planes, bullets, etc... It's a "come as you are" war, for the first time in American History. We are not ready for this one...Gonna get nasty...Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 11:24:37
From: Doc,
Subject: dude you rock
Nahhh..Get your self a pair of Magnetrons from microwave ovens. I built a Pulse Transformer out of pot cores using SCRs on a line voltage doubler. and got a return off of a big boeing using a co-located pair of feeds in an old 3 meter satellite dish. No T/R switch, so it was essentially a "poor-man's" bistatic...A 40 db Avantek modular amp and a coaxial crystal detector was all I had on the Rx side. It worked! But not terribly well. Slopppppy pulse rising and falling edges, but it was for fun, so I didn't sweat it.With your familiarity, you can understand that there just isn't ANY good reason for HAARP to have polarization agility plus beam steering +/- 30 degrees from boresight, this directly overhead. These value are ALL WRONG for an energy beam weapon.Great for illuminating a spiralling plane overhead, though... I should know, but can't discuss this particular aspect any further.Zapppp....Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 23:06:25
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: comet: I think we need more proof
Hi!I will have to agree with you that most of what is claimed about the Earth/NEAT interaction aspect is just so much hoooey.BUT:This does not in any way diminish the long standing and historically reinforced discussion that has been going around since before Frank Edwards proposed it in the fifties that Earth's exposure to various cometary tails ARE correllated with the outbreaks of plagues. This effect has been documented, usually the year AFTER the Earth passes through the diffuse remnants of a tail. As a mattter of fact, the planet Venus possesses such a cometary tail, with well enough understood and predictable behavior such that NASA has used it to model the performance of other cometary tails. Look it up.(Look up Venus + Magnetosphere on Google. There is an article that pops up that is worth reviewing!)I have seen some analysis done on the correllation between high solar flux periods (sun spot cycles) with Venus leading in conjunction, followed as little as two months later by terresrial outbreaks of influenza plagues.Exactly WHAT may exist in these nebulous tails that could effect spontaneous mutations of terrestrial viruses remains to be seen. But the past numerical coincidences tend to point the finger at the comet. And I am not bringing in ANY mention here of mankind's long standing fear of comets as a scientifically proven fact.Something to think about. Now what if the CME "put the whammy" on that comet's tail? What wild card may come into play is anybody's guess...Doc Doom...
Date: February 25, 2003 at 12:41:09
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: Chemtrails galore
Hi!Perhaps now you will keep an ear out for friends that are getting sick all around you with weird flu-like symptoms.The weather manipulation angle is the cover story, one of many, but by far the most common, and the one with the **slightest** shred of truth...Be on the look out for the following symptoms:1) Weird whole body fever, incredibly rapid onset (4-6 hrs.) High fever (102-104), uncontrollable chills, lasts 24-48 hrs. but leaves vestigal symptoms for as long as 2 weeks. Totally incapacitating and painful.2) Vertigo/motion induced nausea. Sometimes slight enough to be confused with another sickness. Sometimes very incapacitating. Ask JOB for confirmation, among others.3) Extreme headache. Migraine like. Lasts less than 24 hrs. (Normally) Seldom lasts so long that relief will not be attributed to over-the-counter remedies. Doctors cannot help this one. Generally they don't even try...4) Swollen eyes/styies/reddened eyes/puffy lids. Very rapid onset (1-4 hrs.) Comes on out of nowhere, often attributed to allergies, even among those not normally affected by allergies. Also attributed to soaps, cremes, spider bites or foreign objects in eye. Secondary symptom occurs only in males. Bizarre unexplainable swelling of scrotum. (Gives new meaning to the term "Pink Grapefruit") Seldom admitted to, terribly embarrassing, but often causes unwanted trip to divorce attorney. Doctors are WELL AWARE of this one, and will tell you directly "Nothing they can do. It's a virus of unknown origin, but will go away by itself in days to weeks".5) Rumbly Tummy/Diarrhea. Causes thin watery stools in most, occasionally bad enough to cause hospitalization due to dehydration. Sometimes over in days, sometimes weeks. Wide variety of secondary effects, too many to list, but usually attributed to food poisoning. Doctors once again just say "It's a virus", and will say no more.6) Dry, unproductive hacking cough. Symptoms are usually limited to irritated (scratchy) bronchia, but this one can often lead to unexplained bouts of pneumonia for those with compromised immune systems or pre-existing sensitivities. This one will often last for days, weeks, or even months. This has been the subject of several studies, which mysteriously "ceased" in the middle of the investigation. 7) Weird, unexplainable aches and pains. Usually located in the lower back, but often in areas of the body that have been injured in the past or have suffered from large scale trauma. These symptoms are usually attributed to re-injury or the onset of cold weather. Sometimes these symptoms are ambiguous enough to not cause suspicion.Make a copy of this list. Post it on your refrigerator. Review it a few times a week for the next couple of weeks. When some of your friends come down with HALF of these symptoms for no apparent reason, the hair on the back of your neck is sure to rise.BTW, people that have recently received flu-shots will NORMALLY not be affected by these symptoms, but lately this rule of conduct has been less uniform.The invasion is about to start. You are being prepared for unthinkable things.We shall discuss this all further in the ensuing weeks...Doc Doom...
