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Published: 17 y
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The bottle says 100% organic, non-caustic, no solvents, no petroleum dissolates, harmful if swallowed in large quantities, and combustible. Perhaps I should abstain from cooking and lighting candles for a while.

For further technical information call 1-800-991-2463 if you are in Canada, 1-800-995-2463 if you are in the USA and 403-250-1566 if you are in Calgary.

I was a bit apprehensive, and proceeded cautiously at first. It was the smell and the enzymatic activity on the surface of a cup of tea, that got me really excited about the stuff. My body seems to love it. Is it the parasites that love it, like they make me want sugar? I don't think so.

I put a couple of drops in some enema water and couldn't retain it. I followed up with another enema bag without TKO and had no problems retaining. I am sure it was the critters in my gut making me expel the TKO water because the itching was tremendously better the next day.


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