Re: The skin under my eyes
Hello BlueGreen :)
Yes, I know that 10 days of
Water Fast is equivalent to 30 days of being on juices. But the thing is I am afraid of collapsing somewhere and I do need energy to do my day to day things. I remember one day I decided to go for 7 day juice fast (to cure my candida mainly). I ate a lot of fruits and vegies 3 days b4 I started and my last day b4 starting my
Water Fast I ate just fruits (as Fonty recommended). My first day I felt good and not hungry at all (Andy was right by saying that eating just fruits as ur last meal b4 starting a fast or even eating just fruits throughout a day as it was in my case would 'carry me through' the first day - VERY TRUE). But the day after I started my
Water Fast all night I did't sleep well and in the morning (say it was about 36 hh after I started my fast) I felt just very week and I just knew I wouldnt be able to work that way so I drank fresh juice). What I am thinking is just to carry with my juice fast and then, when I have days off, I could water fast.. Will see :)
Today I have already got an advice about buying vitamin E oil for internal use. So I will try it a bit. Definitely I will look for jojoba oil as well.
Thanks again for ur reply BlueGreen :))