Date: February 25, 2003 at 13:35:46
From: Doc Doom..,
Subject: Question
Hi All!I am just going to go on the record here concerning scalar weapons, and the massive amounts of disinformation surrounding them.Weather manipulation is a seroius concern, but mostly from chemical processes. Magic "Death Ray" weapons are the dream of military planners everywhere, but no closer to reality today than they were thirty years ago. The reason:Sheer power. Despite what may be going around in press releases from "suspicious" sources, mankind's ability to generate the sorts of power levels that are required to affect large weather and storm fronts are just so overwhelming as to make them totally unworkable.Statement of fact: In the last twenty years, the United States has LOST our ability to construct the sorts of ENORMOUS machines this sort of endeavor requires. Ask ANYBODY in the power and energy business. Our largest "monster machines" peaked in the 60s and 70s, despite all the hoopla to the contrary. The monster power transmitters that fueled Over The Horizon radar systems (OTH-B) and radio transmitters for Voice Of America are no longer produced. Period. You cannot buy these devices. I know. I was involved in trying to reproduce a series of these monster devices in the early nineties.Let's put things in perspective: Solar radiation reaching the Earth is in the order of 100 megawatts to 1 gigawatt per square mile. A Gigawatt power generator OF ANY FASHION WHATSOEVER is a brute. Hoover dam sized. Multi-multi-ton behemoths. Forgings that quite frankly, this country no longer produces. We farm this sort of work to countries like Japan, Korea, or China. The Swedes and Germans are still big players in this area, but the U.S. is not. Not enough profit for the powers that be...In order to affect a large patch of "dirt", say ten miles on a side, we are talking about 100 Gigawatts, or roughly the electrical grid that powers the entire west coast, which if you remember recently ran out of power, and had brownouts in the dead of winter. OK, this wasn't a real shortage, but it was in the same order of magnitude.Remember, despite radical improvements in various technologies, electrical efficiencies of devices to manipulate, shift frequencies or otherwise control this kind of power run in the order of 30 - 45 % efficient. So we are really talking about 300 gigawatts to overwhelm the daily effects of sunlight on this little 10 mile by 10 mile patch. While there are ways to "tickle" atmosphereic affects from specific chosen frequencies that affect the ionization rate, dew point or other naturally occurring phenomena, which DO NOT REQUIRE this gross power level, they still need something in the order of 1 percent of these stated energy levels. This means that "cooking" a cloud of any significant size will take monster machines producing gigawatts of power.Folks, we don't have these things. They would be IMPOSSIBLE to hide... Like hiding Hoover Dam. Literally!!!I am not saying that we do not have devices that can place surgical quality power surges of various kinds into a military environment. Oh my no... This stuff DOES exist.But the overall effect of these sorts of systems are negligible on a planetary level, and furthermore, it would break ANY bank trying to run them.Now the effects of chemicals on weather systems are truly frightening. I shall not discuss them, not merely because I have little current familiarity with them, but moreover that I don't want to be a target of who knows what. But all of these claims of triggering earthquakes and tidal waves, and beaming power into the deep ocean depths are worse than hooooey. I think they are intended to cow our enemies, or perhaps our own people. The govs ability and need to sheeple-ize us seems to know no bounds. Be suspicious of these sorts of wild claims.If this stuff was easy, they would already be doing it on a wholesale basis. And "they" are not.Worry instead about the little microbes that reside in some test tube that nobody will admit exist. This is the stuff that can ruin us all. And may soon...Keep your heads down...Doc Doom...
