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Re: It's hard for me to believe you live off of $900 a month.
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,805
Published: 17 y
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Re: It's hard for me to believe you live off of $900 a month.

It was hard for me to believe that I once earned the equivalent of well over $200K a year in today's money, had the nice custom home on 1/3 acre lot in far north Dallas, boat with corvette engine, SUV with all the bells and whistles, rental property, second boat, very large gun collection, coin collection, you name it - and was miserable.

So now here I am living in a little 12X20 uni-bomber sized hunting trailer with no running water and working, if you can call it that, 12 to 16 hours a day six or seven days a week and for the most part loving it.  I have no car, no mortgage or rent, no utilities, no taxes, no insurance payments - and yet I have money to take off a week or two every three months, money to go to Austin, Bandera, Luchenbach, Gruene, etc, and see all kinds of music acts, money to go to Garner & Lost Maples state parks, plenty of clothes . . .  so what exactly more do I need?  Of course, I do not own squat to speak of - but I am nevertheless rich in many ways.

I am sure that I could make more if I pushed my book sales and affiliate program sales more - but there is a method to my madness and there will someday be a payoff.  I might even end up being fairly well  off when a couple of book projects are finished and  the website has grown much larger.  If I do, I have a feeling that I will look back on recent times as some of the most satisfying in my life.

In the end, my friend, the measure of a man's life is not how much wealth and property he accumulates, but the cumulative good that he performs.




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