Re: awkward question
Just a couple of comments. They told me the same thing about my hormones. It seems that doctors are not particularly crazy about treating high testosterone levels in young women. One told me it would just make me have a good sex life.
Important for balancing hormones is to avoid heated fats. Try cooking the food and adding a good oil afterward (olive, coconut, etc). Your diet must take a high priority and you should avoid fast food, and in fact all processed food, like the plague. No margarine and do not re-use fat that has been heated!
IBS is helped by L-glutamine (very cheap) and both diarrhea and constipation are helped by probiotics. I always suggest acidophilus after a round of
Antibiotics , even if the
Antibiotics were far in the past. I buy mine at Walmart; it is cheap, effective and does not need refrigeration. Take it to bowel tolerance, then back off. What I suggest is 5-6 capsules per day until the stool loses its smell or until you get diarrhea, then just enough daily to keep the odor out of the stool. Until you get it under control, avoid grains and raw foods, and anything else that gives you gas. If it gives you gas, it is not digesting. I suggest a diet of protein and vegetables only. Introduce raw foods very slowly.
As for what causes this, some people think it is the hormones added to meat and chicken. They found that some young girls in Puerto Rico began developing breasts and 6-8 years old after hormones were added to the chicken.
Hair growth on face/body of females is called hirsutism. You can google it, and there has been a medicine released recently.
You can do a lot with a clean diet and good elimination! I would suggest you not use artificial means to try to balance your hormones yourself as this is a delicate balance. You can try to balance the high testosterone with eating foods high in estrogen like black beans and soy (google for more).