Date: February 25, 2003 at 21:39:46
From: Doc...,
Subject: Chemtrails galore
Hi!No. You have been innoculated against an unspeakable evil.OUR evil. A doomsday bioweapon the likes of which has never been seen outside of a laboratory. I have this much on good authority.Furthermore, if my *theories* are correct, Saddam has been "groomed" as a fall guy or patsy. We are gonna blame it on him, and his "weapons of mass destruction", as all the "unwelcome" participants throughout the Middle East begin to die in unimaginable numbers. What a cosy situation for the Amerikan Empire. Nobody to fight with over all of that oil and real estate. What booty! Old Adolph would be SO PROUD of the bushies...And not long from now, either...Doc Doom...
Date: February 25, 2003 at 21:46:04
From: The Doctor is in,
Subject: Chemtrails galore - Doc Doom
Hi!I don't know how they fit into this formula. I really don't.If I had GOOD data on Chemtrail discharges through the ENTIRE world, perhaps I could accurately extrapolate.My hunch is tending towards "Christian" nations. I believe that "they" have received the innoculation, but once again, I cannot be certain in any way on this. But this hunch has a certain "smell" to it that I find worrisome, and twistedly possible. Brought to you by the same folks that graced the globe with the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and several other notable "Dog and Pony" shows. I think I'm gonna be sick...Doc Doom...
Date: February 25, 2003 at 21:56:00
From: Herr Doktor...,
Subject: Chemtrails galore
Hi!Sorry about your maladies. I TRULY am. I was on the living room floor exactly two weeks ago tomorrow. For anyone that hasn't experienced this fever, no words are adequate. This stuff, these symptoms JUST AREN'T NORMAL...Perhaps you can see why this has bothered me so for the past three years. Perhaps you can also understand my bone-weary frustration when I try to give others the heads-up.Somebody in a position of control, ostensibly in our government, is playing with things that they shouldn't. Something ***EVIL***. And my heartfelt opinion is that when the rest of the world "catches" these people, we too will be in their crosshairs. Literally...The World ganged up on Hitler, and destroyed him. The World ganged up on Stalin, and sooner or later, despite his unthinkable weapons, we destroyed him, and the remnants of his empire.I fear this will soon happen to us too. We will be left to pay the price for their sins. These horribly misguided, arrogant, self-righteous people who spin our news and ruin our finances for their own benefit.I am not having a good day...Doc Doom...
Date: February 24, 2003 at 22:32:40
From: Doc Doom,
Subject: OSAMA DEAD?
Hi!Actually, I find this story VERY believable. To remove OBL from the picure right now would tend to disract "our" effors to invade Iraq, plus it would also tend to fuel the "What are we doing here anyhow?" rationale. If such an opportunity to take him out existed, it would CERTAINLY be exercised. Whether or not the successful act was announced thereafter would be decided based upon a larger "picture". Right now, the public's manipulation via the corrupted media to acheive public support for this invasion exceeds ANYTHING I have ever experienced previously. In any case, the "loss" of these two aircraft is nothing if not HIGHLY suspicious.'Member the old addage in the Mil Intel business: "Coincidence is a null concept".Doc Doom...
Date: February 25, 2003 at 23:02:59
From: Doc...,
Subject: The Conspiracy Theorists Abound
Hugh, buddy,I hate to say it, but roughly half of these instances have some validity to them. Listen, I'm an Engineer. I dismiss hoooey and all of the things that don't add up in a big hurry. To do otherwise would put me "out of business". That said, while there is some validity to many of these points, I have the strong indications that these "irregularities" are connected to something quite sinister, but not at all what they claim. This sort of silly NWO stuff, as a massive conspiracy unto itself, doesn't make sense as it has been laid out BUT:There is overwhelming evidence that this "war" in the Middle East has been on American Drawing Boards for many, many years.Exactly how much manipulation of the Media has occurred during this interval remains to be seen, and I further expect that us average Joes shall NEVER have more than a taste of the true story. See, if you look at it from the most accurate perspective, until 9/11, the government went out of its way to DENY that any terrorism was occurring on American soil, despite the OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary. I further believe that had the first of the Twin Towers been the extent of the strike, the incident would have been attributed to an "accident" as had so many successful strikes beforehand, such as TWA 800, the real story of Oklahoma City and several notable others.Why this was the M.O. I can only surmise. But it WAS the M.O.There have been MANY attacks since 9/11 on American Soil. Cruise liners with hundreds sick. The Nuke that they intercepted on Halloween of 2001. The many, many train accidents involving hazardous chemicals or toxic wastes. The shoe bombing of AA 587.I could go on and on...In any case, whatever the long term goal of these myriad instances of media foisted deceptions that have insulted the intelligence of us Joe Americans shall soon be evident.And I fear for the safety of each and every one of us....These most carefully laid plans are about to go horribly awry.Keep your head down...Doc Doom...
