My solution is to keep shouting from the rooftops, hitting people over the head with the truth, and if need be kicking them in the arse so their heads pop up out of the sand and hope that enough others do the same so that some day we look at what has been happening to us and we take back our health and our country.
The government is supposed to serve us, not enslave us - and they have no right whatsoever to tell us what to do with our bodies and our health. Our forefathers knew what to do when their unalienable rights granted by the Creator to all mean were abused. They wrote it down very plainly in The Declaration of Independence,
When any country's government fails to serve the rights and freedoms of the many and instead sacrifices those rights so that an elite few may prosper, it is time to change that country's government or replace it all together.
It is my fervent prayer that we wake up in time to change our government. The more controlling and out of control it becomes, and the FDA is a perfect example, the more I fear that we may end up having to replace it altogether - and that may not be a pretty process.