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Re: Why coconut oil?
ajgasper Views: 37,814
Published: 17 y
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Re: Why coconut oil?

What I meant was the last time I remember having a dream was 30 years before. I just started into these cleanses about six weeks ago. I've been using the Clark formula (Black Walnut tincture, Wormwood capsules, and Clove capsules). I don't know that I have worms. I have not seen any signs, but I'm assuming I do. Right now I'm trying to get through the liver and kidney cleanses. I will then do a metal detox. After that I will come back to the parasites (Humanaworm, etc.). I think most of my problems are related primarily to bacteria and metals (memory, fatigue). I also just received some 5% Iodine. So tomorrow I'll try a drop.

When I take the parasite cleansing herbs, I get some crazy stuff going on in my head. Weird thoughts, dreams, memories I had long ago forgotten, feeling like King Kong and then the next day feeling like 10 miles of bad road mentally. It's been real interesting. Overall, I feel better than I have in the past few years. It's just that some days you get the bear, on other days the bear gets you.

If I have worms, their day is coming. As long as I don't have any severe reactions before then.

Good luck in what you're doing, and I hope you get on top of things.



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