Date: February 26, 2003 at 01:06:08
From: Doc Doom...,
Subject: The Conspiracy Theorists Abound
Ma'am,I really must set you straight. Your claim of "no successful terrorist attacks" on U.S. Soil are woefully inaccurate.Let's start with the big ticket items Unc Sam has stuffed "under the rug". 29 Oct.2001 The U.S. border checkpoint at Tijuanna is at highest possible alert. Borrowed German Luftwaffe aircraft equipped with nuclear isotope "sniffer" probes track a nuclear device coming up the west coast from Colombia. The device was under constant surveillance all the way from South America. The device was tracked by the USAF until it reached the L.A. basin, whereupon the Air Force "lost" it. (Ground crews did not, however). On Oct 30, select Air Force officers were apprised of the situation, and were flow out of the Southern Calif. area if they chose. On Nov. 1, there was a nationwide alert that west coast bridges were "under threat". One week later, the alert was rescinded, on the grounds that there never was a threat in the first place.What really happened was the ground team caught the device coming the "back way" up HWY 15 through Riverside. Somewhere in the Riverside area, these ground agents "secured" the device. Rumor had it that the device was headed for Disneyland. Whether or not the device was fissionable or merely a "dirty bomb" is not known outside some VERY select circles. I know this, for it was an acquaintance that was offered a flight out of L.A. He declined, as his wife was about to go into labor. She has never been told the full story.One week later, 6 Al Barakat/Somali grocery stores were raided, and a communications link to Al Qaeda in Somalia and points beyond was shut down. They had been the contact point for the Al Qaeda team that had carried the device.Veterans Day, 2001, more precisely the day after. A shoe bomber, one month before the World heard the name of Richard Reid, an inept wannabe at best, climbed aboard an American Airlines plane headed for the Dominican Republic. Shortly after lift off, he detonated the devices in his shoes. The bomber sat on the right side of the cabin, in a window seat, over the wing, and therefore the center body fuel tank. Eyewitnesses on the ground, one an active duty fireman, the other a retired NYPD cop, saw a great explosion emanating from under the root of the right wing, followed almost instantly thereafter by a much larger explosion, causing the right wing to rotate on its lengthwise axis, whereafter the engine nacelle ripped itself free of the wing, as it was now broadside to the slipstream, and the engine resisted this abrupt motion as it was at full throttle.The right wing continued to fold back alongside the length of the fuselage, where it struck the vertical stabilizer broadside, clipping the stabilizer from the body as the flaming hulk dropped several miles short of its target, downtown New York, and came to rest on houses in Outer Rockaway beach. The "Official" story had this aircraft falling to pieces due to turbulences generated from another plane more than three miles away.Early October, 2001. An Al Qaeda "mule" comes down with gigivitis while in detention from a round up immediately after the 9/11 incident. Less than three weeks later, this man, still in custody, dies from the extreme effects of radiation sickness. The device he was carrying has never "officially" been found, and the man "never existed". Two weeks ago, as reported on this web site, an 18 wheeler tandem tractor/trailer causes concern because its two middle eastern drivers pull into a self-serve gas station outside of Denver, and attempted to put unleaded gas into the diesel's tanks. The attendant corrects them before the mistake is made. This was Thursday night, the same time the national alert level went to Orange from yellow. The Truck carried a Canadian plate, was out of registration, the company that supposedly owned the truck was not missing a rig, and on Sunday following, the FBI was still looking for the missing truck, capable of carrying more than 80,000 pounds of cargo. I know this because I myself talked to the chief of operations in the Denver office. The truck was last seen headed west bound on HWY 36, a small backwater two lane road that runs through the wheat fields of Colorado and Kansas. Was their destination the headwaters of the Colorado river, six hours driving time from their last known position, or maybe the dams on the lower and middle Colorado, like Glenn Canyon perhaps? I'm sure the FBI knows...Two months ago a 737 arrived in San Diego after leaving Kansas City two and a half hours previous. By the time the plane arrived in S.D., fifty plus of the passengers were projectile vomiting, just like more than 2,000 had aboard cruise ships on both the eastern and western seaboards. The plane incident LED the 11 PM news in Los Angeles and S.D. that evening. The plane, crew, passengers and all connected went straight into quarantine, as well as everybody at the hotel they had left from K.C. earlier in the evening. The next day, no trace of the incident existed. My good friend in Calif. tried to find out what had happened. All news services denied having run the lead story on the 11 PM news.Then there was the 850 people that came down with the same rapid onset sickness in Boston. After the initial report in the local newspapers, the story ceased to be. No trace of the story currently exists. If you don't have a copy of the papers, you are out of luck.Don't take my word for any of these stories. Read the stories on and for perhaps the best coverage of otherwise suppressed stories. Like the more than 2 dozen uniformed Chinese soldiers that our early bombing campaigns in Afghanistan killed on the ground in Kabul. The Chinese disavowed their presence "in country".Ma'am, exactly WHO are you trusting, and for what good reason?Perhaps you need to be a little better read before you assert yourself in a public forum. As it stands, it makes you look foolish...Regards,Doc Doom...
