i got my period in the summer of 4th grade (i was obese then, but now avg weight), before i hit 5th grade. i vaguely remember seeing my first strand of pubic hair the summer i was supposed to go into 2nd grade. i remember being very freaked out but my mother told me that it wasn't anything. i have notably dark hair in areas usually associated with male hair growth. i've had tests done by conventional doctors but things came out fine, although i'm on the high side for testosterone. i have way enlarged pores for my age group as well, but the doctors won't do shit because i'm not 18 yet. my periods are late all the time and i have horrible pms. not to mention dark hair all over and my skin seems to be aging quite fast. does anybody know what this is called? or how it can be helped? i recall very dark hair as young as 11. my mother's side of the family is a bit hairier, but only the male cousins seem to match my level of hairiness/facial hair thickness. my father is virtually hairless.