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Re: The skin under my eyes
bluegreenshimmer Views: 1,691
Published: 17 y
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Re: The skin under my eyes

Hi Nadia,
As this is a Water Fasting forum, your question may be better answered in the beauty tips forum.
Fasting can make the skin slightly drier for me and you have prompted me to find out why.
I personally don't use any makeup watsoever, and since taking up fasting a few months ago now my skin has improved tenfold, and I do get comments about how good it looks from time to time.

I find coconut oil to be too heavy for the face and instead use pure cold pressed jojoba oil, which is not really an oil but an ester which has the almost identical constituents of our own natural skin sebum. It doesn't lie upon the skin as a film of oil but is absorbed beautifully into the skin and leaves a lovely silky smooth sheen as well as softening the skin. It can be expensive but just 4-5 drops is all that is needed for the entire face and neck's great for lips, too.

Continuing with your juice fast sounds good, maybe one day you'll consider doing a water fast. It's been said that a 10 day Water Fast is the equivalent to a 30 day juice fast but I actually find it to be far superior to the juice fast.

If you read through some of the posts on this forum, you'll get an idea of the process. There are some excellent posts by Chris b and Font, amongst others.

Good luck,


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