Date: February 26, 2003 at 01:38:06
From: Doc Here!,
Subject: Doc
OK Kiddo,What you are telling me is that it appears that your kidney problem is viral.Everything lately is viral.Chemtrails are (surprise, surprise!) viral...I saw a doctor last week. He said what I had was viral, and as such, there was nothing he could do.Does this sound familiar?If you know your biology, you know that there are always outliers on every response curve. I suspect that one of these sub-strains that are within the overall Chemtrail "mix" did your kidneys. Probably wasn't supposed to. Just like the eye-swelling component that is intended to blind the enemy as quickly as possible to keep him from being effective before the other pathogens kill him, wasn't supposed to make the family jewels balloon up like a hop toad in a microwave oven.Such is the science of biological spray-n-pray. If it is intended as a weapon, a little extra "collateral damage" is to be expected. How's it feel to be collateral damage? Me, I do not dig this sh*t.So, now that you are foot loose and fancy free (unemployed) you have time for a coffee.Right?Doc Doom...
Date: February 26, 2003 at 01:52:10
From: Doc Again!,
Subject: To All the Nay Sayers...
First off, do not question my credentials as a (past) card carrying Republican. When the Dems were rioting on campus in the sixties and early seventies, me and a few of the boys wore our Red, White and Blue arm bands with pride. Got called a few names in the process. So be it... Gotta stand up for what you believe in, like standing on your own, taking care of your own, and pulling your own weight. Y'know, American Values (or they used to be...)I can in no way support The Bush Clan. I find them an International Embarrassment. With all of the available talent in this wide country of ours, placing this doofus on the ticket is the most corrupt action I have ever seen from the party. Especially when it was at the cost of McCain's reputation, a true, no sh*t, card carrying American Hero, with the scars (literally) to prove it.This bit of hyperbole complete, please read ALL of the articles concerning the grotesque irregularities of the past six years or so that are covered in great detail on site is a tad too reactionary for my taste at times. But their ability to expose the corruption and bureaucratic bungling within our gov. is astonishing.Go over all the available articles concerning TWA 800, AA 587, Oklahoma City, The Clinton Impeachment, Juanita Broderick, and many, many others.Then try to say to yourself, to that face in the mirror, that there are no conspiracies.Go ahead....Doc Doom...
Date: February 26, 2003 at 10:10:27
From: Herr Dok,
Subject: What works?
Hi!Nope, I can't... I'm just the lone voice out here in the wilderness. (Literally!)Seems that you have gotten the message. Flu shots are the PREFERRED method to get all of us "sheeple" to get immunized. The Chemtrail program is intended to cover all of us that don't think flu shots are necessary. Sooo...I you haven't gotten a flu shot, go outside and breathe deep. If this stuff is the vaccination, the "full strength" version gotta be a killer. (Literally)My dog has been sick on and off. He doesn't tell me when he isn't feelin so fine, and he's already a sweet old guy (12+), but I DO notice it when he gets the runs. (Yeachhh)We have also noticed "ratfall" when the Big Kahuna fever is in the mix. Field mice and voles are found around the base of the house convulsing and twitching, usually dying. If you read literature on BioWeapons, ratfall is the technical term for the phenomenon, and it is a RED FLAG for an ongoing attack.In other words, if there aren't trails in the sky, and mice and rats are seen around your house sick and dying, use your duct tape and plastic sheeting. THIS is what the Gov should be tellin' us. I'm quite tired of their lies...Other than this, I can't tell you WHAT to do. I'm still trying to figure it out for myself...Doc Doom...