Re: Intuition and olive oil fast.
Kleine's beliefs of cutting out vinegar & salt were very new to me also. He says something to the effect that people often will not heal their colitis when they are consuming vinegar, salt & oils, & that when these substances are eliminated from the raw-food diet (among other things), healing starts taking place.
This is fascinating to me because I love sea-salt in certain foods, as well as vinegar, but is it me that loves it, or my parasites? Am I addicted to a toxic substance, like an addict, or is it a healthy craving? This is where I'm really confused.
I have cut out salt & vinegar, at least for now. I do seem to have more energy. The whole 10/10/80 plan seems to boost my energy too, although I feel I need some meat/eggs to help my body detox the mercury in my fillings. My body craves meat-protein, but, unfortunately, it's very difficult practicing brahmacharya (absolute purity), when meat is affecting my hormones, but it's possible.
Have you discovered anything new about how diet influences the ease of practicing brahmacharya? As far as I know, the general guidelines are avoid meat, dairy, onions, hot-spices & garlic. These things may help, but ultimately, I suspect the mind/heart focus is the biggest factor, & diet can make things harder or somewhat easier, but either way, establishing & maintaining it are going to be a struggle.