--Endocrine Glands needs--
Hi sugar54,
Your question: Could you please elaborate as to this statement.
You may find that if you were able to learn to supply your Endocrine Glands their needed Electro-magnetic Energy, that they may begin to produce the needed Hormones for you?
Do you mean just drinking more of the alkalizing drink or is there specific minerals for the endocrine glands?
I have had trouble with the kelp and cut back from the sugguested amount in the drink. It seemed to keep me awake at night and do much better with 1/4 teasp or less once a day.
Answer: There are Different varieties of Kelp and different species also, of which some contain Different ratios of different Minerals?
Depending upon ones Genetics and present needs by ones Endocrine Glands, which may be Lacking in specific Electro-magnetic Energies, one Kelp may be better to take than another may be?
For the Endocrine Glands may produce the Hormones needed to regulate the body functions of the rest of the Organs of the body?
Thus if any of the Endocrine Glands are lacking in their Specific needs of Electro-magnetic Energy from Specific Minerals and Trace Minerals, this may cause a Lack of certain needed Hormones?
If you could supply me with an idea of your Genetics, then I may be able to make some suggestions?
For your genetics, I am asking about things like your bone size compared to others?
Small bone structure or medium or Large size bones?
Big, Medium, or Petite size?
Fingers: Short & large or longer and thin or med size or any other mix?
Neck size: short thick or longer and thin or longer and thick?
Height: 4 feet or 5 feet or 6 feet plus?
Hair color?
Do you have a problem with being overweight or underweight?
Narrow face bone structure or wide face bone structure?
Answers to as many of these may help a lot in making some suggestions?
Also, do you know what Variety and Species of Kelp you are using and where from?
Smile Tis your choice.