"If this were not the case, then all those who have taken MMS/sodium
chlorite on a long-term basis would invariably get or remain very ill, because
they would have no intestinal flora to protect them."
Then there is no foundation for its ability to kill any bacteria.
Raw garlic (not cooked, or cold processed) does not kill intestinal flora
either, and in fact kills parasites in the body - including the malaria
parasite. I see a load of similarities between garlic and MMS, but garlic
is not an antibiotic, and until some definitive tests - meaning real lab tests,
as has been done on garlic - come through, I'm still not a believer. If
the body benefits from MMS it could easily be because of boosting the body's
immune system. (Garlic is much easier on the body than MMS.)
That won't stop me from continuing MMS, it will just allow me to keep my
biases open.