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Questions about GLA vasodilator, cell constituent
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Questions about GLA vasodilator, cell constituent

Nordskoven, can you provide more info about GLA?

In particular:

1) the article you linked says that borage oil has 22% GLA. Do you know what percentage of GLA is in unrefined Sunflower and sesame oils? The article wasn't clear on which has the most. From the gist of the article, though, it seems like we'd get better results if we did our OP using the borage oil. Would you agree? Is this stuff expensive?

2)Can you explain more about topical versus internal consumption of GLA? I assume that oil pulling would be considered "topical", right? Many of us are doing the OP just because our bodies are toxic, like toxic liver, toxic lymph system, toxic colon, etc., so is there any advantage for us to take this stuff internally? If so, then would it be best to use the borage oil for that, or should we just add more sunflower/sesame oil to our diets?

3) Would this GLA be useful if applied to external wounds, like bruises, broken bones, etc.?


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